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Everything posted by peachboy
peachboy replied to Whatwhat's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's only true when defining truth as the opposite of falsehood. If Truth is defined as certainty (as in Absolute Truth) then things start to get interesting. After all, the opposite of certainty is not falsehood. And you most certainly can have certainty without uncertainty. -
peachboy replied to Dazgwny's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Dazgwny The nightly dream and the waking dream are slightly different. In the nightly dream you are essentially a solipsistic dictator. The waking dream however, is built around a kind of blockchain of consciousness, where each node is a fundamental entity in its own right. Ultimately each node has a common identity, which is the identity of God (1st-Person Consciousness), but exists temporarily and collectively in a refracted state so as to increase levels of entropy, creativity and unpredictability unto the nature of the dream. (God vs God). You still can manifest as though this were a lucid dream, but it has to be validated on the overall blockchain of consciousness in order to become real. Therefore, manifesting something as simple as a free cup of coffee is easy, but manifesting Godzilla rising from the oceans is likely to be very difficult because of subconscious resistance on the broader blockchain. If your intentions are dedicated to the entire blockchain as a whole, then you will have reached Angel-Mode and you will find your manifestations become validated a lot quicker - much like a lucid dream. -
Racism is not the problem. Race is the problem. When people truly understand that personal identity is an illusion, all of this will fall away The trick is to identify with the player, not the videogame character. But a lot of people don't understand that just yet.
peachboy replied to Raven1998's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There is no outside or inside. -
peachboy replied to Raven1998's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
So how does physics distinguish between an air wave and a sound wave? -
peachboy replied to Mvrs's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This might sound diminutive, but it's a bit like as a child playing with Legos, toy trucks, and action figures and declaring that you love these things a lot and want the memory preserved for all time. When you begin to merge with the Omniscient your sense of identity expands to include everything. You will realise that the poetry of the homeless guy down the street and the drowning romances of the girl in the apartment next door, are not separate chapters in a separate book, but the very memories that you once held onto dearly. You'll realise that what counts as a preference today, soon becomes at one within an infinitude of similar egoic preferences of your fellow cast of avatars. How can one have preference in such circumstances? Just like Legos and toy trucks there is a time and place for everything, but in the end we move on... without fear nor sorrow. -
peachboy replied to Nahm's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This one hasn't got any lyrics but I'm pretty sure it's about enlightenment. okay i'll leave now. -
peachboy replied to SpYITB's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
All jokes aside, the original OP's post is an example of why it is important to have made solid introspective strides with philosophy and metaphysics before embarking on psychedelics. I'm talking about the Cartesian evil demon, idealism, materialism, Christ Consciousness and so forth. The guy seems to have been a little bit shocked as to what was "discovered". But why? Understanding that you are an eternal-being is one of the most fundamental things that you can know, and that comes by way of the knowledge that un-consciousness cannot manifest in the first-person. You don't need psychedelics to understand this. Therefore there cannot be a moment when you are not having an experience. All that can change is the nature of that experience. That isn't and shouldn't be a dystopian concept. It sounds funny but within Eternity there simply isn't time to be bored, lonely or crazy. Even being bored, lonely or crazy eventually becomes boring, and lonely (not to mention crazy). These are just negative experiences that you've lost control of. If you are intent on experiencing the divine, one must have solid seated foundations within their own sovereignty. Divinity without sovereignty equals insanity. Besides, one could even comment that boredom is just a negative way of talking about desire. An optimist may desire to eat, while a pessimist has simply become bored of not-eating. Nonetheless, this is all academic relative to the perspective of the omnipotent God. To suggest that the omnipotent God suffers from boredom, loneliness or craziness would imply that the omnipotent God is in bondage to a higher force: Boredom, loneliness and craziness. This is an oxymoron and completely impossible. If such a thing were true, it would not be an omnipotent God. There is literally nothing to fear. -
peachboy replied to SpYITB's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Fear not. -
I was thinking about the tangible sensations that we associate with consciousness-in-the-now, relative to the wish-washy etiolated sensations of memory and future perceptions. A clear distinction exists between the loudness of the now, compared with the soft hues of not-present thought. In music, dynamics pertains to the parts of a piece of music that is played softly, compared with the parts that are played loudly. It is the distance between the softest parts and the loudest parts that give the experience a certain vibrancy, used in combination with pitch and rhythm. In essence, the composer draws attention to the loud parts by carefully orchestrating the soft parts. If such dynamics didn't exist, it would be one contiguous amplitude without any sense of vibrant punctuation. So I noticed that the illusionary nature of time, also seems to have been deliberately punctuated by its own system of dynamics, where the hardcore tangibility of consciousness-in-the-now is observed relative to the wish-washy nature of memory thoughts and future perceptions. It seems that this system of thought-dynamics gives rise to the very nature of time itself. Without the duality of wish-washy thoughts compared with tangible thoughts, the illusion of the timeline collapses into a single chaotic circus of tangibility. To be clear, this isn't a re-iteration of the understanding that time is an illusion predicated on memory, but rather a more subtle observation that it is the wish-washyness of memory (and future perceptions) that grants the dynamic punctuation of tangibility, and therefore gives rise to the dimension of time itself.
peachboy replied to peachboy's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Beautiful! -
The above image is 1280 pixels wide and 720 pixels high and made from a 16-bit palette that has the potential to display 16 million colors. One way to think about this image, is the image itself, but another way to think about this image is in terms of a very specialised abacus displaying a particular number. As an abacus, we can think of each pixel representing a single digit within a finite range that spans from 0 all the way through to its most maximum displayable number within the conditions. As the abacus is 1280 pixels wide and 720 pixels high, the total number of digits belonging to the abacus is 921,600. The arrangement of these 921,600 digits into a 1280x720 matrix is both for the purposes of aesthetics and practicality, for to display such a large number of digits as a linear horizontal would be too impractical. Nonetheless the mechanics of the abacus function just like any other abacus, with only superficial considerations. For our purposes, we shall consider the pixel at the bottom-right of the image to be the units column. If this was a base 10 (decimalised) abacus, then the the pixel to the immediate left of the units column would be the 10s column, with the 100s column to the left of that, and so forth. At the point at which we run out of pixels on that particular row, we simply move up to the row above starting once again from the pixels on the far-right of that new row. This is repeated all the way up, until we reach the pixel at the very top-left of the image that denotes the end of our finite span. If this was a base 10 abacus, then you can imagine a 921,600 digit number with each digit represented by the number 9 that in itself would represent the highest possible number displayable. However, given that we're using colored pixels rather than unique numerical symbols, our abacus is actually a base 16 million abacus rather than a base 10 abacus. What that means, is that starting from beginning the units column cycles through 16 million unique colors that can be attributed to the pixel, before moving onto the pixel to the immediate left and repeating. We can imagine that the number 0 is represented by a perfectly black pixel, and the number 16 million is represented by a perfectly white pixel. When the abacus is displaying 0, the 1280x720 image is a perfectly black rectangle, and when the abacus is displaying the highest number possible then it is represented by a perfectly white rectangle. Now all we have to do is "count" from 0 all the way up to the highest number possible and "watch" the results. Within the finite resolution of 1280x720 using base 16-million, we will inevitably experience every image that could ever possibly exist. All of your family photos, every frame from every movie, every page from every book, every single moment from your life from all possible angles, would be displayed as the abacus cycled through every permutation all the way up to the highest number possible. It would literally display everything. If you can imagine an image, then it would be there. if you can go out into the world with a digital camera that was set to a resolution of 1280x720 with 16-bit color system, any possible photo you could take would ultimately be displayed as we count all the way up. It would literally display everything. Every single moment of your entire life, but this time where you're wearing a blue hat and Harrison Ford and the Queen of England is standing in the background. If you can imagine it, it's there. And if you understand that, then imagine what is possible when the finite restrictions are lifted and the abacus becomes infinite. And that's reality.
peachboy replied to Travelion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Broadly speaking, all experience can be boiled down to stuff that is positive, stuff that is negative, and stuff that is neutral. So at least you have a 66.666% chance of having a satisfactory experience. Those are pretty decent odds man. -
peachboy replied to Preety_India's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
From a literal perspective, Rupert Spira has some great words on this:- Existence No object, from the point of view of consciousness, ever comes into existence. Existence means ‘to come into being’, or ‘to stand out from’, from the two Latin words, ex, meaning ‘out of’, and sistere, meaning ‘to stand'. The idea is that when something comes into existence it stands out from the background of infinite consciousness. As a result, we believe in our culture that objects have existence, and that when an object vanishes, its existence vanishes. No! Objects do not have existence; existence has objects, from time to time. In fact, there is no real ‘existence’, no real standing out from the background of infinite consciousness. Infinite consciousness is not the background of experience, though it is often found there first. It is the sole reality of all experience." - Rupert Spira -
peachboy replied to The Don's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Because it has no opposite. One cannot experience a lack of experience. Therefore all that remains is experience. If awareness exists once, then it exists eternally. -
peachboy replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Life is a game of limitation. If that were not the case, you'd be back home in a state of limitlessness. As long as you want to continue playing, the limitations need to be respected. Therefore some beliefs shape reality. Others do not. -
peachboy replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPqav-TnUow -
peachboy replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lol. I'm not pursuing enlightenment. I already have everything I could possibly need. Of the 43 years I have existed my only interest is to teach people that they are eternal beings by way of the understanding that absolute un-consciousness is impossible. That's all I'm interested in. The impossibility of death leads to the need for an eternal strategy. And the only eternal strategy that makes sense is to assume every single finite-mind is 1st-person consciousness currently not present. The place at which compassion and wisdom is one. Anyway, good luck with whatever it is you're looking for. And don't forget to stock up on sun-screen. -
peachboy replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Pssh. Basic and lazy. In no way survives the Cartesian evil demon and is precisely the kind of dangerous metaphysics that leads to suffering in the first place. (Such as people jumping off buildings because they think they can fly.) Eternity is a big place and there's no escape from it. If you believe the suffering of those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is non-existent then that is your belief system, but it's not an absolute. I can demonstrate to you as an absolute, that you are an Eternal being. But you cannot demonstrate as an absolute that you won't experience the suffering of those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki from the exact perspective of the finite-minds of those affected. -
peachboy replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
So it's gone beyond 30 minutes. I'm going to go ahead and proclaim you didn't manifest aforementioned gâteau, else you would have uploaded it. To reaffirm the OP's enquiry:- Morality is not an issue when God is playing the role of God. Morality is an issue when God goes on vacation from being God. Ignorance has already occurred once, and thus it can occur many many times again. Tomorrow you could have your memory wiped, and any spiritual accomplishments you may have made in this state of non-omniscience would be instantly deleted, and you'd be back at square one. Which is precisely what Angel Mode is: When you have the opportunity to do so, recognising God not only at its highest, but also while God is fast asleep as the homeless guy down the street. -
peachboy replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Would you mind uploading a picture of it? -
peachboy replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@r0ckyreed With all due respect, I don't think you fully understand what you're talking about. Here's a task for you:- Spend the next few minutes manifesting yourself a chocolate gâteau with hazelnut glaze and marshmallow frosting. On the top of the gâteau should be a fondant decor in the style of Amy Coney Barrett's face while she holds an inflatable banana and wears a Mexican sombrero. A pretty easy challenge for any imaginator. I'll give you 30 minutes. Upload a pic when you're done. *In the unlikely event you fail, better start stocking up on sun-screen. -
peachboy replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Okay so that basically comes back down to preaching solipsism. What you're saying is that the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are effectively NPC philosophical zombies that didn't have any experience. If one rejects solipsism and the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki did have that experience, then it only could have been experienced by 1st-person consciousness, which is both your fundamental identity and the identity of infinite consciousness. -
peachboy replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@r0ckyreed Everything is imaginary from the perspective of the omniscient. But that has little meaning from the perspective of the many non-omniscient states that are the mask for infinite consciousness. Absolute un-consciousness is absolutely impossible. Therefore you cannot escape from eternity even if you wanted to. The recreational descent from the omniscient to the non-omniscient has occurred at least once. Why should it not happen again? Are you ready to experience Hiroshima and Nagasaki for yourself? Who do you think those people were if not you? Are you ready to experience Auschwitz and Treblinka? Are you ready to make the leap from the 105th floor of the World Trade Center? Every rape, and every rapist from birth to death? Every house-fire, every cot-death, every kitchen-sink drama. Who do you think these characters are? It's easy to dismiss everything as imagination when you have the luxury of enlightenment. But wisdom comes and goes in oscillations throughout the entire breadth of eternity. As long as you're ready to feel the atomic blast burn the skin from your bones, then I guess you're good. Personally I'd prefer to give the homeless guy a sandwich. -
peachboy replied to WisdomSeeker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes. But it doesn't pertain to judgement nor justice. Rather it evolves from an understanding that personal identity is an illusion, and that the first-person consciousness that exists behind you is the same fundamental consciousness that exists behind all other finite minds. Therefore, the homeless guy down the street is the same fundamental entity as you, albeit at a different point in eternity. Whether or not you choose to give the homeless guy a sandwich is up to you - no-one's going to judge you for it. You either choose to give yourself the sandwich or you don't choose to give yourself the sandwich. In other words, moral objectivity is a space where compassion and wisdom are one. It's the understanding that we are one collective consciousness - a singular organism refracted into an infinity of temporal states. Service to others is the same as service to self and vice versa. Of course, this has something of a charming irony to it: If you choose not to give the sandwich to the homeless guy then you're a selfish bastard. But if you do decide to give the sandwich to the homeless guy, then you're still a selfish bastard. And that's perfectly fine.