An young being

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Everything posted by An young being

  1. I like this forum, but I wish to know if something similiar exists which gets good amount of traffic and has an active user base. I already know that reddit has a section on spirituality, and another one Nahm created, let's not talk about those, do any other forums exist which encourages open minded discussions, and has Spirituality as it's main theme?
  2. Sounds interesting, but they look a bit too specific. Also, I am not able to find the second one you specified on internet, the zen forums.
  3. It may or may not be frightening, but it is certainly humbling.
  4. If you wish to be humbled more, here's the chance:
  5. Thank you! Or maybe it was too long that nobody was able to have the patience to read it, lol!
  6. True, I had written a detailed post on how biases affect our experiences:
  7. So, are there no other forums similiar to this anyone here is aware of?
  8. Wow, that website was really fun and well designed!
  9. Lol, do they really exist? Btw, are you fond of Christ? Even crisis is trying to become Christ in your words.
  10. Yep, happens when you are focusing so much for so long that you are unable to hear your nature's calls. That's why I believe some teachers advice to keep a note on secondary perceptions as well outside the meditation object.
  11. @SteveRogers, I am happy that you found what true love is after your commendable effort along with other Avengers in saving earth.
  12. For those who have a desire for knowledge, there is everything to know. For them, being free of bias is important if they wish to understand reality without getting deluded and lost. But for those who give up the desire and surrender, there is nothing to know. There is only everything to experience.
  13. I don't know if it's a hippocrisy are not, but we do have a sports here where we play with bulls, get killed and have fun! The bulls don't get killed though, but maybe it gets tortured.
  14. I am not wise enough to judge his intentions, but the one video that always intrigues me a lot is this video,lol :
  15. Forgetting every bias so that it's not affecting our thoughts and actions might be possible though, if not removing them from memory.
  16. @Keef What about humanity? If that's what you follow, of course.
  17. Not entirely out of the question, but another question to ask is, how much suffering does it cause, if that's the case.
  18. Trees are selfless, so we are not helping the trees, the trees are helping us.
  19. I thought of this again, and yes, in my opinion, the world should move away from lust and similiar pleasure inducing experiences and move towards higher forms of love. Now, it's not possible to move away since lust plays a major role in creating love between two unrelated people, providing some relief during periods of intense suffering and also babies. But when society reaches a point where a person can love an unrelated person with the same love as sexual partners have, ( which some even now are doing), but without the condition of sexual pleasure, quality of life improves to drastic levels, and we have alternative methods to produce babies, lust is needed no more. It's the same for families and other bonds that are conditional, but it has to be one step at a time and automatic and not forced.
  20. Don't fall into the path of mental masturbation though, ha ha! Unless you enjoy it as an activity just like watching a movie.
  21. Unconditional love begins to manifest as soon as you move away from your body or self, and expands as your circle of inclusiveness expands towards family, friends, religion,language, country, humanity and finally everything within your experience. Simply having those identities associated with you is not the same as considering them same as your self, though.
  22. I didn't call platonic love for family as unconditional love, but closer to it than the one due to lust. What Buddhists do and say as you say is for the ones who can't bear suffering or who wish to experience oneness at a faster rate, and it's just one of the many ways. I feel that parental love is closer to unconditional love than lust-filled love. That doesn't make lust bad, unless it's not consensual. Based on my own experiences, scientific studies and biases, I believe that the society must move away from pleasure and move towards activities that increase the baseline state of happiness, and hence the assumption on how incest can push the society towards pleasure.
  23. When did you start experiencing the thing you are talking about?
  24. Ha ha! By 'you', I meant anybody can justify their religious beliefs in forms of spirituality. True spirituality is where you are see through all the beliefs that religion and spirituality in the name of religion has imposed on us, and strive to be as unconditional as possible and be compassionate if we are not able to be so. It's close to heart rather than any ideologies.