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Everything posted by Princess Arabia
Part of the problem right there. It's mechanical and seems desperate. That will only work for some and not every guy can pull this off. There are styles to each person and maybe you're better off playing the genuinely interested in her role. If the problem was with pick-up, no guy would have ever succeeded with it. Stop blaming the outside world for a start. Everyone has to talk to someone for the first time so that premise doesn't even make sense that people only want to talk to those they already know. Those they know, there was a first time. Maybe try and see women not just as sex objects and someone to fix your sex life. Abstinence and rejections beats prison. Your whole arguments scream it's all about me. Fulfilling my needs. What do you have to offer the world so the world can give back to you. Doesn't have to be academically or anything major great or flamboyant. Maybe show some genuine care for others, show you can offer a female a good time first, make them want to be with you. it's not about looks at this point because I've seen ugly men with women all the time, so I don't care what you look like. Maybe look at who you are becoming in the search and try to amend that and things might start to turn around. You sound entitled by that comment you made; and I only say that because of the rape comment because you are entitled to a great sex life, but not in the way you approach it.. We crave food. Do we go around approaching food stores demanding food. Don't we go out to get jobs and earn a living so we can satisfy our basic needs. Clothing, food and shelter are basic needs and I'm sure you've got that covered for now and didn't approach it as feeling entitled for them to be handed to you on a silver platter. Not saying you need to go out and pay for sex, but there's still some work involved other than just doing thousands of approaching. Treat it as a need that needs some inner work doing on your part.
Princess Arabia replied to Santiago Ram's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lol -
Princess Arabia replied to Tristan12's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
❤️ -
Why should I have to need someone to tell me who I am. Why should I have to inquire about my true nature. Why the fuck does it take a stranger to tell me where I came from. Why do I have to struggle and suffer in a world where I didn't ask to come. Why do I have to deal with the consequences of someone else's actions. Why do I have to do self-improvement to supposedly fix myself. Why do I need a purpose. Why do I have to figure life out. Why do I have to know myself. Why do I have to feel what I don't want to feel. Why do I have to learn anything. Why is ignorance a cost to pay. Why isn't everything free. Why is an old man with a beard sitting on a throne talking shit wiser than me. Why do so many hate people but social media is so fruitful. Why do I have to meditate to find peace. Why do I need to love myself. Why do I need someone else to teach me about reality. Why do I need to know anything. Why am I stuck in this body. Why do I have to be told I'm not the body. Why do I need anything. Why, why why. Maybe the answers to these why's lies in the fact that there is no I.
So many things in life keeps us on alert. No wonder why we need sleep, vacations, to unwind and relax. We have to watch the foods we eat, the things we say, the people we surround ourselves with, the type of media we consume, the way we dress, the thoughts we engage in, what we believe, how we stand, how we sit, how we speak, who we date, how we communicate. I mean we're constantly on the defense. Defending ourselves. Being careful of this and being careful of that. Worrying about the future. Dealing with traumas. People are convicted first then tried later. We try to protect everything. Our attempts to feel safe depends on others. We're just worn out and at the end of the day, we're tired. Just need to relax and watch a movie and soak our feet. Then we have to worry about what we use to soak our feet and to make sure the movie isn't an offensive one that pisses us off because we take things so personally. Men worry about being rejected and women about being used. Parents worry about their kids. We're concerned about making right choices and to not make mistakes. We're concerned about the weather and natural disasters. Have to worry about being scammed. I mean the list goes on and on. On alert, concerned with this and that, protecting this and that, saving ourselves from this and that. No wonder most people aren't happy. Most are depressed and anxious. Most suffer. Then we have sleep issues. Needing to sleep but can't. We take a pill for that or have to figure it out somehow. Then we're tired from not sleeping in addition to all the stress we encounter in the day. No wonder we move towards happiness more and try to avoid pain. Life is painful enough without even trying but happiness has to be saught after. Default mode is pain. Doesn't take long to show up, while happiness seems scarce. All of these things occurring and people still feel empty inside. Filled with nothing. Feeling numb to life. Tired. Stressed out. We invent comedy clubs. We don't need clubs on how to feel sad, that's free from life. We pay to have a laugh. We're so numb that we'd pay to be scared shitless as in the horror house. Beats feeling sad and miserable. Scare me please but don't cross the sadness zone. How to feel sad, depressed and anxious is a free show. Doesn't cost anything. No need to look far. It'll definitely show up soon. Happiness, however, seems to be over there somewhere, always. When it does show up, the visit is short. Then no one asked to come here but we have to deal with things. Do, do, do, do, do. Mend, mend, mend, mend, mend. Fix, fix, fix, fix, fix. Figure it all out. Find a purpose. I could also go the other way and list all the joys of life but that's for another post. The tone for this one is this because that's how I'm feeling at the moment. It's not a rant, just thoughts about the challenges of life and what it's like to be an individual at times.
Princess Arabia replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Truth is a concept created by the mind, so is falsehood. Can't have truth without falsehood. Absolute Truth is redundant since everything is the Absolute. Relative truth doesn't exist on it's own and is relative to the illusory perceiver who thinks it's separate. It's the experience. The illusory experience. There's only being and presence so how can anything be relatively true but only to that which thinks it's separate. It's a dream if you may call it that. You keep using the word truth and absolute together. To me it's redundant. Everything is everything so what isn't absolute and where is the truth in absolute if it's everything. There's actually no distinction between anything but only to the illusory perceiver. -
Princess Arabia replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Like I said these terms are tricky and can have different meanings. If you ask me, there is no existence, only appearances. We call it existence but, by definition, existence means to stand out and nothing stands out. That's just semantics, though. I'm not sure why you're having such a hard time with the word appears or appearance. Whatever appears as in a cat or a dog or a cloud or a tree. There really are no experiences. Experience is an illusion. The one that thinks it experiences reality does not exist. That's what I mean. There's only a body and everything that appears is the Absolute appearing as such so where is the experience happening. It's an illusion. Nothing is ever the same. IT appears and appears and appears and appears and appears and appears and appears to seem as if it's always there moving about as the same thing but it's always different, fresh and new. There are no real actual experiences. It appears as a body having an experience. It appears as a dead body, no one really dies or is born. It only seems that way. Biological organism is also the Absolute appearing as such. There are no real biological organisms. It's all magic, my friend and the mind cannot grasp this. -
Princess Arabia replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
How can I have a direct consciousness besides what appears. Not possible. Thoughts at also appearances. Potential is a concept that appears within consciousness which is, imo, a dream of the separate individual. Leo says it's not just something someone has and is fundamental to all of reality so idk. I'm just giving you my take. Appearances aren't illusory. When a cat appears, it appears. What's illusory is that the individual knows it's a cat and that the cat is separate from it and the stories surrounding that cat that it has a mother and has a brain or whatever story we give to the appearances. The rest i explained in my previous comment. Everything is the Absolute appearing so Truth is a concept and is not different from falsehood since it's all the Absolute appearing as such, only relatively speaking for the individual that labels everything and owns everything that arises within that energy. -
Princess Arabia replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Appearance is simply defined as WHATEVER APPEARS. The perception is the one that thinks it's separate seeing reality from a position. There are no positions to be had in timelessness and boundlessness, so perceptions really doesn't exist and is illusory. There are no ultimate context of existence because that context is also what you would call existence. These words are interchangeable and can be used as such, as in existence/reality etc. Depends on what one means when they use those terms. Experience is not appearances. The body seems to move and the one having the experience of the body is illusory because there's actually no one there. Show me someone. You can only point to a body part. So experience is the one that thinks it's a real separate entity that is experiencing life. It's not actually happening. Nothing actually moves as it's the Absolute appearing as movement. You've never been anywhere or done anything. It only appears that way. I cannot really explain what nothing is only I can say it's a mystery. Isness is being. Isness just is. These are my definitions and not Absolute. They are what isness is doing along with everything else even your questions. That's why there can never be an Absolute Truth because everything is the Absolute "Absoluting". There's nothing but that. There's no separation so how can there be an Absolute Truth. Everything that appears is what is. Relative truth is only a concept. It is and it isn't. Don't think I can explain it any further and that's just my take. Not saying it's right or wrong. -
Princess Arabia replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Of course, that's all we have to go by. Going beyond appearances would also be another appearance. Show me something that doesn't appear. There is no Absolute Truth, imo, because all there is is simply all there is and it's everything. It also appears as the idea of Absolute Truth. There's only the Absolute. EVERYTHING. -
Princess Arabia replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Oh ok. -
Princess Arabia replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Who or what said what, your comment? If that's what you mean, no one said that, it's talking happening. All there is appearing as someone talking or typing. -
Princess Arabia replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It doesn't really arise, only appears to. There is already no separate self but that energy that's contracted arises within the body and it feels like a separate entity but it really isn't. Yes, there is no separate reality and a separate self but there can be a felt feeling as such. It's illusory. -
Princess Arabia replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Appearances is what appears. A dog, a cat, a tree, a body, a car, etc. Nothing is what's appearing as these things. It has to be nothing for something to appear as it. Infinity is O. Knowledge is what separation is. Without it one cannot make the distinction. When a toddler/child starts to know itself is when it starts the egoic process of being a somebody. An energy arises in the body that thinks it's a separate being. Energy cannot be described. It's everything and descriptive words would also be it. There's no relation because the relation is also energetic. The pointers is also it pointing; so in actuality, there are no real pointers only in appearance. What is, is appearing as a pointer. What this is is a mystery and is unknowable because something outside of this would have to be present to know what this is. It's everything. There is no substance to nothing because that substance would also be it. One can say it's unconditional love because there are no conditions and it doesn't have a need or a purpose and those are conditional. It doesn't come from anywhere and doesn't go anywhere. It's magical and cannot be defined since it's boundless and free. -
Princess Arabia replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The person/individual/separate self/ is experience itself. It doesn't really exist as a separate individual so maybe that's what he meant. -
Princess Arabia replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There is no proof that anything is really happening just as in a nightly dream. It feels real until you wake up, then it was revealed to never have happened. Maybe it's the same at physical death or you die before you die but there's something that has to know that too so I'm not sure about that concept. Also, Existence means to stand out and nothing stands out. We're trying to use logic to explain away Reality but it's beyond logic and all explanations because that's also reality. We are using words that we've assigned meanings to, but those words are also a part of this. What if everything is nothing. How can nothing be anything other than but only in appearance. The appearance has to also be nothing. It's nothing and something simultaneously. That's the best we can do because that's saying they are things and no things. What if what appears is just seeming to appear as something but is actually nothing. The body doesn't live forever but you're seeing from that body and assessing everything from a body that dies. Even your idea that there's consciousness is coming from that perceived self and is coming from something that doesn't lasts forever. We all assume we live on forever because consciousness never dies but what if you're not really conscious but only appear to be. What if everything is actually dead but powered by this energy and this energy is all there is. What if this existence is just energy in form and the form isn't really real nor unreal. What if, what if, what if....... -
Don't mind me. I haven't watched Joe in a while but I love him. Yea, Easy to get into trouble but hard to get out of. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it and can't "unget" it.
Notice it's easier to enter into things than it is to exit or to get out of them. Easy to get married but harder to get divorced. Easy to enter life but harder to exit (intentionally). Easy to get into jail but harder to get out. Easy to sign a lease but harder to get out of it. The list goes on. Even here, easy to sign up but harder to get removed. One gas to ask to be removed. It's even easier to fall in love than to fall out of love. Still thinking of something that's hard to get into but easy to get out of. Men might say a vagina but that's another story. Hehe.
The second one "Neighbors dropping charges", was when the doubts started kicking in. I think that's when my doubts started too.
This is the dog thread in case you're interested in reviewing.
Princess Arabia replied to Princess Arabia's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Interesting conversation if you like this kind of stuff. -
Princess Arabia posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This Channel is moving mountains. There's no other like it. -
No apparent reason, hehe. It just happened. Hoo,hoo. Good question.
How can anybody get bored in this dramatic masterpiece called life. I know how. Bored of the dramatic masterpiece. It becomes the same ole, same ole masterpiece. Brilliant how the mind creates itself over and over again to make everything seem different and appear to be different. Imagine eating an orange everyday to infinity. Only an orange. Or watching the same one movie for eternity over and over. Imagine if we lived forever in this body/form. Imagine if suicide could never be accomplished and we had no choice but to be here in the same form forever. If you think you're depressed now, imagine that. Everyone would go insane. Life is just creating itself over and over and over again but with different content. That's where the mind comes in. Without that there wouldn't be any activity or movement. The mind is all that. The mind didn't create all that, the mind is activity and movement itself. It loves drama and creates it when it's bored. Bored with the same dance.
I felt the dog story was fake. Was going to say it, but didn't want to offend if I was wrong. I forgot exactly what made me feel that, but somethings just didn't add up. Infact, I believe someone, maybe Ulax, suggested that too but no one cared much to address that. Don't knock him for doing it though as it was an experiment which he admits now to conducting. Try not to feel taken advantaged of or that you were fooled, because experiments are just that, experiments, and some need to do that to work or supposedly for the experimenter. As far as the other points and comments in the post, it's a matter of personal opinion which you're entitled to even though you did raise some good points. There will always be people agreeing and disagreeing with everything, so that's nothing new. My feeling is that when we start to expect things from life, disappointment follows. Life is neutral and we make of it what we make of it. There isn't any place for everyone, and we just have to move on with what doesn't resonate. I wish you all the best and hope you find a community that you more resonate with.