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Everything posted by Epiphany_Inspired

  1. @Leo Gura and other ovo-vegetarians; As fellow "pasture-raised-egg -eaters", do you feel that you could maintain optimal health for your body, if you eliminated all animal products including fish/ krill oil supplements? @Phocus; What do you think of the comments above by Rasmus and Neill Bolton? I have only briefly scrolled through all the comments in this topic but i appriciate your desire to have a healthy debate, i enjoy that too. @Rasmus, and @Neill Bolton; If you would like to disagree with me that's great, i am always open to constructive debates! let's talk goat keifer alternatives, etc... Please also consider, do your comments positivly reflect your peer community tittles of "expert" and "apprentice"? for the sake of others that may have wished to contribute to this topic, consider exercising tollerance toward different views, and treating everyone with respect. @Rasmus; fair enough, you are opposed to ALL "killing", like the dhali lama, i find this an admirable trait. you believe the killing of crickets is equal to the killing of chickens, and on a spectrum of consciousness, some people would rate crickets a small step above carrots, while others would share your view. From a sustainability perspective alone, crickets are far superior to chicken. I also have a spectrum of vegan friends, some are religliously rigid and avoid ALL animal products, others eat honey and krill oil, and maybe they'd eat crickets. Consider respecting; those that identify with the term vegan may be more diverse, after all, "vegan" should be a meat-and-dairy-free lifestyle choice, not a cult. For me, transitioning into a pesco pollo vegetarian diet from a lacto ovo one included a lot of rescearch, professional nutritional consultations, and personal trials to shape the evolution of my present food choices including checking the gauge on my personal moral compass. Consider that I am not advocating eating Mc'nuggets/ caged hormone chickens slaughtered in horrific conditions, or suggesting anyone drink puss laden cow milk products from similarly disturbing sources. Consider that happy goats milked by hand in small quantities, at small local farms, is actually a more sustainable practice than big agra almond milk etc... Did you check out the future food 2050 link? I think we will both be stoked for that amazing sounding lupine flower milk, yum! @Neill Bolton; With an open mind, i accept that i may be deluded about some things, with the exception of truly enlightend people, we are all deluded in our own ways (was there more to your comment, deleted something when edited?). You quoted me re: goats. yes, they are happy, they litteraly come running up smiling. Yes, they do live with their nursing babies, we know them all by name. Yes, raw goat probiotis did transform my child's health when vegan alternatives could not, amazing stuff! Re: chicken as the girl that vomited at every bbq (because of smell), i did have to force myself to eat chicken. my father worked in a slaughter house in his 20's so meat was banned from our home, my digestion evolved with limited tollerance. My perspective re: eating chicken and mental stability has not come from my personal experiences alone. Here's another example; 4 of my friends with bi-polar were vegan for decades and have also improved vastly after introducing eggs, fish/ fish oils, and chicken/bone broth. Consider that each person on the planet is unique, some folks may not be capable of proper mental function on a rigid vegan diet because the current omega and protein alternatives are not yet suitable in terms of meeting specific needs. You don't have to agree, just have an open mind and consider it.
  2. As someone that was raised veggie, worked 10 years in natural foods, and has developed a new perspective in later life, I can offer a unique opinion. I agree that a vegan lifestyle is better for the planet, that said, I do not feel that the meat alternative industry is up to par yet, especially in the realm of fats. The key to health is; a nutrient-dense, natural, unprocessed and unrefined diet. Please see the research of Dr. Weston A. Price, (he saw the link between modern food and health decay). In aprox. 1920's he was able to travel the world and find the last truly healthy cultures. The only healthy plant-based culture he found (I think Africa) ate lots of insects (so vegans could consider cricket flour, cricket burgers, etc, sustainable animal protein). Weston price found that this insect culture was actually the least healthy, of all the traditional cultures, and the inuit, high-animal-fat culture was healthier (this does not mean you should eat big portions modern animal fat). For me, until I can buy/ make something like cricket burgers that contain a similar fat profile to chicken and fish I choose the healthiest, most sustainable animal choices: i drink raw milk from happy goats living in harmony with their babies year round, I drink bone broth/ eat happy chicken from a local farm, I eat pasture raised eggs, honey, and most importantly fermented cod liver oil, or krill oil! Ethically I'd prefer to be vegan, but my personal experience; as a veggie for 30+ years, I literally had to force myself to eat organic range chicken, but once I started I quickly had more emotional control, less negative emotions, and vastly improved mental stability and function. I am 100% with the Weston price foundation on PRO RAW MILK, I've witnessed it cure major illness in my child and others. Sauerkraut and fermented veg have awesome probiotics too, but so far the most amazing, powerful, probiotic I've ever discovered is raw milk Kiefer, a miracle of nature to which there is currently no comparable vegan alternative.... but the revolution is coming see: http://futurefood2050.com/what-will-we-be-eating-in-2050/ I also wanted to add my opinion re: veganism and evolution. I truly believe that enlightened future humans could evolve to live on a purely vegan diet. I think the current nutritional needs of humans stem from a vast history of animal fat consumption, and we have not yet evolved beyond this need.... hopefully soon... our minds are awakening, so our bodies could follow suit
  3. I think everything everyone is offering you in these comments is great. Without being too prying, can I ask what causes your pain on a physical level? Did you have an injury, illness, surgery, etc? is the pain in your muscles, joints or nerves? I think that taking care of your diet and mental state, etc is rad advice. I may be able to offer my additional perspective if I knew more about the source....
  4. @David, @TomKay so, I am loving this too, thanks for your rad comments. Yes, so refreshing and good for the scalp/hair etc. I am alternating with my typical hot bath therapy. David, is our well water colder than city-folks water? (my water is coming from 200 ft down inside a rock). TomKay, Has your circulation improved? I have not recovered from the cold in 5 min like the guy in that tedx vid. I have to stand under a hair dryer (lol), or i'm still numb and shaking after 5...but this is normal for me, after surfing I have a fire or a car heater. To both of you...How cold should the water be? Is between the cold that is just below luke warm, and maximum cold on the faucet cold enough? I still squeal, but not quite the full little girl squeal...lol... I have worked my way up to the 5 minutes with that temp, with the maximum well water cold I am only at 2 min....
  5. Upon Leo's video suggestion I took the Myers Briggs Personality Test and was totally floored by how enlightening it was! I have never met anyone with a personality like me, and now I know why, it's the rarest (1-3% of humans). I took it a few times to be sure, it's definitely me. INFJ's include Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, etc,... but also Bin Laden, Hitler, etc,.. (better watch out for my dark side... lol...) anyway, most INFJ'S are like Leo, we have an innate desire to impact people. So, I'm assuming this community may be good place to find other actualizing INFJ's for that reason. We are the introverts that others mistake for extros (because of our conversation style, uniqueness, etc). I love Joanna Newsome's music, she is an INFJ. Are any of you too? Here's a link that describes us well enough, I had found the ultimate one, but I forgot to bookmark it I guess;http://regiesh.tumblr.com/post/44050304718/a-really-great-infj-description-maybe-the-best
  6. @The Alchemist Awesome, tear those layers off and soar on wings of energy! Personally, I'm not that actualized yet. As difficult as it is to be infj, I like having this personality for the most part, and hope to use the positive aspects to help me on my journey...infj is not a prison to me. I was trying to make a silly Joke when I said you were "one of us" no intent to cage you...or classify...Etc. sorry... @Natura Sonoris I am learning to be open minded, I just haven't got to the Hitler level yet. I'm stoked for you that you have...I will aim for that too...
  7. I just went to an ELDOA workshop at my local health fair, it's rad! The theory behind it is; to work on the "Fascia" the layer between the skin and muscles, so that you can eventually work the muscles and joints underneath more effectively! I only did about 5 different stretches, and I have that "good burn" like I've been working out for hours! I have some back and hip issues (hips were run over twice by delivery truck) and yoga/ other fitness activities can aggravate/ cause nerve pain. ELDOA was "good burn" only, no real pain! In fact it improved a number of things (my sitting posture, walking stance, etc). I plan to add this to my daily actualization rituals, even a few minutes a day of this would be effective. You could try it! Here's a random example from YouTube of one of the stretches:
  8. So stoked for all of the comments! @Natura Sonoris thanks for being so thoughtful! All of the things that you suggested are things that I am working on for actualization (especially values vs. beliefs). I have really taken what you said to heart, at the same time, I agree with @Mad Cat, my fundamental operating system would likely be predominantly the same. @Natura Sonoris Funny that you mentioned Hitler in the "feels great to be like them" sentence though. I try to take Leo's advice not to think of anyone as "evil", but I am not that actualised yet (Hitler was a great inventor, but I definitely don't think of him as a role model). @X-ways I agree, it usually feels like it would be easier to be any other type, but perhaps like @Miicat said, maybe the potential within us will make it all worthwhile. @Mad Cat Oh perfectionism, my nemesis, the reality of what my hands/abilities can create never lives up to the visions in my mind. That said, I agree with you again, that other aspects of our inherent nature may actually benefit our actualization and help me resolve this. We have a unique role for sure! @The Alchemist I think you might be one of us just because of your apparent conflict alone, lol... One of my most ridiculous infj traits is constantly speaking in metaphors and analogies (like a cheesy poet or something, ha ha), I even take in information this way (convert knowledge, concepts etc to metaphors)... lol....
  9. @Sarah_Flagg I really respect that you decided what is best for you. If you were unhappy with the situation it likely would have rubbed off on your child (I learnt that the hard way). Don't loose sleep, I have good news for you; I actually spoke to early childhood professionals about separation and they affirmed "the earlier the better", so it's a real blessing that you had this insight while he's only 2. Sorry if I seemed negative about living rural. It is also incredibly beautiful. I just wanted you to understand some of the challenges that come with the dream. As far as your crap in moderation rule, I agree. My mother was "no sugar", by the time I was 9 I had 3 paper routes so that I could get as much sugar as I wanted, the same thing happened w/ TV. @Leo Gura Thanks so much! It's blowing my mind imagining my toddler eventually learning to meditate!
  10. @Sarah_Flagg I have actually become the single mom living in the cabin in the woods, I don't know that it's the right path for everyone. Being single, for me, yes, (the relationship was unhealthy). Only you can decide what's best for you (your needs matter too). Cabin = isolation, unless you have tons of gas $. My almost 3 year old is already wanting to move to the city (lived in this cabin her whole life). Education Issues: the "peer culture", food choices, etc in public schools is atrocious! That said, homeschooling an only child isolated in the forest, is a recipe for... social inadequacy, or something. The only rad alternative school is in the city. I'd like to find enough likeminded parents to start a network, or create our own school, but so far no luck. My daughter and I would have to spend 2 hours/ day driving to a car free school, seriously, (plus me having to be in the city all day too) just to avoid public school! We may have to leave the cabin.... Time Issues: living in a cabin is wayyyy more effort. There is firewood, kindling, food to grow (or more gas $ to buy it), weather preparation, land maintenance (branches so you can drive up, etc), rodent defence, predator safety, (I could go on and on). Less personal development time for sure. @Leo Gura So true, leading by example! I was telling my daughter & another adult that "I only watch learning TV now", and my daughter said that she only wants to watch "learning shows" too! She has always loved books, and now has a renewed love of educational cartoons (but she still wants her crap shows sometimes too). Luckily she's been raised on whole food\ doesn't like crap food, but crap knowledge is lurking everywhere! Do we try to keep our kids away from crap knowledge (how?), or bombard them with even more awesome knowledge (to tip the scales)?
  11. @Phrae fair enough...i do not think that this personality type is better than any other, and it is very difficult to handle. That said, when you look at the history of civilization, it seems like so many important figures are INFJ. Imagine if King, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Eleanor Roosevelt, Nelson Mandela, etc could speak in a forum, like we are now. I am not saying that we are as awesome as they are, I just think INFJ's united could be a good thing. I also think (with the exception of Hitler etc) that it's rad to have role models with the same personality type, and that could do a lot for actualizing infj's. @Mad Cat I've learnt those lessons too. Perhaps, work that doesn't compromise your values (if you are truly passionate about it), would eventually become more profitable. A love of quality things is apparently very infj, I share your quest for healthy food, and love antiques, vintage records etc @DizIzMikey I took 3 different versions of the test online, all said INFJ. I have no idea which is best, but there is a link to one above in Jesper's post. @Simon SO TRUE!
  12. @David thanks, sounds like a good plan!
  13. @Emerald Wilkins I love taking action based on intuition as well! Does your intuition manifest in a physical form? My positive intuition is like shivers down my upper arms and or lower legs. Even though they aren't INFJ's, most of my friends love their inner worlds too. That said, we often don't "relate" ...so I can relate with you... lol... at least there are likeminded friends online! @Brian Greendahl, @Simon, @jms0717, @Erica, @jimmy, @SenshiAna, @BeckoningCat, @Dhana Choko, @Amund Most of you seem to have evolved beyond the benefits of relating to this personality type... That said, if any of you have an interest in talking about your favourite/ least fav personal infj qualities. I'd love to hear. Also, if any of you have a desire to impact on the world in a meaningful way; What is your vision, and how to you plan to actualize it?
  14. This is great! @Jesper Sorry I didn't see the other post first, I will check it out. @Catanio I totally agree. @Study I will not base my entire essence on it, but it's hard not to identify when it's so accurate. @DJ ask your friends, what they think, I thought all of my friends knew I was an intro like them, but they all thought I was an extro until I said "what about when I have to leave the social gatherings because I'm overwhelmed" and then they got it.... I just speak passionately and have less filters on my speech like an extro, etc. @X-ways me too! @Emerald Wilkins yeah, totally that's why I thought I might find you kindreds here. What are your favourite things about being an INFJ, and what do you need to overcome? For me I like our "dream it, make it happen" quality best and our desire for a meaningful impact on the world.... but like Leo's video on the subject, my perfectionism plagues me... really holds me back from actualizing my awesome visions... it is one of my biggest demons....
  15. After you deal with your immediate crisis, I have some insight: I have more than a few bipolar friends, they are usually highly creative and talented, I have always been drawn to bipolar people... but not so much when they are manic etc.... anyway, a couple of these friends are now stable, long term stable! I found out about the "true hope" supplement (with the cheesy name), @ a 'local health fair. How it was invented; man looses wife to bipolar, then finds out kids have it too. His friend, a pig farmer, had some pigs that were depressed, grumpy, hyper, etc, and had helped the pigs by mixing his own minerals etc formula. They tried a similar human version on the bipolar children and it worked on their symptoms too! It's working on 2 of my friends, with no more dangerous meds, hospital admissions, etc.... get him out of the current battle, then maybe give true hope a call.... my friends also have to stick to rather strict highly nutritious diets too... and definitely no drugs or alcohol....
  16. It's never too early or too late to actualize. For those of you still in your teens though, it is a real blessing to have the knowledge and desire to start this path early! I'm 39 and feeling fine, for me, it's the perfect time... and I'm in a Dr. Seuss-ish mood too I guess... lol...
  17. To be honest, before I figured out how effective they are, I thought that they were unbelievably cheesy slogans meant for the ridiculously pathetic (how closed minded of me). Sadly, I think the majority of the population has no idea what they are, or misunderstands like I did (and many of my friends still do). It's such as shame because they are an incredible tool. Leo has some rad ones, and I like Louise Hay's as well. That said, I agree with you @Colin, I think the ones we make up ourselves will have the most benefit for us personally as unique individuals. I like the mindfulness video too, but it was Leo's video about not caring what others think that literally forced me into the realm of affirmations (simply because he gave "homework", lol). Weird question; If a lot of the subconscious crap that we need to reprogram (faulty self-image etc) stems from the comments of others, then why are affirmations powerful and effective while external compliments delude us?
  18. Anyone else a bath person?...I love swimming under icy waterfalls, surfing in the ocean, etch... but I'm assuming a cold bath is harder to get into (and more difficult for your body temp to compensate) than a cold shower, is this true?
  19. Without giving a fancy scientific answer, I can say simply: Green Tea and Yerba Matte vs. coffee/ energy drinks - it's like comparing eating a piece of fruit vs. a lollipop... the fruit gives you a lower "sugar high", but the mild energy from the fruit is extended over a longer period of time....I am totally addicted to green tea though... so this may be like Gollum trying to say the ring is healthy... drink the precious... lol...
  20. @Endless Skies, @Zephyr, @JevinR We all live in different towns/ cities but we are pretty close, we are all "West Coast BC, Canada: Self-Actualizerz". Anyone else? Good post idea @nightlight
  21. When I thought of the vastness of non-fiction things I could watch, and how much more enjoyable it is to watch something when I am learning from it(opposed to something that simply numbs my mind), the choice was easy. Plus, there are so many amazing things to read, and actual experiences to have in person, the desire simply faded away. That said, I seem to have a weakness. This new Star Wars movie has been really difficult to avoid, simply because the connection to the story goes back to childhood (I still have my Darth Vader piggy bank etc)! Anyone else been tempted by this enticing, alluring, film? To avoid being sucked in at the big screen like most of my friends (even the friends that don't watch TV are going!), I decided this fiction movie would be an exception, but later/ on video, and only as an inspirational drawing aid (must be drawing while watching, kind of like how cake is ok at a birthday party, lol). I'll try my best not to get vortex-ed into the magical storyline, and if I accidentally do, maybe it will be another hero's journey that I can get some insight from.
  22. @luigi1994 and others interested; I like this question too! For me, yes and no. I find the parts of mainstream society that are not congruent with self-actualization, can still be learning experiences. That said, I can only take so much of it....that's why I live in the forest, lol. I think you might like "Sea-Steading" (see The Seasteading Institute). It is based on the principal that every time an island breaks off (like Hong Kong, Singapore, etc), they become amazingly productive creators and develop a unique prosperous, abundant community with revolutionary ideas. Their plan is to create communities at sea beyond the boundaries of any countries regulations, where people are free to explore new ideas, new gov't, new technology, etc with no boundaries. The concept art for these micro cities is beautiful, so is the sustainable living from algae production etc, but they don't have the money yet. It's a cool idea regardless, maybe check it out.
  23. Hello Actualized Community, Do any of you have any experience with PSYCH-K I'm not sure if it's ok to post a video of how it works. It stands for psychological kinesiology. Basically, it's using muscle testing, as in fitness, to form a direct connection to communicate with your subconscious mind. I watched a demonstration by the inventor Rob Williams and have tested the basic principal on friends, and it seems to work.... but I have to wonder if the part of me that thinks this would work for me is looking for a "Magic Pill" as Leo would say, so that I can cut down on my affirmations or something. If you have experience, please tell me all of the details; did you attend a seminar and learn to do it with a friend? Did you go to a professional? Helpful? Noticeable changes? Thanks!
  24. @RyanSubconscious apparently it is not as reliable and more difficult by yourself, with a friend might be better. @JeffR1 thanks so much! What an amazing story, that must have been so enlightening to find out about the twin and make those connections! I basically just wanted to know if it would be worth my money to explore this, and from what you've said it certainly sounds like it would be. I'm glad it's not a magic pill, I'd probably be too sceptical if you said it was. I would be elated if NET/ PSYCH-K could help me develop that awareness of triggers and release process you spoke of, thanks again!
  25. Oops, I didn't answer your question, I sent you off to do that work for yourself, I have developed a good habit of doing that, lol. PSYCH-K: If you are asked to say my name is "x" and that is your name, your subconscious knows that, and your arm (like in the pic I posted above) will remain strong. If you are asked to say my name is " Mary-Margaret" or something that your subconscious knows is false, your arm muscles become uncontrollably weak. Using this method, apparently, you can find the limiting beliefs in the subconscious and change them. In the audience demo (I mentioned above), you can see this in action.