Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Please do not think this way. It seems as if you're saying Leo gave you permission to do it. Please remember he also said he doesn't advise people under any circumstances to harm themselves.
  2. NEED I POST MORE, because I can. This is just the appetizer.
  3. He didn't ask our pov on the drinking of coffee and if he should drink it or not, but how to drink it so as to not cause an addiction and the ways in which he can consume it safely. Not to tell him not to drink it or giving our opinions on coffee-drinking in respect to if it's worthwhile or not.
  4. Yes, I did. I overindulged for about a month and developed inflammation in the knee. It got swollen where I found it difficult to even walk. I almost took my self to the emergency room because I wasn't sure what was going on. My own intuition kicked in, I took action based on the knowledge I've acquired, saw the peanuts as a probable cause because I'm aware they contain phytic and other acids and can cause inflammation. I took the necessary steps, eliminated peanuts from my diet took some black seed oil, drank lots of sour sop tea and celery juice and in no time that knee restored itself back to normal. Also, coffee has been known to cause heart palpitations in some people, it eliminates calcium from the body through urination and contributes to weakening of the bones if consumed too regularly and is a diuretic. So don't take these foods too lightly as people are unaware that sometimes it's these unsuspecting foods and others that are causing their bodies to react negatively.
  5. Ok. Have a nice day while I go somewhere else with my respectable bullshit. Don't want to stir up my pebbles and create any unwanted ripples. With love and respect.
  6. So many of us wouldn't be clashing with his character if it wasn't problematic. Sometimes it's not what's being said, but how it's being said. Being condescending is not what conscious communication is about whether the person speaking is right or wrong, it's being respectful and cognizant of other's right to their opinions. Everyone, or most of us here, understands that we are not professionals here; it's a public forum for people to express their ideas and suggestions and not to use it as professional advice and that we are all from different walks of life and cultures and have had different experiences. Constantly criticizing and judging and speaking in very derogatory ways to others and constantly finding reasons why you're doing so, even when confronted about it by so many, shows there is no attempt to even self-reflect to see if maybe you're out of alignment and maybe adjust the way you communicate with others.
  7. I used to have this mindset until I grew to understand why people, including myself, act and behave in ways we do. I don't get disappointed anymore, empathy grows. Not in the way of something is wrong with them and i empathize, but understanding. I don't like to bring spirituality into things all the time but it's important if you want to gain composure in life and to not let the world unsettle you. People have constructed an identity which entails all the building blocks from their thoughts, experiences, beliefs, ideas and their own world view. It changes like the wind depending on various factors and where they're at in life and their development. They themselves are trying to stay with the flow of their inner changes and the current is so wavering they become unsettled inside. So, please don't take it too seriously and literally because someone else is viewing you the same way without the proper understanding of who you are and without knowing the stories you're telling yourself and how that has to be aligned with your identity. You being disappointed or feeling that way, is only you not realizing this and have identified as your constructed egoic mind identity and comparing it to theirs. I do the same thing, so don't think I'm above this; the difference is I'm aware of what the mind is doing and I'm not invested in it to feel disappointed anymore. Not even in myself because that just leads to more unconsciousness.
  8. What this statement reveals to me, and it's my personal opinion, is that it is special, but there is a conscious intentional motive to let it not be so, in order to leave room and space for there not be attachments and to gain more freedom in this respect. There are actions there to prevent it from not feeling special intentionally for some kind of protection. If there wasn't a chance for it to ever be special the guy would see no need to actively want to do anything.
  9. Most men will only slut shame the women they're not sleeping with, unless they are arguing some how, but as soon as that woman becomes a prospect for them to have a chance at sleeping with her, like you said, they are loving that slut. As soon as they break-up or she sleeps with someone else, she's back to being slut shamed. Women call other women sluts because they fear she takes her man or the man she wants chooses them over her - other reasons too but it's usually for jealousy reasons. She looks better than her, sexier than her.....things like that. People usually don't hate on the poor or people they consider beneath them.
  10. You have to remember that not every guy sees women the same or even view sex the same. What you're asking is quite personalized and the answer will only reflect how the person answering feels personally about this topic. I've personally encountered guys who view sex as something special and, not only that, view the woman as special IN THOSE MOMENTS and it shows in the way they respond to you. If it weren't special then there wouldn't be videos made about how to get laid and so many coaches on both sides teaching and recommending things to people on how to accomplish said things. Some people are so invested in these things uncontrollably and not to their liking and it has become an obsession or addiction that the only way for them to cope with it is to deny it's importance. I'm not saying this is the case here or with anyone in particular, I'm simply mentioning that this may be the case with some people both men and women. All you have to do is see how a person reacts to something with strong emotions and the intensity in the way they dismiss this premise. Take every advice, suggestion and recommendation about dating and sexuality as just that and not actual because it's a very personalized topic and people's attraction to various things and why they're attracted is a complicated thing and most are not even aware themselves on how this is happening.
  11. Nah, it's the top percentage.
  12. Don't get me started on that. I'd be accused of conspiracy theories. The most I'll say is the masses is being dumbed down and stuff is being pushed to try and keep us dumbed down. That's why it's important not to watch the news as much and to scroll endlessly on social media. We're easily programmed.
  13. I've seen where women are called sluts because of the clothes she wears. Women are being shamed all over the place. Instagram models, porn stars, prostitutes, OF girls, women in short skirts, high heels, cleavage showing, belly out, if you twerk you're a hoe, if you wear red lipstick, paint your nails, wear long hair, have a ponytail, suck on a lollypop, I mean, it's endless. Then guys just wanna get laid. That's all i see. They'll even move just to get laid. They'll lie to get laid. Talk shit to get laid. Change their personality to get laid. Nothing wrong with that. Lots of us do shit in life; but why call women sluts and whores and say they're easy and worn out. Shame OF workers and belittle women trying to get paid. Not all guys, only some; let's make that clear.
  14. Check this guys channel out. He has a few videos on this topic.
  15. Well smart women don't give it up easily because there's nothing special about him wanting to sleep with you. So that's why they hold off till you've invested somewhat. Lots of angry women around because they slept with the guy, and he didn't do a damn thing but whispered sweet nothings in her ear. All I see is men trying to get laid. All I see is men going half- crazy because they can't get a gf. Must be something special there.
  16. You know I love you. You can never offend me. You're the light that brightens my day when I come on. I think of you as a cute little cuddly teddy bear. Please don't break my heart by thinking you offended me. Doesn't even matter what you say to me. I can't get mad at you. You're my cuddly little Prince. Now that Bazooky is gone.
  17. Please don't get hung up on the terms, words, labels and what they should be called. Concentrate on the underlying message and what I'm trying to point to. There's only One. God/Absolute/The All etc.. It's Infinite. We are all expressions of that. There are levels to existence: 7. The Absolute/God/The All/The One Consciousness /The One Awareness/The All knowing/Existence itself. There is no other. 6. The manifestation of #7. The I AM/Your I AM Awareness of BEING. Being aware of Yourself as that one Reality. The Absolute's expression 5. Your I AM identity. The All in physical expression. Whatever you say I AM. This is where the Law of Assumption comes in. Whatever you assume yourself to be. 4. What you assume about yourself and the world. 4 and 5 are ideas/assumptions. 3, 2 &1 goes together. Thoughts, feelings and emotions. Thoughts and feelings combined, creates the emotions. These are not reality and have no source. We get caught up in them believing they are Reality but they're not. We're trying to control these and get caught up in the vicious cycle. This is not where creation is. It's at levels 4 - 7. The one energy source that permeates everything is the I AM. The I AM is nothing but that ONE EMOTION. There's only one emotion and the rest are sensations of that one emotion. The emotions you feel are filters of that one source. They are not reality but expressions of reality. When you feel an emotion that is uncomfortable or "negative", it's an emotion being filtered from who you truly are and is not true of your true identity otherwise it wouldn't feel like that. Something that is not a fundamental truth does not feel good. That one emotion, the I AM is being expressed through you as love, gratitude joy, freedom and bliss, etc. These are elevated emotions that are true to the ALL. You are already all that. It's a state of being. Your personalized physical expression of the All in you is expressed as a result of your assumptions about yourself and the world. Everything else that you see in the 3D world is like the show, the circus, chaotic and out of control - so it seems. These are also expressions of your identity but they are not reality only ideas and expressions of the true reality. Now, we try to create from these ideas of reality by trying to cope, trying to change them and trying to deal with the circumstances of this non-reality. This is very tiring and only creates anxiety, depression anger and resentment. This part of reality is like the weeds and remnants and is not relevant as far as creation goes and what experiences we have. There's no emotional stability in the weeds and circus where things are always changing (emotions, thoughts and feelings). Trying to change our thoughts and feelings is an indication that we believe those are reality and we get caught up in the cycle. Never feeling fulfilled. One has to be at levels 5,6,7, knowing you are already that. Trying to change your feelings which are not permanent doesn't do anything. You have to know you're worthy safe and loved. You will never feel those upper emotions from the level of trying to change things in the weed. It comes from KNOWING who you truly are. The thoughts and feelings keep you trapped, they make you feel unfulfilled and needing to do something about them. If you already know who you truly are and have formed assumptions based from that, even if thoughts, feelings and emotions overtake you, you will not identify with them because you know they are fleeting and changing and does not matter. All that matters is that you stay at the higher levels where true creations take place and stay there. This video explains my post. I'm not writing this post because of what I believe this man is saying. It's from being in the field for a few years, absorbing everything from every angle, from every experience to every insight, to what every guru says, to every notion of no self, to every thing Leo teaches, to every one that says there's no you and that its all illusory to every comment to every thread to every whatever. It all boils down to God Realization and how you use that for earthly manifestation and how to do it properly. There's nothing in the 3D world to change to get your desired reality. We have to stay with the identity of the one true reality and ignore everything else and allow that reality to work through you to bring forth it's expression.
  18. I said it makes them feel, not that they literally earned it. I didn't say they even like us any better. Earning it not because they think we are so special but because they want to feel special. If they thought the female was giving it up with every man around the block, they wouldn't feel like she really likes them and that she is easy. If she's not, and she let's him wait because she's that type of girl and doesn't like to just sleep with any ole guy, and he knows this, then he'll feel special. Only men that feels entitled to a woman's body without showing her that he really cares in whatever ways he chooses to show her would go around hating women because they didn't give it up that easily. Men call women sluts and whores and when they meet one that takes her time, they say she's playing games and want to hate on her.
  19. Green smoothie to help remove toxins recipe.
  20. How can I delete my Actualized forum followers.....just kidding.
  21. That's right. Women play these games that men invented. They love to work for their conquests. Makes them feel like they earned it.
  22. I know you said might, but it's rarely the case why this happens. Women, especially if they're young and impressionable, have hang ups about being too easy and have been trained by society to not show too much eagerness to be with a man. Men themselves have brought this upon themselves by the way they talk about women in this category. She's too easy, she's a slut, she was too forward, she gives it up easy, blah, blah, blah, while they take all the credit when they too are doing the same thing. Men are the easy ones because it's not hard to get a man in bed. Infact, that's what most are looking to do. So, women have to be more selective and to be more careful because a guy's intentions might not be in her best interest unless she wants the same thing.