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Everything posted by AlwaysJoggin

  1. @TraceyHar01 please go Consult with a Doctor regarding that matter special that you don’t know what it is. a Doctor should be more helpful he will tell you if it’s a panic attack or something else.
  2. @Slifon yo so i get panic attacks couple times a year not that often if there is 1 thing I recommend is working out and being active high intensity cardio that rams up hart rate to up to 180 beats exercises hill runs, sprints, biking. Maybe try next time he gets the feelings go immediately for a run around the block until he can’t run anymore and totally tired . Idk i hope this helps him this could be it. This works for me!!! it makes me engage is survival mode so my brain shift focus to survival I feel tribal. And stoP eating bad food please please. find a passion, find someone to love and be loved by. Love yourself take it easy on yourself it’s ok. Good luck @Vagos see if this helps you too
  3. @Demeter ? sounds amazing i have to try that. Thanks
  4. @ColeMC01 lol I’m sorry but that guy in the video you liked soo much is actually full of shit.
  5. @ertopolice we all trapped and want to be free. Let’s for freedom of thought and expression
  6. I know this the one topic that been talked about 1 billion time but man. I’m 6’1 very social guy I meditate occasionally my looks are above average and calm af but I can’t do cold approach i freeze from fear every time I’ve been going for walks in these busy areas and i see all these beautiful girls I just can’t do it too scared lol so tired been walking all day and I didn’t approach any girl is there a fast easy way to help me get over this like a pill ? idk i wish I wasn’t so scared. Help
  7. @lmfao thanks I’m actually in need of good anime recommendations! Great!
  8. @Leo Gura damn. What’s right
  9. @Roy appreciated it I’ll trY this. as when I’m out there I forget everything fear takes over.
  10. @Leo Gura As a young man in my 20s this the most thing i want, sex! its my life porpuse right now to be good with women and get laid left and right and have a girlfriend <<< you see how needy i am and how bad i want this lmao
  11. @Sleyker yo thanks for the confidence boost lol it’s mentally exusting specially if you want results fast but still i donno how to welcome it i just get lost in my head but I’ll keep trying. How about at night at clubs is it just me of it’s much easier to approach but no results even ugly bitches reject you and at night girl can be super rude. and I don’t have a group of stubs to hit the club with which is also a problem lmaoo . Any ideas?
  12. @Rolo nice i never got hooked to machines cuzi didn't feel i can beat them consistently. but hope you don't suffer relapse doing this work (what leo teaches def helps, specially makes you feel less lustfull for materialistic things.
  13. @Ananta very unfortunate, I know deeply its not his fault it can be as addictive as hereon to some you lose self control and go into a mental delusion. gambling establishments take advantage of mentally strained people. in my case as well
  14. @Nahm dam dude , you're insane you just showed me another way to look at it things, maybe i did think of but didn't fully believe and I'm not good with words but it makes me feel some kinda way. just made me feel stuff needed. ama reread was you wrote to register it deeper, thanks wise words. also on the same note you guys on here reminded me of this moto clip use to like and just revisited to get some pump lol.
  15. @Depersonilized thank you ?. i hope i learn from it, only time will tell.
  16. @Haloman i tried calling the bank to stop me from depositing money into gambling sites before it got outa hand and they couldn't do it and i didn't have resources @meow_meow have the same thoughts that what if when I get my hand on some money will be like just one more time make some that money back. i know me i need deep spiritual cleansing and be more aware. @hyruga it most be hard man. you are probably conscious enough to not let it hunt you as much as others my father actually lost same amount starting a business that failed it kinda detreated his health but time heals and he's almost over it.
  17. @Dan502 “When I think of you, I think of kindness, wisdom, and love. Thanks for being you.”
  18. @EddieEddie1995 nice! well Eddie we needed that suffering. good.
  19. @Roy thanks for the great advise. agree there are deeper problems too it for me. ama sub ?
  20. @Carl-Richard lmaoo good never do plz.
  21. @Serotoninluv thanks for sharing that. hope never return to gambling. do remember ever though was winning still felt empty and then understood what it meant that money doesn't bring happiness.
  22. @KingCrimson it's great to hear and learn from people like you. I will take it as a lesson. thanks for sharing I'll check it out. your so lovely. and I also believe in you!
  23. @Javfly33 thank you for sharing i feel the same way well said. ''this kind of things that make us be aware of our problems or things that might want to solve.''' ^