Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. "Having to win them over with my personality makes me feel unattractive" has nothing to do with them. You already feel unattractive. You are waiting for validation on the outside. You want women to be vain and should want you first for your looks. The reason why "bad boys" like A.T gets women so easily isn't because he won anybody over or his looks. It's because INSIDE he already feels worthy, he feels he's the shit and he is God's gift to women, he is confident. That's the "bad boy" dynamic. The type of women he attracts is another story and if his confidence and whether he's really God's gift to women is irrelevant. All he needs is the FEELING. "The Feeling Is The Secret" as the quote says. I see lots of unattractive women getting all guys of guys. Why is that? They are confident in that area. They feel they're the shit. Ever see a fat woman showing off her stomach and her ass and walking in confidence? She doesn't care she knows she looks good and that will shine through and you won't see the "fatness" first , you'll see confidence written all over. Look around you in the real world, do you see physically attractive people (by societal norms) walking all over the place getting hitched. Are we plagued by so many attractive people that unattractive people stand out. No, attractive people stand out because most people look "normal". Yet, most people are having sex, having kids, getting married, going on get my point. I could go on and on with this to show you how it's your mind that's creating this. Your beliefs. Build on your confidence, your worth and your view about women. Start to see yourself as God's gift to them and how you're so handsome you can get any girl you want. Keep saying it and the mind will start to believe it to a point where it will reflect that in your reality because your actions will also change and the Universe doesn't hear what you say it responds to how you feel. You are creating your world with your thoughts and belief systems, so you are creating those rejections. You might deny this, of course, but it's true. I had to come to this realization myself, and with some introspection, I recognized how I was doing it. Different aspects of my life, that is. Try to understand this because it is crucial if you want to start attracting the opposite sex. Looks without inner confidence is nothing but inner confidence without looks can take you a long way. And looks is also relative.
  2. Quite interesting. A bit extreme, most women probably wouldn't go about it the way she does but kiegel exercises can help. Just goes to show we have to watch what we think is impossible because our minds and experiences are limited. Bigger breasts... that's easy, even nature provides solutions to that. Bigger penises too and all sorts of body parts can be changed. Even the non-physical like mindsets are changeable. This Universe is infinite and forever changing. We're the ones that always want to remain the same. There's a solution for everything except stopping change itself. When we open our minds the answers will come.
  3. I suggest you watch this. You might become more aware of why you're feeling the way you do.
  4. Well, I guess I'll be taking that course because I love the God talk.
  5. This is why you need to stop watching fantasy shows like this. This is TV. And even if it's real, you're comparing yourself which just plummets your self-esteem and thinking you have to suffer to get a girl to like you.
  6. You see the "nice guy syndrome". It's a manipulative tactic some guys use to try to make you feel guilty for not making that a priority on your "guys I would date list". They know exactly what they're doing because they are experts at this and then they get upset when you don't fall for it, then start telling you about the ground you're walking on like what @StarStruckIs doing. He was flirting with you yesterday, now he's saying all this stuff he's saying now because he realizes you would never date a guy who follows the master of manipulator.
  7. I'm aware of that but you didn't answer the question. If that's what you are suggesting, are you aware over 700,000 people worldwide commit suicide each year. I wonder what the causes were. Probably not from being on a forum. Other factors are involved. Do you blame gun manufactures for every person that gets shot. I bet you don't blame the Supermarkets for hosting poisons on their shelves that's slowly causing millions of deaths each year. The blame game never gets to the root cause.
  8. This is why "gold diggers" exists. No bitterness involved if their time spent was worth the aggravation. Only women who give their love and time freely and easily have room for bitterness. Not saying anyone should go gold digging, but at least let the guy invest a bit and earn the prize he's chasing. There's a reason why men chase women. There's a reason why they compete for women. What do you people usually compete for a PRIZE. Most low standard guys will disagree with this but it's because they refuse to up their game to get the prize they want so they settle for the runner up and tell you to lower your standards to match theirs. You don't see much successful men involved in Involuntary Celibacy because most understand what it takes to attract a woman worth investing in, protect and provide for. Its not about the sex/financial dynamic but more about the attractor factor. They understand women value security in a relationship and that entails being able to trust his provision for her and a family if they were to get married and have kids. It's just innate whether they marry or have kids, doesn't matter. Its instinctual. This only refers to women /men looking for long-term lasting relationships. By all means have sexual relationships just for its own sake without attachments, that's fine too, but the guys who want a woman to lower her standards just to get laid, isn't doing either any good because he will only resent her in the end and start to feel inadequate, because instinctively he knows she deserves better. Both of them do.
  9. Are you suggesting that Leo killed the guy from the forum that committed suicide. Not saying you are, I'm not sure, that's why I'm asking; or at least was the cause of his death. BTW, I am familiar with that incident.
  10. You are probably right by saying some of his followers doesn't understand his teachings in respect to how it can work for him by successfully manipulating his way through society to gain financial success. Through direct experience, I have witnessed some guys going down hill by listening to him and trying to mimic his behavioral patterns not recognizing you can only get away with certain behavior after you've established a certain way of life. E.g guys with $$ can get away with certain behavior a broke ass man wouldn't be able to pull off.
  11. You can almost tell the guys on here who follow Andrew Tate. Its kinda obvious from their remarks. Thats another way you can tell the negative effect he has on some. Lost in their own bubble without thinking for themselves and analyzing and following their own inner guru. What may work for A. T. may not work for all men because of where each person is at in their own development and the resources available to them and the environment they are in.
  12. Even if you're right, when you "die" you're just wanna come back for more instead of being all by yourself lost in your own dream.
  13. Wasting your time explaining this. It's the same as telling a Trump supporter about his toxic ways. They'll defend him t their death and justify his toxicity by giving you all the reasons why he's the way he is and saying..." yes, but...."
  14. You're right! Tho he came off so harsh and sometimes people aren't aware of they come across. Myself included. I always welcome constructive criticism because I might not be aware of how my opinion my have caused someone internal harm and sometimes take the opportunity to introspect and maybe learn something about myself I wasn't aware of. Sometimes I think other people can benefit from thus viewpoint, but, then again, who am I kidding. Stay sweet.
  15. Just because someone thinks they need sex, doesn't mean they are disrespecting themselves. What is pathetic here is you putting down this woman because she enjoys doing something that can be perfectly healthy and saying she's glamorizing it because she enjoys it with the right partner. Your tone was very harsh and throughout this whole thread she has been nothing but responsive and respectful in all her responses even to you. We don't need food or water to survive either, it's called breatharianism, but we eat anyway. You don't need clothes to survive but you wear them anyway. The only thing we really need is air. Doesn't matter what we think we need or don't need, calling a situation pathetic because of your opinions and comparing their likes to others that may or may not see it necessary for their survival is out of line. You sound like a domineering psychopath, telling her she can do better and giving her permission how you see fit for when she can or cannot have sex. And ending your remark with a "duh" is so condescending. Maybe you can do better than this.
  16. I miss the white one. He looks so handsome in white. I hope you're reading this leo. The same ole crumpled white shirt you wore for yrs. Where is it. Black makes you look Russian. ?
  17. Ok I will remove my comment and apologies for offending anyone
  18. Chill...i was being sarcastic. You're overreacting.
  19. Not saying you're any of these things just seems that way to them. Easy target.
  20. They're only falling for her cause she seems desperate, naive and horny. Lol. Great combination for pick-up success. ??
  21. I think so too cause my gfs are always horny asf. Men just get turned on more easily and it doesn't take much if the physical attraction is already there. Say blah to a woman whose turned on by you and the deal is over. Say blah to a man attracted to you and he says rinse and repeat, c'mon baby.
  22. Try to think outside your own box and realize women are different from men when it comes to sexual needs and how to satisfy it. There's a reason why that industry you're suggesting caters to mostly men.