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Everything posted by Princess Arabia
I think you and @Keryo Koffawould make a great team. You guys seem so similar in your creative geniuses, but yet still so different.
Just an observation. You haven't posted in awhile and I know you're capable of new insights and fresh outlook on life; but you insist on eating stale bread. All you did was change the title.
Princess Arabia replied to Buck Edwards's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Buck EdwardsThis is not a problem. This is actually normal. It's called the Theta state. The conscious mind has not taken over fully yet and you're still in a hypnotic state from sleeping. There's nothing you need to do about this; and in fact, you can use it to your advantage to help to reprogram the subconscious mind. This is usually done by hypnosis which, when done on it's own without professional hypnotherapy, is done before bed or just after waking up where the mind is more vulnerable for programming. It's usually suggested that these times be used to try and manifest as the subconscious is available now for whatever is suggested to it at more magnified levels. We're all different with how these states affect us and how long they lasts. It's usually about a 2hr window, after that the conscious mind is now in full effect. I would suggest that you be cognizant of what you consume during this time as it will slowly become a part of you and turn habitual. This is not a problem. You should use this time to daydream and visualize things of your desire because now is the time when the subconscious (what runs 95% of your life), is very vulnerable and will accept whatever you imprint unto it as true. Kind of like when people drink and become uninhibited. The mind loves to see everything as a problem. It complexes everything and thinks things need fixing when sometimes, it's pretty normal what is happening. If it's not affecting your life where you need to get important things done as soon as you awaken, then see it as an opportunity, not something to fix. It just means the conscious mind hasn't come on board yet to start fucking things up with it's overthinking and fear-based thoughts. -
Same ole story. That energy needs to be reprogrammed; it's stuck and just going around and around in the same cycle. Then it comes here to release some 'cause it gets too much. You'll disappear for a minute again and reappear with another version of the same ole story. You're rotting in your own slime. When will you refresh and breathe in some new air and grace us with something refreshing. Then you had to dig up an old post. Every moment is a new moment.
The part where they meditate and the girls do the yoga split.
Starving? I don't think so. If you think there aren't people out there who can get into these fields voluntarily without being in a position to do otherwise, you're kidding yourself. It's just that sometimes it's after, when the realize what they got themselves into or sometimes not. Some get in and out after making their $$ and move unto something else. Ever been to a swingers club. People are in there having sex with stranger's and switching partners. Ever heard of exhibitionists. People who get off from showing their privates to the public. Nude Beaches exists, so yes, there are people who don't mind showing their privates to the public. Forget about the stories you've heard and all that abuse and stuff. They have porn conventions in Vegas every year and porn this and that that is fairly regular and operating as a regular business, so it's not all about abuse and exploitation. It's just the others don't make the news and no one cares. If you live in the ghetto and all you know is guns and violence and gang life, you'll think that's how the world is; if you were born in Beverly hills and hang around rich people everyday and always had your needs met etc, you'd think that's how the world is until you see otherwise. So, because you're watching those documentaries, you now think that's how every aspect in the porn industry, it's not. Just like anything else good news doesn't make the news. Why would a porn actress do an interview on how wonderful her life has been because of the industry. This is why the world has screwed us up because all it does is instill fear in us and makes us consumers, and shuts down our capacity to love. We're all walking around as fear mongers and now we project that unto the world and all we see is negativity.
Might be where the future of AI and modern technology lies. Never know.
Princess Arabia replied to Princess Arabia's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Somebody's gotta clean the hotel toilets you stay at when traveling to pursue your LP. Somebody's gotta wait those tables, park those cars, pick those strawberries, pick up that trash and a slew of other things people make money at that's not considered a life purpose. If everybody was to be in their life purpose or I should say their dream job, society would be fucked.
Not sure why we need to transcend our individual unique expressions of consciousness. That's why we're here. Maybe I read that wrong.
That's a really cute pic. Loving that alligator in them sunglasses and seat belt.
From someone who watches or used to watch porn. Every night to jerk off to. Shit in, shit out.
This is why I love Teal. She examines things from different angles and not just from one angle. People don't realize the enormity in the differences that makes up our individuality. Apart from the obvious similarities, we are diversely different in how we approach life and how we embrace it. Most of us project our own beliefs, likes and dislikes unto the world because we think we're the only ones that exist. If we say it's trash, it's trash. While some one somewhere might be healing their trauma with responsible sex and with the right mindframe and with the right people and how we view our own sexuality. You can tell a lot about a person just by knowing their dislikes. I'm watching this video, and she speaks how i would speak. Same stuff i posted in the other thread, especially in the last 5mins of the video. So many trauma induced comments around this topic, you can tell it's the person making the comment that has an issue within their own psyche.
Once a friend of mine showed me a porn site. I never heard of it and i forgot the name and a subscription is needed to access the main site. It was very classy and the way they performed was like you were watching the human body in art form. Just like you have people doing nude art that's done in an artful way and there are nude or semi-nude pictures of male and female bodies all over the globe shown in museums on some streets as monuments etc. Nobody wants to jerk off to those so they're not a problem. People will criticize hot bikini women being used to sell stuff even if done in a classy way, but will walk by a shopping mall where in the windows I've seen pictures with men in underwear and no shirt Calvin Klein or whatever with their bulges showing and women in bikinis in windows of well established clothing companies. Let that same woman in the same bikini selling the same thing be a real woman on the corner promoting the same stuff and now its a problem. When you've been exposed to a certain thing or the purpose for your using that thing is demeaning in your eyes and you're judging yourself for doing it and with it comes shame and being uncomfortable with what you are engaging in, you will have judgements and criticisms about that thing. Bear in mind here, I'm not referring to exploited women, children and abusive stuff in the industry. It's just there are sites that do it in artful ways and do not have an air of roughness and aggression to it where the actors are not being exploited and no gang bang scenes or men coming on their faces and stuff like that; but it's porn nonetheless. When one is uncomfortable with their porn addiction, are sex addicts, or look at the human body a certain way, they will be the first ones to judge the industry. Porn hub and xnx are trashy sites but there are others where people are actually enjoying in the comfort of their homes and couples use to enhance their sex lives. Of course, a man who enjoys watching a woman being fucked in the ass by 10men while sucking on their penises and being cummed on by 5 of them will call porn dirt. Others who can go to a site and pay a subscription to watch mature people in the nude with beautiful bodies who make out in sensual ways, won't find that to be dirt. It depends on what trash you're watching and getting turned on by and the thoughts that come with it. Most men aren't comfortable with their own lustful thoughts and what their dirty little minds fantasize about so they call it trash. It's just so ironic how people know where to find these trash, and can tell you exactly what goes on within these trash sites. Showing how they're the ones fixated on this trash while calling it trash. Same thing with Only Fans, everybody knows about it, knows what goes on inside if it but always got something negative to say. If I ask you all about The Coconut Mama site and about the healthy recipes she promotes and all the delicious ways people can use coconut, nobody will have heard of her but maybe a few. But everybody and their mama knows about porn hub and OF. This is why I pay humans no mind sometimes and some channels have millions of views while some only a few hundred. People love to hate what they love. I don't really watch porn but only on a few occasions; so this is not about me sticking up for something because I like it. I couldn't care less if porn exists or not.
I understand.
I'm not offended. It's just easy to talk shit about people behind a computer screen and not knowing their situation.
This is what I'm talking about. Do you think you're any better than the people you hate. You're hating on females you don't even know and who did nothing to you directly. Whatever hang ups you're dealing with why you feel hatred for them has nothing to do with them. Nobody is saying anything about the fact that hate is a mind disease, and they will read your comment and let you rot the mind while continue to pass judgements. If this was such a self improvement forum, we should be trying to show you that hate isn't the way to go because that is not a so-called high conscious emotion.
This forum is so judgemental. Don't forget your skeletons in your closets. If you watch porn, by your standards you are also low consciousness. Can't call an industry you patronize low consciousness and not say that's low consciousness behavior. Lots of pick up, porn watching and going out clubbing to pick up hot chicks and trying to get laid from strangers on this forum; but as soon as porn is mentioned everybody turns into the God in the sky. Can't just speak about what's happening, maybe try to understand why people do what they do and say hopefully one day, the porn industry might whatever...... This world has gone to the dogs, yes, and lots of people are engaging in activities that's probably not in their best interest. Doesn't mean we have to bash them. Spiritual work is about kindness and compassion. Understanding that everyone is consciousness awareness and some are just not there yet. People have their own battles and challenges to face in this world and bashing and criticizing and judging isn't the way to go from a higher point of view. Condoning is not the answer either, but it's so easy for people to sit on their high horses thinking they are better than anybody else because they meditate and do yoga. Judging and criticizing is not in alignment with the higher power either. When we see people acting in ways that goes against what is aligned with their true nature, which btw is not selling sex, but being cruel, unkind, judgemental, condescending, thinking you're better than you are also acting in a low conscious manner.
Seriously, I don't think the two actually goes together - high or low consciousness. Don't even know why the mention.
You forgot to say the direct selling of sex. Sex is being indirectly sold in marketing strategies. That's where the quote "sex sells" come from. Intact, you've also indirectly bought sex. That female you had sex with and was so attracted to, bought make up, high heels and a sexy dress that you bought into.
Sorry, I said "no", because it's just a matter of differences of opinion. I don't think decenticization of porn leads to more hard core stuff. If anything, it reduces the need for porn entirely and probably lowers one's sex drive but not necessarily. Just my opinion
There's violence, torture and abuse of animals. There's violence, torture and abuse in the churches. There's violence torture and abuse of children in households. There's violence, torture and abuse in war zones. Also, there's porn that doesn't exploit or contains violence, torture and abuse. There are plenty of examples on both sides of the spectrum and in places not known. Porn industry is just another example. If you were to constantly watch videos of children or animals being tortured and abused, you would be asking why is there so much torture and abuse of children and animals. There's someone right now, as we speak, getting tortured and abused and also someone being cared for. We're only concerned with what we're aware of and what we focus on expands.
No, it's a way of expressing the anger inside.
Don't you watch porn? What's the difference. Sometimes they do persecute the onlookers.