Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. You know how to use the tag feature?
  2. Not necessarily the case. My default setting is healthy eating and after getting into Spirituality, my body went haywire for a bit. Cravings kicked in. Didn't eat ice-cream for at least 10yrs straight and all of a sudden I was craving it. This came after I settled my oreo cookie craving. Other small stuff but not as bad as these, which I never eat - ice-cream, yes, but cut out for good except my home-made banana ice-cream, which did nothing for my craving. I followed Leo's advice for how to quit cravings and it worked on the oreos; the ice-cream I did on my own after I started to see the effects. This is coming from someone who is not really a health nut, but very really binged on junk food with no will power needed. I later learnt that Spiritual awakenings can cause the body to do this. Something about the ego resisting change or the body purging and cleansing itself too fast of emotional impurities and sends the hormones out of balance. This is a pretty common story in the Spiritual community and have seen multiple stories on this. The OP did say he watched some of Leo's videos and seems to be into Spirituality somewhat, so I'm assuming this is what's also happening. Didn't mention it to him since my response was already a bit lengthy, so I left it alone but just wanted to bring this to your attention. I still could be wrong, but it's a possibility.
  3. You might want to tag Leo for this.
  4. This is how my cat eats her dry food. Always from one side of the plate; and it's ALL THE TIME- no exceptions. What's up with that. It's like she's programmed. I find it fascinating. It's like she was a somebody who had this preference in another life. Where did she learn this. Even if I mix it up, it goes back to this pattern.
  5. I think what you're missing is, without quoting the entire comment, is that there is no other and only you are the perceiver. If a dog barks and you hear it but not see it, you are perceiving through the sense of hearing. Without that dog barking and you perceiving the bark, there is no dog barking without your awareness of a bark. That dog isn't perceiving you listening to it's bark, you are all that is perceiving the bark. That's why there are no two perceptions simultaneously and it's all within you. You are not within that dog's bark, that dog is you. Without your awareness of a fog's bark that dog's bark doesn't exist.
  6. Love this. Lots aren't there yet. If you see the comments I get when I speak of such stuff, not to mention beyond that, like you did. Everybody is reacting from the human perspective. I do too, but I'm well aware I'm beyond that; and in this forum it's a slippery slope to even mention that. I don't need to practice being human anymore, I'm done with that mirage, even though I haven't excluded it. It is what's needed for transcending the "transcendless", as you put it. Baby steps, needed to embody the "embodiless". You started a new trend with me the "less-ness". Lol
  7. This is the result when one starts to feel one with Reality. Perspectives change to mirror that. No, thank you.
  8. This is what happens when we feast on Big Pharma. I'm done.
  9. Ok. I'm pure Awareness observing this traumatized Princess. I'd love to observe it some more, along with the traumatee that i created. No advice needed for what I AM. I just need practice in staying there and staying there some more until I'm truly one with my traumatee and then I won't feel so traumatized by my traumatee anymore because I've totally embraced that it is me. Maybe you should p.m, me for some advice.
  10. I said you're my only trauma. But I won't block you, I'll use it to practice. Thank you. That's how one takes their power back. Alchemize any negative situation. See what's it's teaching you.
  11. You're my only trauma. Every time i see a quote from you in my notification box, I squirm. Never anything positive from you to me. Always on my case about something. Leave me alone.
  12. I know what you're saying; and I agree in other instances, but not in this case. Somehow, it's like the one big paragraph was like one big thought. A thought that didn't need to be broken up into pieces. It's essence was one of oneness, totality; and to break that up would have been "lost to translation"; meaning it didn't need any translations or interpretations that sometimes paragraphs can do to the mind. I get what you're saying, though; but I didn't even notice until you said something because while reading it, I was lost in the message. As if I and it were one.
  13. Nice
  14. No, I drink coffee. It's just, in oatmeal? A little different. That's all, never heard of it.
  15. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ No words needed but these.
  16. Gold plated, platinum comment. True or not. Made me chuckle.