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About Baxman293

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  1. those are some great words, when i do it i will defiantly come back and share my experience , thanks for your advise
  2. @Carl-Richard i would go for a walk but when i drop the sun will be just going down and its currently winter so its real cold, is it worth just looking into the sky or something like that?
  3. i am also wanting to learn things from the experience, what would you recommend instead of playing games
  4. Thanks for the reply's, @Carl-Richard yea it is only micro grams lol,now just some other things, would it be a bad idea to play video games i ask this cause this is what id probably be doing mainly. Thanks
  5. Hi all, I am looking at trying lsd for the first time, i will be only be taking half a 150mg tab. I am just wondering if it would be a good idea to trip by myself, but i would still have people to talk to online but there would also still be people in my house asleep if something was to go wrong. thanks in advance, sorry if i dont make any sense