Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I have questioned everything and it's mother. There's always things to question and more to learn and understand but everything one says, including Leo has to be taken as assumption. Why only what I say. I don't take what anybody says to be the Truth, only agreed or disagreed with. Whatever I say, either you agree or disagree. You can question and ask for clarification but please don't assume that I speak from authority and claim anything to be the Absolute Truth unless stated otherwise. I'm under the impression from your statements that I'm not allowed to state my opinions or give my take about Reality because they are not Truths. Then you quote me a Zen devil video as if I'm not allowed to speak what I believe to be the case. Everyone on here gave different views about reality are you going to call them a Zen devil if they speak their minds.
  2. You're the only one debating truth in a relative comment. I would suggest that you take everyone's word on a public forum as their own opinions and assumptions and not true. That goes for just about every Youtube channel, magazine clip, podcast channel and reddit comment. Every public news channel, every broadcaster and politician. Need I list any more.
  3. Ask me anything about what I say and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability. All I can do is speak from what I believe to be the case. I don't start every sentence with "this is just my opinion and what I believe to be true", nor do I say when speaking to someone "what I'm saying is the Absolute truth and it is no other way". It is already understood that what one says is their own take and what they believe to be the case. That doesn't have to be spelt out. If you would like I could change my signature to everything i say here is my own take on things and I speak from a place of having opinions and don't claim them to be facts. Also, there's nothing i say that needs to be protected and I'm no way in defense mode about what I believe to be the case. I speak about what I speak about until what I speak about changes and I may believe something else. I'm in no way attached to anything I say or take anything i say to be Absolute truth.
  4. Who said I was protecting anything. You're saying that. This forum is meant for talking so I can only express my views like this. There's no problem as far as I'm concerned. Not sure how you claim to know what grounds my sense of reality or if I even feel a sense of reality. You've made a lot of claims about me in these statements and called my statements positions. I can change anything at anytime because I'm not saying them from a position of being Absolutely true.
  5. You can come up with any story and it be true for you. I can assume anything and it not be true. Be specific on which understanding.
  6. On what position. Any position I hold is illusory because there are no real positions to hold in timelessness and boundlessness' and all that is.
  7. You're obviously repeating from something you've heard without having a full understanding of what it is you're actually saying. The egoic mind cannot get a hit of it's own non-existence. What is it that can know there is no self. Definitely not the self. You're right about a spiritual identity but that happens on it's own because there is no ego and a separate thing called a spiritual identity. Doing practices and staying disciplined is also a construct of the mind.
  8. If the no self is trying to not say "I", that means there's a self. Plus, where did I claim to not have a self. If I write about no I, or no one, doesn't mean I'm saying there's no I here but one over there. There's an I here doesn't mean the I is doing the I. I don't need to pretend to not be, saying I comes naturally for no one.
  9. That video bored me in 2mins because it's not my interest or thing. Plus, his muscles hurt looking at them. That's just me.
  10. This solves your own dilemma. Split up his videos and watch them in parts. 3hr videos can be split into 3 parts an 1hr each part. A regular movie isn't that much shorter and isn't a problem if interested and if a priority.
  11. Talking to me. You have to tag or I won't know.
  12. No, I don't smoke pipes.
  13. Just random stuff about anything.
  14. West Virginia bans artificial food dyes.
  15. What/Who's saying all that?
  16. What is telling the mind it needs to meditate?
  17. Being human is exhausting. Keeping up the charade is exhausting. It's so fucked up that even trying to let go is exhausting. Surrendering is exhausting. Trying not doing anything is exhausting 'cause you're still trying not to do anything.
  18. Least you seem honest.
  19. The only way to free the mind is to stop trying to awaken or to get enlightened. That's what's keeping it in bondage.
  20. This explains everything. You don't want a relationship. You really don't even care if you have sex or not, that's just a bonus. You're attracted to the chase. The thrill of the ride. You get bored easily and love the whole "who will it be next" thing. She gave you her Instagram because she knew she was just a novelty to you and wouldn't see you again, plus it's a way to get more followers. You're playing the same game she's playing. You get a kick from the chase and the actual playing the game is exciting for you.....until it's not....and becomes overwhelming and tiring. Then you come on here, the dumping ground, to complain and explain to everybody why they're wrong.
  21. Told you, as soon as I got off this thread and went on the forum, first post I saw/read was related to something i wrote today. I'm not joking with this shit. All one has to do is live life, observe and notice shit to notice shit. It's all you, baby. That's all folks. Next topic. I need to talk about food and recipes next.
  22. Listen to all those stupid silly excuses people that ask for advice make for themselves. Yes, but. It's a fucking game. I've seen through this shit. They don't want advice, they don't need your stinkin' silly advice. They aren't looking to be told what to do, they are playing this silly fucking game of I am here and you are there. We are separate beings and I'll play stupid and ask stupid questions. What else is there to do. I'll act as if I'm a horny twenty year old looking to get laid and make you come up with silly answers to make me feel good about myself and I'll act as if I'm desperate and have you waste your precious little time on me, advising me because that's also me bullshitting myself and have nothing else to do in this finite infinite infinity. No one there but a bunch of questions and answers talking to itself. Yes...i get what you're saying, but...... But nothing, go jerk off to infinity and go play with yourself somewhere else.