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Everything posted by Winny

  1. I'm pretty sure I will need years and I will do that as well because I'm serious about this. You have to also understand that as a newbie, it's a pretty mind fuck, hence the many questions. Oh, I have...A LOT. To be honest, everything is still understandable even if they are a bit of a mind fuck like everything right here and right now is imaginary or we are all one and that god, who we are, is deceiving himself to not knowing that there is one. I know that it doesn't matter whether I understand it or not because at the end, it's about EXPERIENCING it yourself, but let's just say that I know the direction where it's heading to. However, just the non existence of the brain part just fucked me up completely because I like to optimize myself (the ego, which doesn't exist) regarding the brain. Why do we all sleep 7-8 hours? to optimize the brain. Why do we eat healthy? to optimize the brain. Why do we learn? to optimize the brain. Leo, you also said that you are not addicted to drugs...why aren't you? because you are optimizing your brain. Or else you could be smoking cigarettes, watch tv 24/7, you wouldn't be able to make great videos like you do right now if thats the case. Wouldn't you agree? I know this too because you have already said that you have to experience it yourself and do the investigation yourself, but the brain subject is TOO of a mind fuck that I don't know where to begin. Yes, eventually I will come to that realization myself as well.
  2. Leo, that's pretty vague for a newbie like me. You are also dismissing the things I said about the different parts of the brain and fMRI? I really really appreciate that you are giving me your time, that is truly special (because you could just not be answering at all), seriously, but you are not really giving me concise answers on the brain, leaving me quite clueless. Again, I'm thankful, but if you want to respond then it would be nice if you respond in ways that a newbie could understand it more. How would you explain all of the things that we do? we just do it because we do it? how am I able to write these words? How are we able to read? Because we learned it, but absorbed by what? I truly appreciate your teaching on spiritual enlightenment and all and I'm really really curious about everything what you have said thus far, but you just completely lost me on this one with having no brain. Normally I would go to bed at 22:30, but I'm still up at 00:00 because i'm curious about this topic...where does this curiousity come from? nope...not the brain apparently...but then what? You are really the only person who can answer this.
  3. Ok, so I watched that video and one thing I gotta say is that I believe in ghosts and spirits and aliens and let's just say that I'm a very open minded person so even though I believe in the existence of the brain (which might change if you explain it to me in more detail since you are literally the only person who claims that) does not mean that I don't believe in things that others might consider absurd and crazy, but ok, I get it, you tend to exaggerate in your videos and one more thing, you were a bit contradicting yourself in the video because at the beginning you said that there is no brain and then towards the middle you said that there is ??? When you brought up the example of when someone crushes your brain, you said: yes, you need your brain to do analytical stuff like mathematics, etc. Seriously though Leo, how are we processing information if there was no brain? and what about the different parts? amygdala etc. that are for different functions is that all a lie even if it's proven by scans etc. What about willpower? memories? learning capabilities? even raising consciousness? paradigms, convictions, personalities etc etc etc I mean, that is a very very bold statement that I think only you said so far It would be nice if you explained it to me in detail how you came to the conclusion because I would really like to know.
  4. I'm going to watch that video. Thank you But ok, if our brain really does not exist, how are we supposed to learn, communicate, process emotions, think, etc. There are different parts as well like amygdala, hippocampus, and what about the equipments that measure our brain activities like fMRI that clearly shows us that this region is being used when processing emotions, for instance etc etc.
  5. again, what do you mean by that? well, I guess the only separation there is is that I still think that there's a sense of identiy, but when in reality everything is one and I can only come to that realization when I become aware of the awareness correct? when you talk about feeling, you are talking about the feeling of pain right?
  6. How do I turn off awareness? I mean everything is happening in the NOW anyway. There is only NOW, the present, so how do I then turn off awareness when all there is is NOW? I can be aware of my that what you mean? or what precisely is meant by that? What you are implying here is that everything is just ONE. Correct? What? sorry, I don't understand that. I'm aware of the pain in the foot. The pain is there...I can not lie to myself and say that there is no pain when there is. Right now, while I'm writing this to you, there's a tingling feeling in the foot. I'm aware of's not merely thought, it's happening RIGHT NOW.
  7. What I meant is that...isn't everything connected?
  8. I had to convey it somehow to you with words or else I wouldn't be writing at all. That's why I say foot, touch and ground or else how will you understand me? There's no separation when I'm directly aware of that experience... How can there be any separation when each of those things happen individually? When I touch the ground with my foot, I'm aware of the touch. When there's a thought then I'm aware of that thought. When my foot touches the ground, I don't say to myself "hey my foot is touching the ground" I am just simply aware of the touch, that's it. But again, going back to my accident, a nerve has been damaged, so therefore there exists something in us. If there was no brain or even nerves then how am I supposed to feel pain and numbness in my right foot right now?
  9. But when I have to plan for my future, for instance, that is happening inside my head, right? That's also a raw experience. or where is that happening?
  10. It is on my foot. My foot, where it touches the ground Ok, at this current moment, when my foot touches the ground, the direct experience is on my foot touching the ground. Could you explain me this though, when I had my accident at the gym, I moved something causing my right foot and bottom leg to be a bit numb and I have pain on my right half of my head. I'm going to physio therapy to get it healed, but it takes time. How is this explained then? The pain that I have if there's no brain. Where is this pain being processed?
  11. @Nahm No, it's just a feeling. I'm mindful of the feeling, but that feeling is being processed in the brain right? Don't get me wrong, I feel the sensation. I feel the sensation of my foot touching the groud, I'm aware of it, but that feeling is possible because it is connected with the brain. If, for instance, there was no brain or there was some sort of blockage in my nerve, my foot gets numb and I won't be able to feel a thing in my foot.
  12. But if someone cuts my skull open there will be a brain, right? How am "I" able to think if there was no brain? I have also had a minor accident at the gym and nearly every single I experience pain, if I didn't have a brain, how am I able to process pain? How are we able to learn things if there was no brain? Sorry for so many questions, but that statement "there is no brain at all" is a total mind fuck. Obviously, I'm not going to cut my skull open to see if I really have a brain cause I'll probably be dead (the lowercase self) but we saw surgeons cutting skulls open of a human being and he/she in fact has a brain. What are you suggesting what is in our skull if not a brain? I really hope that I don't come across as hostile and trying to prove you wrong, that's not what I'm doing at all...I'm really interested in this and have watched many many of your videos and have also started meditating 25 minutes every single morning for the last week. Actually been meditating since 3-4 years, but haven't taken it seriously to the enlightenment level like recently. Also, been doing self inquiry as well. But again, your statement that we don't have a brain is a real mind fuck and sounds hmm...I mean, it has been proven that we have brains... we have blood that is running in our body, right? or is that also not real? Be honest with me Leo, if someone dissected your skull right now, there would be a brain right? Let's just say we really don't have a brain, then how are we able to process things and gain knowledge and all of that?
  13. This confuses me Finding the edge feeling. Why particular edge feeling? How do I find an edge feeling?
  14. @Nahm Thank you very much for this, I think I get you what you mean. It's basically the awareness that is there throughout my life, no matter what I do, but the question is where this awareness comes from? Isn't it done in the brain?
  15. First of all, thank you Leo for taking your time to answer me personally, I feel honored! Secondly, there are days where I think that I have got it when I'm totally detached from my thoughts and I'm just being aware of them, just observing and not being subjective. Since all of this is still new, I have to CONVINCE myself that I'm not my brain because my entire life I thought I was because everything is being processed in the brain (that was my belief) isn't the awareness happening in the brain though, Leo? Also, a state is happening from the brain as well, no? As you can see, my theme revolves around the brain and I have identified myself with it. I mean, there are a lot of parts in the brain, like amygdala, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, etc. and all of them have their specific purpose and so all of that makes up who "I" am. Perhaps awareness is also happening in one of the parts of the brain? Can it be possible? Like the thoughts is happening in one part of the brain (I'm assuming, can't be entirely sure) perhaps awareness is happening in one part or all of the parts combined together?
  16. Hey there, Before I continue, I would like to point out that I have NOT experienced awakening yet. This information comes from watching many videos from Leo. Also, my state of confusion that lead to no drive/purpose/motivation is NOT blamed on Leo, but myself. I am actually very grateful for having stumbled upon this topic. However, to get to the point, Leo has stated many times that there is no self and that we are EVERYTHING (non-duality), the absolute you. I know I haven't experienced it yet, but if there's only one thing, who's controlling me right now? Who's typing right now...well, yes, Winny, but apparently I'm just a fiction, imaginary and that confuses me. This leads me to think "why bother?" What's the point of doing anything if there's no Winny? (Winny is my name btw :D) I script for my youtube videos every single day and I have a dream, but now I just ask myself "why bother?", I practice law of attraction, but now I say "why bother?". I'm having a more negative attitude towards life. I mean seriously, if there's no self, then who's doing everything? If there's no free will then I can just be lazy. There's also another video where Leo says that yes, even though there's no free will, you can still be productive...I'm just so confused by everything. There's no meaning to anything and if I want to pursue my dream or purpose, isn't that doing it for the ego? which apparently is imaginary because the ego is a part of Winny. I need your HELP! I really would like to have motivation again to pursue my dream or to do anything productive in general. It would be nice if I got an answer from someone who is awakened, to clarify this for me.
  17. @abrakamowse thank you. I think, I just have to continue do my practice and less questioning because else there would be infinite of questions and I'll end up doing nothing at all but thank you very much for this. I really appreciate it <3
  18. @abrakamowse Thank you for this point of view! It's relieving and yes you are definitely right being in my mind a lot. I guess, it's something that I still have to practice a lot. What really confuses me still is that when Leo said that all of my history is just imaginary, but everything what has lead up to this point made me who I am today no? He even went further and said that I didn't come out of my mum's V. But my mum definitely felt that pain when I was born so what was that? My youtube is also predicated on my journey I have taken, but my journey I took does not exist? So...what now? I can not talk about the past of mine because the past of mine does not exist?
  19. @LfcCharlie4 Thank you very much. Ok, I think you are right with just theories confusing the heck out of me and that I should just start practicing, which I have btw, but I was just still too confused that I lacked the motivation and I had to get some answers from people who are awakened like you so thank you. One last thing though, if everything is just imaginary, don't you ever have the feeling of what's the point?
  20. @ivankiss Again thank you for this! But all of this is a dream, right? This means that we all constructed this reality, universe. The fact that we have to work to get money is something we all constructed, everything that exists is because of us, well, god, the Truth...therefore it's imaginary? Right now I'm in my kitchen and when I wake up tomorrow, there's still going to be this kitchen, so how is this imaginary? How is this a dream? This kind of makes me lose control and think to myself why bother? sorry for getting to the same point, but I'm still a bit confused to the entire notion of "dream/imaginary".
  21. @Seraphim first of all, thank you very much. Second of all, have you already been awakened that you say this?