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Everything posted by Kinjal

  1. I think that this forum is a distraction. It feels like an asylum.
  2. @Leo Gura it would be helpful if there's a search bar in your blog so that I can find the related topic info from your blog.
  3. And if men don't reach the high conscious state then human society will have no hope.
  4. Hi Leo, hope you're doing good by the grace of God. I am here to request you, either you would like to give a thought on making a video on Boundaries and its core principles. Topic: Boundaries Thank you.
  5. Yeah but mine one is quite subtle. The topic subject more like how to have boundaries in life from people in the outside world. It can be parents, wife, children, friends, colleagues or strangers. We need boundaries so that we can have the space to do our own stuff to reach the high consciousness state.
  6. Hello Actualized community people, hope you guys are doing well. I'm writing this post to seek some simple deep meaning of the lines from the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, so here it is... " O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek... To be consoled as to console, To be understood as to understand, To be loved as to love; " what's the meaning of this statement? Can anybody please translate it into simple understandable English (layman's language), especially the last 3 lines... Thank you ??
  7. @Bazooka Jesus what's the meaning of "to be loved" and "to love"... "To be loved" means the way I want to be loved from others. And "to love" means the way I love others. Correct me if I'm wrong...
  8. IF YOU DON’T KNOW YOUR PURPOSE, DISCOVER IT, NOW. Without a conscious life-purpose a man is totally lost, drifting, adapting to events rather than creating events. Without knowing his life-purpose a man lives a weakened, impotent existence. BE WILLING TO CHANGE EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE. A man must be prepared to give 100 percent to his purpose, fulfill his karma or dissolve it, and then let go of that specific form of living. He must be capable of not knowing what to do with his life, entering a period of unknowingness and waiting for a vision or a new form of purpose to emerge. These cycles of strong specific action followed by periods of not knowing what the hell is going on are natural for a man who is shedding layers of karma in his relaxation into truth.
  9. Thank you @universe And what is effort? Is it resembles any of the 3 terms above that you mentioned?
  10. Hello Actualized people, hope you are doing well by the grace of God. So I'm just trying to find out the meaning of perseverance, dedication, and determination in terms of getting the success that I envisioned. And are those factors contribute any role in finding my life purpose and also sustaining the purpose over the years? And also there's a state called the zone of genius, even if I pursue to be in that state, do I still need to give an effort? And what is effort? Just trying to have the appropriate meaning of all those terms, because English isn't my first language so maybe I'm skewed inside and maps with the wrong meaning.
  11. @Roy @Osaid would you mind share your thoughts on this...
  12. Actualized clips have not failed us at all. For me, it's not. If someone has been using Leo's products, and the work that he told us to do daily, you will not get time to ask this kind of question. Simply it's just not for people who don't have time for 5-10 minutes clips. I agree, it failed only for them.
  13. @Leo Gura I liked the idea of making clips of specific important parts of the long video content. I think, it helped me a lot whenever I don't have time to see whole video of a particular topic but need the gist of it to take right action, it really helped. That second channel really focuses on the main highlighting points or take away of your main content, that's a very wise and thoughtful of you. I saw it that way. I like your idea of having the second channel. Thank you, Leo. Always. Forever.
  14. Test yourself. Implement trial and error approach. That's the way you know what's inside of you.
  15. What about Dr. Eric Berg. Is he any good? I consume his content.
  16. Your suggestions are always pretty insightful, top-notch, and real. So much to comprehend, contemplate, and journal from your sayings. Thank you @Roy.
  17. Well, maybe others also feel the same way as @Roy does. I agree with what he said. That's a fact. Love and a serious commitment to someone can be fulfilled without being married. Marriage is just a social construct. So I think that when you say "for others, it is not", that's what you assumed. The only thing you can tell right about yourself.
  18. Hello people, hope you are doing well and healthy by the grace of God. So, I have a doubt, and that just makes me fall into a deadlock situation by my own rules. So, the doubt is I believe that if we face toxic people in our life, just stay away from them and cut out those people from our life. But that rule itself violates my other rule, I am judging people as toxic and because of that, that judgment bites my ass somewhere in the future without being aware of it. So, what's the solution? I believe many of you guys face this kind of conundrum inside and hope I'm not alone. Best Regards.
  19. That's true. I think of label as a class that has many properties that can vary from person to person. So, the way I can define toxic is a label that might have a different meaning for others. And the properties of the class (label) are always changing with respect to our levels of consciousness. So, I think that having a label may be beneficial and effective for us to take decisions beforehand in terms of investing time and energy. Because our time and energy quota is limited. Well yeah, I can look inside and do the inquiry. And every time it all comes down to one answer, it is actually my problem. And the people that I call toxic or negative are just my own interpretation of reality or self-image. So, there's actually no toxicity out there, it's inside me which I need to be aware of and work out by myself. You see, according to my inquiry all things, in the end, boil down to one thing, this is my business, and who is responsible for fixing it, it's me again. So, the action plan I can take is just to accept them as they are because that's the reality and to stay away from those people who I call toxic because I have that choice. Am I right?
  20. Yes, I don't know anything by default. Everything that I am thinking is just thoughts that are not true, just a theory. That's the reality of it. Okay now let's say, I'm talking with a guy and being in the present moment. And I realized that that guy is so negative and toxic and I don't like the conversation the way it's going forward. So right there what I have realized about the guy, is that my judgment, or that guy is really toxic?
  21. hmm...I mean, for me to have that kind of a God-level consciousness is quite hard. I mean, it's quite paradoxical to say that if I know Love then I shouldn't have this conundrum inside in the first place. One day I will understand that Love, Infinity, God. Right now, I'm just doing the best of my capabilities. Love is what I am.
  22. @Swarnim thanks for the insight. I understood now. Making judgement is just means my thoughts argues with what is. I just need to accept what is. Loving what is. And stay away from negative toxic people and accepting them as they are for the sake of myself. After thinking about it including your suggestion, it makes sense now. Thank you for replying and grateful for your insight, Mr.@Swarnim
  23. @integral would you please give some of your insights on it?