An young being

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About An young being

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  1. That's a good thing then. If you love peace, that's the best thing you can have.
  2. Enlightenment in my opinion is all about being contended and being in a state free of attachment. It's about being in acceptance with what you are and experiencing life without being enslaved to the selfish tendencies of the ego and resistance to life. But generally enlightened people are blissful because they prefer the blissful nature of the union and egolessness over pleasures, simply because they know pleasures are costly and pushes us deep into the illusion, not because they hate them. The neutrality you are describing is a state of light bliss for a prolonged time period.When you are being neutral without being in a state of bliss, the feeling of peace will be overwhelmed by feeling of boredom and longing after desires, that could happen if you are inactive and egoistic at the same time. Do you want low levels of bliss for a prolonged time or intense bliss for a short period of time? You can choose to be highly blissful all the time, but that's rare and means you have to put more effort in the form of intense meditation, devotion or selfless activities. To live life peacefully, you don't need to do that.
  3. Money becomes god when you use it to bring joy to others.
  4. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. It's a popular Buddhist saying from which the definitions mentioned here came up. Pain is the origin or action, suffering is the reaction to it. Two people can have the same level of pain, yet suffering differently to it. For example, an army man and a kid react differently to the same level of pain, for eg., getting an injection. There are different ways to reduce pain, and they are physical in nature, eg. anaesthetics, drugs etc. There are different ways to reduce suffering, and they are mental in nature. For eg , meditation, vairagya etc. A person who can overcome suffering is called a stoic in philosophy, an equanimous person in spirituality, or a numb guy in science.
  5. God - Good, with the o removed, we can't understand that kind of goodness yet. God - the opposite or reversed meaning of a doG. A dog follows it's master and is dependent on him for everything, including happiness, survival etc. God is the one who depends on no one or nothing for his happiness or survival or whom everyone is dependent upon. God realised person - A person who felt to be a god,atleast for a short while
  6. That's what justice systems and governments do. They force rules upon people, and the rules vary depending on how liberal/ conservative the government is. When even big governments struggle to find out the right choice between being liberal and conservative, we as an individual with a small brain and big biases cannot determine what's right for someone else. So, the best option is to be on the side of liberty especially when the affected person is old and mature enough, as the governments already limit the liberty of everyone in numerous ways to create the balance.
  7. * A guy who acts like a spiritual guru
  8. Let me tell you a truth. Simply by smiling when you see a stranger's face, you can cause him/her a painful death. Will you stop smiling because it has a chance to happen? No! What you should do instead is believe in your intuition and do what seems right to your heart. If your heart doesn't know, try to analyse it rationally as best as you can. Most discussions in places like forums are mostly beliefs, and things like creating a conscious entity which suffers simply because of your imagination has very less chances of happening both by intuition and by rational analysis or even by most beliefs. Only your intention and ignorance matters, not the results. If you had a pure selfless intention with your best efforts or the least ignorance which causes thousands to die unknowingly, you will not be affected by it. That's how the universe keeps maintaining the balance. So don't worry about things you can't know for sure, and instead focus on the present. Remember, many spiritual cultures keep creativity at a pedestal for a reason. Just make sure or intend to create content that won't affect those who view it mentally, as far as you can.
  9. Sex is no different from other pleasures, if enjoying a spicy and tasty fried meat has a pleasure rating of 5 on a scale of 10, animalistic sex would have something around 9 to 10. Sex can be done in different forms, and each carries different pleasure levels. Pure animalistic sex or masturbation with only the urge to quench your thirst or desire without regard for the heart has the highest pleasure and hence the highest pain, especially for those with desires set on a spiritual path. Sex with the intention to feel pleasure mutually and connect with your partner romantically has a mixture of both pleasure and bliss. Tantric sex with a pure intention to connect with eyes and immerse in love with your partner or yourself has lower pleasure and higher bliss. Anything that is pleasurable is selfish in nature, and hence comes back to you in the form of pain one way or the other. When you are indulging in pleasurable activities like sex, eating, watching shorts or anything else, the activity itself may not be a hindrance to spiritual path, but with what intention you do the activity or how selfish you are while setting your intention or doing it.
  10. A guru having consensual sex is not a problem. A guru who advocates against pleasure and disciplines his followers by not allowing them to have sex, and then secretly doing it himself can be a problem. A guru who takes advantage of his followers by telling them things like having sex with me will make you feel spiritual heaven or will speed up your liberation is a huge problem.