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About thatmatt

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  1. @Pinocchio @jjer94 Thank you both, this has really helped clear some things up for me and encourage me to keep going on my path to further my understanding of and seek enlightenment. I have a lot to reflect on! Thanks again.
  2. @Pinocchio That makes a lot of sense, Essentially, and correct me if I'm wrong but its transcendence from everything we believe we are which results in the abandonment of any feeling of purpose and that's something the ego cannot handle. Knowing that on its own is not enough however as there needs to be a greater sense of self to take the place of the egoic perspective and that's where the self inquiry towards enlightenment comes in. Right?
  3. @jjer94 You've certainly given me a lot to think about. Thank you for all your help. In terms of emotional mastery, is consistent contentment really something to strive for, I believe for the most part that I have my emotions under control. Some things yes, the bigger things will get to me and change my emotional state. But is that bad? I want to experience all life, being sad is just a different experience and whilst I wouldn't choose to live there occasionally experiencing it is completely okay with me, if not good. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by flow? Or differentiating illusion from reality? Another inquiry I have regarding Enlightenment, is with it being a self exploratory process, what about others? If I am to believe that there are other enlightened people in existence does that not hinder my own pursuit towards it? Sure I can learn from them but the actual enlightenment process involves looking in for my truth. @Pinocchio The idea of enlightenment as a different perspective is interesting. Leo's original video however indicates that this different enlightened perspective cannot be maintained? Or can it with enough searching?
  4. @jjer94 I have watched that video and its where I started, its been several months since then and I feel like I've made reasonable strides. I understand your points and where you are coming from. I think some of what you correct me on is mostly due to the ham fisted way in which I attempted to express myself on such an abstract concept as enlightenment. In reference to your 'liberating' point, that is currently how I live my life. I do see life as a game, as fun. I came to the conclusions of a pointless yet fun carnival of life you quote as a result of thinking about and questioning everything. From individual life purpose and overarching life purpose to the incredibly vast nature of the universe. However once I began to learn about enlightenment its almost as if achieving it gives some meaning to life, something to strive for. If I live my life already in the aforementioned way then does striving for enlightenment actually accomplish anything other that understanding of self for me. Which whilst a worthwhile cause could take a lot of of the finite time I have left in life. Bringing me back to my original point of is enlightenment actually worth it? @A way to Actualize Thanks for the link, I'll be sure to watch it!
  5. I've recently begun meditating with the goal of enlightenment, I've hit a few obstacles and overcome them however one thing keeps coming up for me which is preventing me from going further and honestly putting me off in general. Now this is probably an incredibly ignorant question, but if enlightenment is some form of true understanding a step above reality, yet it's impossible to spend all time there why bother, surely it's just depressing to "come back" to whatever this understanding of reality is, and ultimately everything done from this lower place is just pointless? (I get I sort of butchered the whole enlightenment conceptualization/description, but its nature makes it tricky to put into words) Essentially what I'd love here, is a place for people to share their experiences of enlightenment, trying to reach it, any obstacles and how they were overcome, hopefully helping me with mine in the process.