Human Mint

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Everything posted by Human Mint

  1. Wow. This pretty much sums up the whole conflict. Neither side will come to peace in the short term, clearly. Israel blaming and saying you can't negotiate with terrorists while their tanks out there shoting an ambulance, without provocation, that was there to rescue a kid. Pretty funny.
  2. Something I see academia will always fail at is in helping you building your own brand. That is, creating your own business scheme which is something crucial to navigate through. You need to be thinking in ways you can exploit what you know and apply as many ideas of marketing as you can
  3. You should ask this to classmates of your academy that have chosen either option. It's like asking us what teacher should you chose for your clases, it is very specific to your own school.
  4. Powerful exercise
  5. 😂 This is a good take, however think how it shaped our view of smoking through the last 3-4 decades. We went from smoking casually in the car with your children to completely despise anyone who lights a cigarette in a room. I hope the same happens with sugar in general.
  6. Can you record it and share it here?
  7. Potential BDNF not generated by your body vía exercise
  8. I just wonder how was that possible, did your building have a shared ventilation system? I only have to seal the main door of my appartment to prevent the strong cleaning cheamicals from coming in. What I cannot prevent is that I currently live in the heart of a 20million population city that produces poor air quality. Not the worst city, but not healthy either.
  9. Good input. Are you from a nordic country or some sun deprived area of the world? Just curious, I am not saying that it is the only situation where it's best to suplement vitamin D
  10. Why does everyone let sleep outside the party... it pains me
  11. You'll literally be underdeveloped without physical activity. Exercise is for geniuses.
  12. Really good work btw. Lot of potential, although I personally would have enjoyed more chords and armony in between the breakdowns. Your work reminds me of The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza, particularly a song called Paul Bunyan and the Blue Ox.
  13. Spending on education is highly important. But be really careful not to be scammed, you can easily spend that amount into something not worthwile. I am quite clear into what I need right know, but I don't have the money. If I could invest in it then it will set me for growing an income in the future with my own brand/business. Not that I am not investing in it already, but money would bootstrap me in this stage. If you already have an idea of your LP, then a good bet is to invest part of that money into buying the needed infrastructure, which could be for example the space you'll work in for the next decade. For example, if you are a personal trainer then maybe a good investment is constructing you own gym in the house to have direct access without restrictions. You'll practice more easily, and you can take a virtual class and study the rest of the week. Then as you progress it can become the place in which you produce your work. Maybe your passion is opening your own gym, that's a completely different approach. This is why you really need to be clear in what you're good at doing, what's your primary skill that you can do better than others. If you open a gym but you're mediocre managing it then it will be a futile investment. If you're taking courses and feel like continuing then go ahead, you probably need it anyways to advance your LP and come with creative ideas and inspiration. What you'll work on with passion is something that requires lots of investment, networking, education. And you'll never be 100% sure how it will unfold because things change as you experiment.
  14. Yup I feel that. Most universities/academies are deeply ungrounded from the truly important aspect of life and have little to none integrity. You'll really have to do an unnecessary amount of work there to get the results you want, just because they're constructed so poorly, potentially wasting your life and not developing your full potential. On the other hand this is a much larger development stage of the entire society. I would rather learn nutrition than philosophy in high school, but people are dumb.
  15. The dmt nexus wiki has what you're looking for
  16. I really enjoy listening to Daniel Schmahttemberger, if you didn't know it, you should really dig into his interviews. He delivers more of a black pill in which humans find themselves destroying the environment because a race of arms. You either exploit the environment or someone else does and they kill you.
  17. True aswell. Should kill the two birds with one stone. No one will take you seriously if you only focus on the environment.
  18. Not sure what to think. Would you trade starvation for some environmental impact? Because some politicians would. As a politician you have to be really careful your people are not dying first.
  19. Not a bad aim. There are people that already are working on this, its a matter of investigation imo. Two ways you can see the unity being unfolded is, for example, the english language being spoken for the majority of europeans as a unifying factor. Another one could be mass inmigration, which as we espectate it is forcing europeans nations to cooperate. Watch and see how there were big empires a lot of times throughout history. Although not the same it was unification nonetheless. We are probably closer to division. The last big ocurrence was the fall of Yugoslavia in 1992.
  20. I believe it has been like this since the beggining. You probably need to rest from the forum, or else you can too caught up in the little stories. The fact that there are active mods modding already elevates the standars of this forum
  21. Hasn't occured to me to do lemon tek. I am too afraid to do 1g but currently 200mg does almost nothing. I'll probably try lemon tek.
  22. If your boycot is stop buying junkfood then I am boycoting 5 years already