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Everything posted by Epiphany_Inspired

  1. Had an idea... maybe you could try 3x / day - 5 minute visualizations of "nailing it"... if you start to doubt, best to stop.... maybe try to picture with optimism and confidence in short stints so you are able to block out/ keep at bay any doubt... if you can visualize it, you can likely do it
  2. I just had this conversation with a friend...apparently, there is a sub-culture of people that actually believes technology should be wiped out completely...I could answer your question from a place of fear (like Leo's - watch out for virtual reality -warning)... or I could answer it from a place of addiction to it....or I could answer it from a place of prejudice, choosing only technology that I feel would be beneficial....but all of those answers would be coming out of my ass....because I have no fucking idea....
  3. I have this one rad friend, that's managed to master multiple things in the span of a couple of decades...he studied time-management in great depth...and I never understood how he seems to magically have more time than the rest of us....obviously he lives in this dimension....perhaps he just has a different relationship with time...one thing that stands out to me is...maybe...to be in the moment, whatever you are doing....Leo mentions something about this at the end of the retreat videos...when he talks about his video editing...perhaps...sometimes it's about your intention, and how you approach a task...less about the logistics and watch checking...I don't know...
  4. When I was in animation school, the actors studied in the same building...it was exciting to catch the elevator with them...animators get to draw our actors = to hide behind...I have never met an extroverted animator...lol...anyway, the teachers often needed someone in the class to act something out...I couldn't handle the sadness from the instructors when nobody volunteered...and so, it was always me...having to act things out for the whole class...every time...but, what I found is: it's the same thing as talking to an intimidatingly beautiful person, or asking for emotional support...you just take an imaginary courage pill....and you just do it! I did a performance for my birthday last year...hadn't done anything like that in over a decade...I made a couple of mistakes, but nobody noticed other than me...I'm pretty sure it would be the same with you (worst case)...like so much of personal development, this may be a "fake it til you make it" thing...and even if you need prosthetic balls - they can be fucking massive...lol....
  5. @haai14 I'm not sure...I think the order could maybe switch-up as needed?...for example: sometimes there may be behaviours we could change...but we aren't even aware of them until we use mindfulness to discover them where they lurk....on the other-hand....if you are aware of a behaviour and have the desire and the ability to change it, you could just go for it....combining the two might be best in other areas, especially where the behaviours are tricksters and may try to re-immerge...I don't know...
  6. I haven't had a roommate in at least 15 years, but I've had lots (lived on my own since 17)...yeah, there's a lot of petty shit....I once had a roommate/ friend almost kick me out for pulling her recycling from the trash...she refused to recycle thinking it was "dirty"...although it's an example of communication that eventually worked out...I was also a total jerk, just to get my way...I tortured her with photos of landfills etc...until she "got it" that I "needed" to recycle or I would inflict guilt on both of us about harming our world...the thing is a huge % of our recycling now goes in the landfill anyway, because the recycling process often costs more than the materials are worth...perhaps it's all a scam to make our egos feel less destructive in this toxic culture...who knows... If it's possible to actually fully let it go, *with no lingering resentment*, you could maybe try that...otherwise maybe use a communication model?....maybe set the intention - you want to have a good relationship because you like them and want to feel comfy in the home together...maybe tell them your "feelings"- the ones underneath "offended", which is likely sad & hurt...maybe tell them your "context" - maybe you were offended because you were called dirty as a child or something....maybe if they understand your position...and you understand theirs you could work it out...or it might escalate the pettiness...I have no idea...play it by ear?
  7. two people saying "never-ending-journey" made me thing of this song/ movie...you guys are probably too young to know it...lol...anyway, even if life is eternal...I do believe actualization could be achieved in some portion of a life-time, with total commitment and dedication to that path...
  8. @Leo Gura I'm glad you are OK too... My mainstream media intake is fairly minimal, but I was listening to the radio today and a local news man for the station just happened to be there and did an interview with an intense account of the massacre/ experience (with sound effects and everything)...yes, I will be mindful....it is sad, humanity... I would imagine that despite it already being a rather intense place, that the energy there is quite heavy...thinking of you...I will consider visiting someday. I extend the invite as well, please come visit the fabulous west coast of BC sometime too (even as my guest) it's a bit of a haven from some of the darkness and destruction...
  9. @abgespaced Perhaps a start could be that shared Journal feature thingy on this forum...I've thought about doing it a few times after crazy experiences...but I've yet to actually do it...send me the link if you do...I love insights
  10. @So Alguem Your true heart's desires are lovely, I totally resonate with them! Here are some questions you could maybe ask yourself, to fully contemplate your choice: 1. Is there a compromise?... a way you could be content and do both? If so, would you truly enjoy that option? (such as a private gypsy caravan along side the band, living a separate life - more your style - offering music in the spirit of collaboration). Would you feel free to explore yourself in this way, or do you require more solitude, & less egos? 2. Is there a way to break up with the band while honoring your authenticity? Is there a way to soften the blow? Such as offering them use of a few of your songs, or finding them the ultimate new voice? Is there a way to detach yourself from their reaction? (such as knowing you make the choice with love, a necessary choice for your evolution) 3. What would your life look like in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years if you chose path "a" or path "b"? (this works best if you take the time to visualize each one, with the band or without, step by step, as you mentally-time-travel-forward in your imagination). Wishing you the best life you can create!
  11. @Arman, totally, 100% awesomeness! @Joseph MaynorI've recently come across some lovely chakra practices in my Tantra studies...related to the kundalini aspects mentioned above...this may not be exactly what you are hoping to find...but it's a place to look...
  12. I recently re-watched Leo's main video...there was obviously a lot of stuff that I didn't fully absorb the first time around....one of the main points being: that overcoming neurosis would come before undertaking life purpose work....(insert me, as Homer Simpson, having a revelation) this makes sense to me...and likely explains why I struggle so much with actually successfully doing my life purpose work/ or not destroying it...but I don't like the idea of having to put my work on hold because I'm too fucked up...that sucks...but I'm not accomplishing much this way anyway... I am ridiculously neurotic...I have so many of the neurosis Leo lists...it would likely take a large percentage of time/ my life to surpass ALL of them....do I really have to avoid life purpose work until I evolve more? Are some neurosis more likely to hinder my work? How many neurotic behaviours do I need to transcend before I could successfully dive into my work?
  13. I don't know how to message an admin person....and according to Leo, it's really all just him running this.... so, after loosing so much work....I apparently haven't learned this cosmic lesson yet....possibly because there seemed to be some sort of recovery put in place where my posts have been resurrecting now, when I loose connection to the forum....anyway, I had a really special, rather labour-intensive personal message I was typing for a friend here...it completely disappeared....has anyone else experienced this? did you find a way to recover it? Thanks!
  14. Damn, I am such a necromancy-troll...sorry, if this may result in having this thread locked....but I am just daring enough to write this without giving a shit...I recently realized that by suggesting caution to others (Re: 30 grams)...I am being quite the little fucking hypocrite....which is not something I wish to be....On one hand, I do have concerns about large doses and perma-high...on the other hand, it really was not my place to allow my emotional reactions dictate my response to others....fear is like a virus or poison - it can infect others with it's toxic and often unfounded notions...I can think of a multitude of instances where I have allowed fear, intentionally flung at me by others, to cloud my thoughts and choices....We have enough of our own fears, we do not need additional fears from external sources adding to the rigidity of our lives.... perhaps for some, 30 grams is the exact dose needed to transcend human ego bullshit and radiate their cosmic splendor instead....perhaps for others (maybe with pre-existing mental illness, or those that are somehow pre-disposed to perm-high) 30 grams is enough to destroy their life...I don't fucking know...I have no fucking clue...and admit that wholeheartedly, while offering forgiveness for myself....and apologies to you, if I perpetuated the fear cycle (but you have the choice not to let fear through your gates!) anyway, enough of this time-travel to a past post...heading back to the present and future again...3,2,1 -balst off!
  15. @MiracleMan @cosmicrays @Toby Thank you!
  16. Hi...so some ickyness: I got infected by nasty Giardia protozoa AGAIN...an incredible island that my friends live on has wild sheep...I was super careful with water....but I ate washed salad...anyway...I'm fully on it with the herbs (wormwood, Oregon grape, angelica, goldenseal, garlic, horse radish, pumpkin seeds, etc)...I've given up everything...even caffeine...but I'm looking for energetic remedies as well...so far...I've been breathing them out in meditation...filling my abdomen with golden light...what else can I do?...I have a mini-retreat this weekend and would like to be improved...ideas?
  17. @Moreira I think that Leo gave you a super rad response...mine is quite different... curiosity for knowledge is what shapes a philosopher...and this practice seems vital to personal development....the wonder of a child is something we've lost as adults, and strive to regain on a path to enlightenment....so....i think that for you....possibly finding balance is key....to retain the vibrancy of your curiosity...but maybe somehow: without allowing it to become too much of a distraction or addiction....i don't know....
  18. @mathieu I had a similar reaction to the video...and I'm already a forest hermit - closer to the cave troll than many humans of our culture anyway...i also see the cave's allure the same way you and Leo seem to....fuck society and all of it's bullshit, right?....@Leo Gura Although "nothing is inherently a distraction"....somethings can seem to hold more power for temptation based on the individual that is drawn to "x" (for subconscious distraction purposes)... so, is it preferable to have the dildo and grilled cheese in the room, while maintaining the power to resist them?...or to live in a more cave-like environment with as few potential dildos and grilled-cheese-making-ingredients as possible, so that it's not even an issue?...@Truth do you feel that turning inward is currently adequate to distance yourself from the culture....or would physically distancing yourself, and then turning inward be even better? I knew a man that lived in a cave...and I have often envied him and that life....at the beach he lived on...they had to remove all inhabitants (squatters) a couple of decades ago....but the cave man was permitted to stay...he lived in disguise, and in harmony (no garbage)....even the powers that be seemed to respect his lifestyle...hmmmmm....if I didn't have a child, I may have already moved into one!
  19. Love it@Gabriel Antonio ! The TED talk and this forum got me really into the cold showers for quite a while...the main benefit for me was building tolerance of discomfort/ courage...but there are so many other amazing qualities, as you mentioned...anyway....when i did some backsliding a little while ago, my hydrotherapy also went out the window....then few weeks ago, I was on a boat telling a friend the awesome benefits of it, and how I would like to begin to do it myself again....guess what happened when I got home from that trip? My hot water tank was completely broken!!! It manifested...or was a fucking crazy coincidence...anyway...I warm up water on the stove for my daughter's baths....she's only 4...and get all the cold showers my heart desires...and with no option for hot water...there is no struggle or resistance! it's great! ....of course, I still prefer waterfalls....
  20. You seem to have a good awareness of your emotional/ psychological state...I honestly don't know a "cure" off hand...I actually would have expected that your adventure would have been more helpful, than harmful in terms of releasing these things...somethings to try ( I am the opposite of an expert though): delving into the emotions/ truly experiencing, breathing into the tension, intentionally tensing to the max - then releasing all tension...hypnosis or guided meditations for relaxation, etc...ultimate wishes!
  21. Thanks everybody! @electroBeam Of course there is no point, or aim, totally!.... I'm just living in this realm as another silly fucking human...it's seems preferable to do something "worthwhile" for the sake of doing it & attaining mastery, etc... generally, I am not much of a materialistic person (i do love velvet & satin though.....lol)...i live in the middle of nowhere with a very rustic home and life... i'm not chasing money or fame...if i'm chasing anything with this....it's more like a way to sort of re-pay my gratitude back to the universe...(like baking a pie for a neighbor that has helped out) and to live in harmonic resonance/ authenticity/ integrity, in this construction of reality...i don't think i could just sit in darkness all the time, expanding my consciousness...with no food or income...regardless if this reality is "real" or "illusion"...being in this body, there is some participation required, or else there'd need to be a willingness to allow this human body to starve to death or something.... The answers of 100% and 0%, seem so extreme despite their polarity...Although I may not have time, in this lifetime, to attain 100% quickly enough...I also seem to have been living with major obstacles in relation to the 0% (as in struggling to do the work, or destroying it)...I'm going to assume that the answers I seek...as in most personal development work...have something to do with balance...and some sort of counter-intuitive principal I must come to understand through personal experience or something....thanks so much for your help everyone!
  22. @socal04 I know this thread is super old...and by resurrecting it I've become one of those necromancy-zombie-thread-trolls or something, sorry I just wanted to thank you. I had some fiction escapism backsliding and calling myself out on it here seemed to work. No crappy media since June 21...this less than 3 months doesn't trump the year and a half I had under my belt before...but I will get there again...anyway, the reason I'm grave-digging posts, is because a book fell down to me today...it has some over a decade old dark poems...it was a powerful experience because it allowed me to instantly see a number of cycles/ patterns...I wish them all a stunning, pyrotechnic death...lol...anyway, I thought I'd share this silly old poem about TV watching...in case it might help you too @@socal04 (Titled) "Blah" (for some reason...lol): Oh mighty idiot box of pleasure, please suck my thoughts away! A vegetable gaze, a dribble jaw, I request of you today. You have the power, so take from me, these things I cannot deal.... My mind is yours, it's left unlocked, just for you to steal! Just don't give it back, you keep it, it's all yours forever! I have no need for intelligence, no wish to be thought clever. So hear my plea, quite loud and clear.... Take my pain away from here.... For a panic is growing near.... and I must not succumb to fear!
  23. @K VIL100%, really???...that seems extreme! I don't buy it... @JustinS I already have my life purpose...revealed easily, long ago...I just struggle with neurosis that still hinder my efforts...I am shedding layers all the time...I've become quite serpent-like...lol...but: how many layers, are certain layers more beneficial, how do you discover which, if they are really powerful layers - how do you surpass them, and...must work be on hold indefinitely? I received a stunning personal message about the intertwining of purpose & neurosis, related to the quote I posted above, super heartwarming! Leo's video on meaning has helped me with this too. I know this is going to sound ridiculously ignorant, but I hadn't actually fully owned up to my perfectionism issues being self-worth issues, and that I was creating them...I was stuck in a perception that my perfectionism was about my desire for mastery, my intense discernment of quality, and my frustration with translating things from my mind to reality...Despite the information in Leo's perfectionism video...I had not truly or willingly considered that beneath that, there must be some subconscious bullshit where I feel inadequate...and that it translates into my conscious mind as well... Although I haven't figured out exactly how this helps me yet...is mindfulness of the self-created, self-worth paradigm enough? probably not...oddly, my self-worth is actually thriving in most other areas...it's the connection to my life purpose work that's the issue now...ideas?
  24. @Sophie I think the guides are real....but I'm too into free will to go for the sacred contract thing....