Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Reality cannot be defined. That's putting a point unto something that has no point of reference. Definitions are finite; Reality is Infinite. The ways we define Reality are perceptions within reality,
  2. Let go of those terms. The word God could be eliminated from the English language tomorrow but what it represents will still remain. It represents the unseen reality. What you're witnessing are projections from the unseen. It's still one with it and is not apart from it. Your human avatar is also a projection from this unseen. All that you see physically are appearances within the unseen. We've labelled these appearances as such, e.g. a tree, a bird. It's all the same but appears separate but only in appearance. Your true nature is the unseen. You're the witness but youre not witnessing something separate from you because you are the witnesser and the thing witnessed at the same time. Example. Say you're eating a bowl of ice cream. It appears as if there is you and there is a bowl of ice cream. But would there be eating of icecream if there wasn't an eater and the thing being eaten. They exist together. Can't have one without the other. No one eating a bowl of ice cream if there is no one and no bowl. All one, no separation. Same thing. The mirage, the happenings, the appearances all happening simultaneously from within the "space" in which they are seeming to appear, but they are not really because there is no separation and no time and space. So those things you assume to be different, aren't really. Only in appearance. You appear to be a body but the body is within you, who you truly are. Everything is within you.
  3. I'm still waiting for a reply from Leo two years ago on his IG dm. So what.
  4. It will never be unless recognized, so I get it. It cannot be taught or understood, only recognized as in 'oh yes that's it". Your line of questioning is a starting point (but only in appearance).
  5. God a.k.a. Existence or whatever you want to call it is NOW. The only thing to realize is that trying to REALIZE God is what's stopping you from RECOGNIZING it, NOW.
  6. But who is telling the Intelligence/the One/the Consciousness this?
  7. OK so you're speaking about projections. Ok. Now we're getting somewhere. I will agree that the person you think you are that's making choices and taking responsibility is also a projection.
  8. I'm on a quest to "disprove" what I've come up with so far about this whole Reality thing. Have not been able to yet.
  9. Coping with anxiety under any circumstance is not lasting happiness.
  10. I will leave all this alone. When someone has definitely answered the OP's question directly as to finding lasting happiness/pleasantness without needing to say, but this or but that or requisites, or yes, but not in this instance or whatever, or I have anxiety (that's not lasting happiness) then I'll be interested; or even trying to define what lasting means and in their own terms. All of it will just be stories and temporary experiences, as there's no such thing as finding lasting happiness from an outside source including psychedelics.
  11. Yes, but only in this relative world and not Absolutely; which is what we're attempting to address here. If there's actually a doer.
  12. I thought there was only Oneness. You just named 3 different things there. Body, Mind and Mine. Thought there was no separation.
  13. Just so you know I never said this. There's no external God. We agree on that. I also never said YOU are projecting responsibility to anyone. I just love it when I see how my words have been interpreted.
  14. And what, may I ask, do you think this remark is; another thought. Thoughts are just arising. Do you know what your next thought will be. No.
  15. The mind doesn't need to be controlled. It's not insanity that the mind is not in control, it's insanity to try and control what cannot be controlled. You have identified with the mind and that's the issue.
  16. Anyone making the claim that life is wonderful since using psychedelics, I will look up your history and post where I see there is a contradiction.
  17. @NemraI love your line of questioning. I used to be like that and questioned away, until I realized no one had the answers. They will come up with all sorts of shit that they have stored in memory and knowledge that was learnt. I'm not saying they are wrong or they are right, i'm not saying the usage of the word God is the right word I'm really not going one way or another. I cannot even answer the question why is the word God used without referring to something else. Something learnt. How does that really answer the question in the Absolute sense. You will never get a satisfactory answer to your questions and one answer will only lead to another question. This is the nature of Infinity and the essence of the Absolute. Why, because the questions are also the answers and both originated from the same place which is nowhere.
  18. I have adapted and have identified with nothing. This is your interpretation of what is being said. You have turned my words around to suit your justifications of your ideas about what I'm saying. It is very clear to me what I'm saying. There are no ideologies and identifications here. You are blinded to what I'm really pointing to because of your own belief systems. You said "Your mind convinces yourself", that's duality, whose mind who is the one with the mind, where is this mind, what self. You said your self. Your as in me and self as in who, also me. Get it clear. Yes, we speak in common terms in everyday life and we say your this and your that and the mind and all, but right now I'm showing you how deluded you are to say "when your mind convinces yourself". So your point is null and void and stems from delusion just like all walks of life.
  19. Total arrogance and that's why an ant doesn't suffer and you do. Unique to whom, that fake ego that doesn't exist.
  20. Taking responsibility for what. If my phone is shut off i take responsibility to pay it. If I'm hungry I take responsibility to feed myself. If I did wrong to somebody I take responsibility and apologize. Lots more where that came from. Doesn't negate what I'm saying when I say what I say. What you've said here doesn't negate what I said. When you feel you're taking responsibility, doesn't negate what I'm saying. What you're saying is there is a you to be driven. What I'm saying is there's no you in the first place driving or not driving anything. So when you make statements like these her it becomes null and void to what I'm saying. How can there be a "well, I need to take responsibility for my life because there's no such thing as a God in the driving wheel". VS " there's a God at the driving wheel so I need not do anything", doesn't matter which is the case because there's no one there or here deciding to do or not do. Even my comment here to you is null and void because whatever the response is will be what is. IOW, if I say, he's right I should take responsibility or whatever, it's still life doing life. If I say, you're full of shit and i don't need to do anything, it's still life doing life. Either way, my explanation to you is life doing life, my responsibilities is life doing life, my no responsibility is life doing life. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THOUGHT. That's where suffering comes in. Life doesn't suffer. The individual suffers it's thoughts. Life is happening, thoughts about what is happening is not life. When I take responsibility and when you take responsibility and if I don't take responsibility or if you don't take responsibility, THAT'S ALL LIFE. We can't escape life. So it doesn't matter if you say Miss Princess here doesn't take responsibility, that's life saying that and this is life responding.