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Everything posted by AlwaysJoggin

  1. @Tim Ho lol I know right, smh ✌????
  2. @Nahm any practice or daily exercise for me to become aware of that which you said. offff I really feel and think too much about what people are feeling ok i have this exercise to do (but let me know what helped you) i will be conscious and aware (if I remember) when ever I’m interacting with people to let go of thinking about what they’re feelings and focus on me but you see it’s hard cuz my brain will translate situations and connect it to feelings and how i feel will be the derect reflection of how they feel which will be hard for my brain to avoid. But that’s when self control comes in maybe not feeling that way in the first place is possible but that is next level stuff that will take ages to master but a think that i can do is just controlling myself and not let the feelings take over amd make decisions against the feelings? But why are the feelings wrong? Why should I resist?...... I should just ....acccept I should from resisting i want to be free i am free i let go let go it’s ok don’t-let go there is nothing there to let go. Im fine I’m fine I’ve always been. Just been that’s it it’s beautiful
  3. If all the questions we can possibly ask about everything are answered what remains? Let’s skip forward to the end
  4. I’m here not every day but often usually in bed before I sleep ? I rarely contribute but i read alot
  5. I usually been like couple years now i do do alot of fasting and lately i came to visit family and been eating like a pig. but i feel like I’m generally more stressed out and I’m hard to talk to at times i snap quicker and bare to talk to and I cannot take bullshit as easily anyone know if diet effects that as its just a theory i have, i will change my diet back to healthy eating and fasting and see if anything changes and maybe i can go back to a Zen state <<< yeah that i need to be more Zen and peaceful ✌? ☮️ . Maybe i was really never in a Zen state i was always like this but anyways that’s the quest
  6. @blankisomeone lmaoo I’m with you on this one. I guess it’s what ever you imagine and wish for that will make you happy? That’s pretty cheerful!! it’s it.
  7. @Leo Gura @allislove but there are people that i love alot and I want the memory of loving them stay for eternity. Is that possible?
  8. @SS10 hello I’m also addict of gambling I lost alot of money and always lost all money even if i won. You need radical change you need to take radical action and experience new thinks And get and do uncomfortable things like maybe go travel go for a solo hitchhiking trip or go visit a friend of family member that lives far that can be fun you need to always seek ways to change how you view life be a strong person and confident and only putting yourself throw shit can build that. I am also gambling addict and yes i still I’m that’s ok love yourself we can go through this And recover just needs time and find love somewhere else rather than in gambling and money. Maybe find love with someone we meet in life but you have to live life and go seek it. i hope you the best I’ve never been on anti depressions even tho i get depressed alot. But working out helps me so try to get of them too <3 trust me all we need is love. Plz look at the mirror and say to yourself “i love you “❤️
  9. Will i see something? I know it’s possible since i can see in my dreams and not just throw my eyes. will i think and have thoughts? will i say ah I just died and be confused and remember that i was human form? I know Leo did a video about death but i still don’t understand he says you will merge into infinity<< what does that even mean or feel like,can you dumb it down for me? i know i know my ego is aching it wants to know if it will survive after death. But seriously what happens?
  10. I'm good target as I'm implosive and have zero self control and have free time and have nothing going on in life and also have no clear life propose literally nothing interests me. recently I started online gambling and i went 35k up as a 23 broke college student that's a lot but i couldn't stop i just couldn't control myself i lost the whole thing + couple thousand dollars i had from my own money now i barely have money to eat my brain is gonna explode thinking about all the thinks that money could have helped me and i lost it all due to lack of self awareness and lack of purpose and discipline and a lack of respect to life. for example imagen that money could have helped children in poor countries get a surgery they need to life ect... and I toke it for granted and gambled with it and lost it cuz of greed . donno I'm at the lowest point in life atm and i need a life purpose, it will be my only chance to get moving forward I forgive myself but things are bleak now I'm lost thanks for reading everyone. if you have advise how I can find a passion in life let me know or how you found yours.
  11. Anyone know a ducementary or film about spirituality non-duality (the stuff and kind of material Leo talks about that has Arabic subtitles or in Arabic dub?. i can swear i saw one documentary about non-duality available on YouTube but I can’t find it and does anyone how i can add subtitles in any language to Leos vids? thank you
  12. @Gesundheit ye lol i try to explain some this stuff to my dad he thinks I’m crazy and laughs at me . but I’m not a professional at explaining stuff (maybe when I’m high ?). So I’m hoping i can find a way to add Arabic subtitles to videos
  13. when ever I’m feeling down ama revisit this. I love you people hope keep sharing more this is gold
  14. @JosephKnecht amazing. It’s like I’ve always felt that in my heart but never knew how to put it into words. This filled me
  15. I noticed that when ever i go on meditation streaks like doin it daily it leads to i like to call it mental brakedown i start getting depressed and i can get panic attack more easily and often. Other than that personally I usually get like couple panic attacks a year last time was a month ago where i went to the emergency room I thought I was going to die. Now I don’t meditate daily cuz I don’t want to get depressed at the same time i do want to do it cuz i know its wonderful benefits.
  16. @Leo Gura this guy ?
  17. @Megan Alecia lmaoo good shit, being GOD Tier self assured is acing life
  18. @allislove nice that sounds so beautiful
  19. @Toby wow thanks for this. so helpful
  20. @SriSriJustinBieber mindfulness meditation
  21. I wish i can stop thinking I don’t want a brain anymore I want to cry my brain is having multiple thoughts at the same time and I can’t focus on any what’s even going on? There are even thoughts that I don’t even know going in the background while I’m thinking of something what they are. just blank, Maybe I just need some sleep sorry everyone I just want to say if you are trying to achieve something don’t push yourself too hard it’s ok just take it easy on yourself please. don’t go all out your ego is stronger and that’s ok just how you are designed. funny thing the the stuff that cure my current mental state is getting attention, playing video games, jacking off. That’s what makes my ego happy and I’m sick of it. just a funny thought: its like my ego is backlashing so hard it’s trying to tell me “listen motherfucker keep tryina suppress me and ama fuck your brain up if I’m dying your dying with me”.
  22. @bejapuskas no I don’t feel bad but Maybe i felt silly for complaining. ye i find it funny how my brain works it’s Ridiculous at times And the fact that it’s so hard to obtain emotional control of yourself.
  23. @egoeimai ❤️