Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Lol..ill try tomorrow when I'm awake. That wasn't much help because I'm hitting all kinds of symbols because thats all I see. Ill try on my mobile
  2. Thanks for your input. People like him is what's needed in the scientific community to open their minds to the unquantifiable nature of Consciousness.
  3. Anybody here familiar with Bernardo Kastrup and his philosophical ideas or has read any of his books? Just saw him in an interview and found him interesting. I've heard his name before but never listened to him speak. He said some things that really opened my eyes, and it was quite an interesting interview. I was curious what most of the more philosophical members here thought about his philosophy and world view and is he highly respected in his field of expertise. He seemed very humble and likeable and seems to have an established audience. Would like to know what you think about him. Anybody.
  4. Its not that you exists and I don't as humans. The Universe is holographic; and one holographic being cannot differentiate the difference between another holographic being. We are holograms of the one Source. No-thing and Everything exists simultaneously. You and I are Source (God) existing from a different perspective in God's mind. You are the one observing the body/mind. You are God and only God exists. You are the Universe pretending to be human. You get to experience a part of the Infinite, which is you. You are experiencing yourself as Source, so am I, but it's the one Source . The same thing looking through your eyes is the same thing looking through mine. You are me and I am you. The real eternal you, that is...not the egoic mind or the apparent separate self. There is no self, only God appearing as a self. Your imagination is God and you are imagining everything including yourself.
  5. The bald head alone will do. You need muscles for wife beaters to work. Sorry Leo. His muscles are hidden in his forehead warped around his "gift of gab" brain tissues. Only smart women would be attracted to those muscles; and he doesn't attract smart women only emotional puppeteers. I'm going to detention for this...see you guys on the other side.
  6. @integralcan you walk me through on how to quote a specific part of someone's comment, instead of quoting the whole thing to make a reply. It's the only thing I have a problem doing in the reply section. I see everybody doing it, but I struggle with that part. I know how to hit "quote" to reply to the whole thing but to take it apart is what I need to know how to do. Thank you.
  7. Aww...thank you, so are you. I've been watching him lately and find his views interesting and enlightening.
  8. Thanks for your feedback.
  9. Yeah, baby...its the "wife beater" baby. Wear the "wife beater" shirt and you get 'em all day everyday. Plus the bald head. Bald-headed guys rock.
  10. $$$ and more $$$. Don't attack me now. Its what I do. But on the square tip...sense of humor, charisma and confidence.
  11. @RubenThaller2001 we never stumble across anything in life by accident. There's a reason you're here. It's up to you to recognize this and take the inspired action so the Universe can experience itself through you. You may feel some resistance to this because the lower self doesn't understand that it's not in charge and the mind may come up with all sorts of rationality as to why you were led to this path. Listen to your gut, go with your intuition. Does it feel good. Does it intuitively resonate or are you being influenced by outside forces. I recommend you take it in slowly, try not to analyze or judge anything in the beginning, have an open mind and go with whatever feels more natural. The heart always knows.
  12. You don't say that about the "coffee table" analogy. Lol just kidding.
  13. Your inner guru, experience and women.
  14. Lol. Looks like my cat Shy Shy that I misnamed that turned out to be the monstrous neighborhood pest.
  15. You're pretty much saying the same thing I did; just in a different way. We're all searching for love in everything we do, even buying a car. God is love. You are love. The fabric of the Universe is made out of love. We are searching for ourselves. Everything we do is an expression of ourselves. Even if you hate, it's still a form of love. We only feel that gap because we don't recognize this and we go in search for whatever is already within us. Sounds woo, woo but when you really contemplate this, it becomes obvious.
  16. I didn't come to any conclusion, that's why I asked. Even if that's you on your profile pic, it doesn't mean you're not trans. I guess when you said lust my mind correlates that with masculinity. Maybe because of my make up. That's all.
  17. Sex is an expression of love. Guys just want more sex because they crave more love.
  18. Please don't take this personally and I'm just curious. Are you a male or a trans? You probably wouldn't say if you were, anyway, and there's nothing you said that made me ask this, it's just a feeling. You don't even have to answer.
  19. I don't get it, what is your point, that Source is bottled water, or bottled water is the source?
  20. Girl, what did you done start here. This post made it on the "Hot" list.
  21. I love it too. We all instinctively know the right path to take to get back to Source, because that's all we're doing here in life, even tho WE ARE SOURCE, but the egoic self takes the wheel and steers us towards the potholes.
  22. Get an erection....that'll do it. The notion of "bigger penis, better sex", is also a trick. I'm sure there are ways for penis enlargement, don't know what, tho, never had this problem.
  23. Bigger breasts...breast implants. Bigger penises, go on pornhub and check out the ads.