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About black_math49

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  1. The more you ponder about infinity and its implications. the closer you get to the answer to your question. Reality whether you think it is something or nothing has always been this way and will always remain this way, it is an endless loop. The way I personally think about it is that creation is happening in every single moment. The only constant is creation. and it will last forever.
  2. A must-read article about pointers and other stuff by John Wheeler, highly recommended.
  3. Great idea, I have watched the video some time ago, But it is been a while since I practiced mindfulness applying see/hear on objects around me. Thank you
  4. @Inliytened1 Ok, I will try it at home first, Thank you
  5. Interesting, I thought it is the same. I better start doing nondual meditation, Although there is no doer
  6. @Inliytened1 Interesting. I guess the issue with me then is that I always go "inward" if I may use that word. with thoughts and feelings. Thank you.
  7. Right, Does it have something to do with habit? Because I heard people say meditation is the opposite of habit in which we step out of thought and memory.
  8. Ok, I will switch my closed eyes meditation with open eyes meditation at home.
  9. Pure observation of chatter in the mind and feelings is nearly impossible for me with my eyes open. Why is that? Do you feel a difference between the two? I get many insights while meditating at home with my eyes closed, and sometimes I enter samadhi, but when I go to the shop where I work I don't want to look weird by meditating with my eyes closed.
  10. “Emptiness of essence,” which means that phenomena [that we experience] have no inherent nature by themselves.
  11. Oh, my bad, I thought you were referring to physical experience.
  12. @Red-White-Light I agree with you in our current state of consciousness we cannot deny the dualistic nature of reality, however. I believe it can be transcended. Since you reject pseudoscience and prefer rational and scientific ways to discover this truth. I highly recommend you read the book by G. Spencer-Brown - Laws of forms If you haven't read it already. It is free if you google it.
  13. @Red-White-Light I understand from what you have written that you have used the boat to cross the river. you have had all those experiences, mystical and nirvanic realms. you are passionate about the truth, but if you want to go further, you must drop the boat. give up all the things you think you know. give up all your conclusions, become like a child raising a finger to touch the moon. start questioning everything, every belief about who you think you are, about every object around you in the room. don't trust any authority. what you will find after you do this your brain becomes very sensitive, a free brain will become an extremely powerful tool to aid you to discover what is true. you are very close because frustration is a sign that your ego is dying. be still and know. surrender yourself and the Truth will come to you naturally.
  14. It is confirmed now that reality is but a hallucination by your brain, what you are experiencing is a neurological experience, in the back of your head. But if it is all in your brain, then what is your brain? In order for there to be a brain, there must be a hallucination. This whole hallucination is nothing. it is not physical, You are that nothingness, you are that hallucination. Therefore it is safe to say as a concession that you are creating it. Psychedelics, as others have said, may help you realize this whole process. But the deep investigation into the nature of perception, and self-inquiry will inevitably help you achieve this state of awareness.
  15. The exact opposite is true, the only way consciousness work might ruin your materialistic goals is reaching a level of fulfillment and happiness due to your true nature unveiling, which might make some goals obsolete and useless, only true goals that ensure your survival will not be affected. I would suggest formal mindfulness meditation and abiding awareness of the breath throughout your day rather than psychedelics because it may be too distracting.