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About Aham

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  1. I saw the latest video on Leo;s blog and had some thoughts. But what would be if the “awakening” is the problem? Because when you create a problem you start to search for an answer. The problem itself create the need for an answer. What if behind the “awakening” is nothing and it is just an abstract human concept? Where do you want to go? There are no other lands out there. It is just one Reality. Why do you need a God? Why do you want to live an ethernal life? Why do you want to be saved? Is something behind these words? Because the obsession for them leads to suffering. As Leo said, why do we want to spoil “the God dream”? The awakening for me means my dissparition from the God dream. Why would I want such a foolish thing? Vedanta and Upanishads talk about Reality as a dream or illusion. That’s what the ancient rishis teach us. But it is only their oppinion and it reflects their thoughts at a specific time and place in history. You can agree with them or not. But besides their psihical powers they still thought that the Earth is a plate sitting on four turtles and the mountain Meru is in the centre of the world. What if Reality is not an illusion, the single illusion is the search for a final answer and our trying to grasp the concept with our minds? I think that everything is perfect. All the people are awoke but they don’t realise that and they are just trying to see flowers on the sky where are none. We invent a problem and then we work hard and suffer to get an answer, when the solution is just seeing that is no problem to solve. Nirvana is not a stade to attain. “Zen mood” is just full adapted, spontaneous and natural response to different situations met in our lives. Not the awakening is important, but the way, and this way is exploration. Through exploration we can see the fabric of the Reality and aquire the capability to access the powers of the mind. Exploring means knowledge. A man who read all the books from a library is more awoke than a man who never read a book. There is no border to say “I am awoke” but grades of awakening. Just enjoy the life, it is a rare gift given to us and be easy. The good had to be made because its own value, not with fear of damnation or waiting for a prize. Who would want to live in a bad world where everyone is evil? The idea of God and religion is just an external enforcement. The self consciousness is only an internal simulation program that help us to compare, make scenarios and take decisions. But we don’t want to think that the things are so simple and we hunt a more complex answer.