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Everything posted by Princess Arabia
There are illusions all around us in our daily life. 1. A woman in make-up looks different from her natural face. That's an illusion. 2. A woman in high heels looks taller than she actually is. That's an illusion. 3. A person speaking through a microphone sounds different than his natural voice. That's an illusion. 4. A person looking through sunglasses sees a different hue of the atmosphere. That's an illusion. A vehicle's side mirror says "vehicles appear closer than they seem(sic) Thats an illusion. I can go on and on. A cake doesn't just pop outta nowhere, ingredients are needed. Without the ingredients the cake cannot exist. Those ingredients formed the illusion of a cake. The ingredients are still within the cake but the cake was dependent on the ingredients to be formed. The ingredients were also dependent on a source. Those sources are also dependent on other sources. Everything is dependent on something else to exists. It's all an appearance. Things are just appearing. Appearing from what. Emptiness. No-thing. Which creates everything. Everything comes from nothing. Take away everything and nothing remains. Put them all back, they are just appearing and that's the illusion. You don't dismiss your Beau because she wears lipstick you just understand that it's the reason why her lips appear red and you act accordingly and life goes on. The Ego is an illusion so it needs illusory things to survive. The space that holds everything in the Universe doesn't need the Universe to exist. That space is also illusory; because if everything is illusory, there's nothing to hold. You cannot put illusory water in a real glass. The illusory water can only appear to be in the "real" glass, if it's apparent there's water in the glass..Everything is real and unreal simultaneously. Unreal...has to be appearing unreal out of something...real has to be appearing real out of something. That something is the Source from which both are appearing. That Source is one. If you believe that Source has to come from another Source, then that's the Souce; and if you believe that Source has to be coming from another Source, then that's the Source. Go back until there's no beginning to this Source. It is Infinite. No beginning, no end. Infinity is all there is. You are Infinity. So you are all there is. Hence, Solipsissm.
May I ask how he transformed your life. You didn't say positively. Transformation can come in many forms. I'm not being judgemental here, just asking.
Hitler also had a good heart,.relatively speaking. @StarStruck
Princess Arabia replied to Jowblob's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nothing to say on this post except your name gets me everytime. I guess I have a dirty mind. ? -
Princess Arabia replied to zunnyman's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Humans will just get more creative and adapt. Maybe not the older generation but the millennial and those to come who are born into the AI generation because it would be all they know. Humans have not been taught how to develop their creativity because the schooling system is robotic and doesn't teach us how to think only memorize (for the most part). That part of us is buried deep down inside and when humans are forced to figure out a way to survive, they usually step up to the plate whether positively or negatively. AI will just get rid of the tedious work humans have so long had to endure and make room for more advanced ways of Being. Wage slavery will probably be eliminated to make room for us to advance to more of our higher potential. It will take a few years for us to catch up, and maybe after this generation dies off. We are very adaptable creatures and survival-.oriented so eventually we'll figure it out. I'm sure AI will have its positives and negatives, like everything else; and even though it will never take the place of humans when it comes to human consciousness, it will probably make room for the human consciousness to evolve more rapidly because were not bottled down with trivial tasks like flipping burgers or serving coffee or making hotel beds. I don't know, this is just my take when I look at the big picture. -
Princess Arabia replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The Ego doesn't exist so there's Noone to become Enlightened...Or..Everyone is Enlightened because the Ego doesn't exist. -
Princess Arabia replied to Findus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nothingness doesn't try to become anything it just IS. It's not a noun it's a verb... IS-ING, BEING. It doesn't arrive anywhere, it already was there, is there and will always be there....God creates by Being not Becoming. -
Princess Arabia replied to Findus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
While I was writing that I was thinking that also. Thanks for that. It's all making sense to me now. PRESENCE is the key not the PRESENT moment because the present moment will become the past and is actually the present future. -
Princess Arabia replied to Findus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The last sentence you made, clarified and made very clear the meaning of "life is imaginary". That is a very profound statement. I understood it intellectually just from hearing it over and over and whenever I contemplated it that is exactly how I perceived it to be. Past and future is all in the mind...only the NOW exists. This is why it is important to be PRESENT because the present moment is all there is; everything else is imaginary. I guess this is why imagination is so powerful because in it is where we live our lives and create from. Nothing exists outside of imagination including our own BEING. This is the meaning of we are just a thought, an idea, a concept in God's mind, hence the word CONCEPTION, right as the seed got planted in the womb. The breadcrumb trails are all around us but we're just too blinded to see them. -
Lots of hookers on bumble. Not saying she is. Just saying.
It's not about their intention, it's about yours.
There's no such thing as an easy lay all by yourself. It takes two. I can go outside right now and get laid in 10mins if I wanted to as a female. For a guy, it takes a lot more effort to accomplish this. Now whose the easy lay. Don't be succumbed to societal norms about women being easy lay. If anything, men are the easy lay. Most women (not all) will sleep with a guy early on because she really likes him while a guy can sleep with a woman the first time he meets her and not like her one bit and not even be attracted to her but because she is willing. There's a reason why the sex industry is lucrative and it's not because women are "easy lays" but because a lot of men are easy participants in the "laying" process...so to speak. Don't think you're an easy lay because you chose to sleep with a guy early on, he slept with you too; so if that's your perception, he was an easy lay too. So if he decides not to respect you after that, he doesn't respect himself either. If you still respect your decision after, then that's all that matters.
I guess. Thanks for the input. You know what my definition of Awakening is (or I should say, one part, except to realize you are God) is to Awaken those parts of you that are lying dormant within you waiting to be activated to truly explore fully who you truly are. After Enlightenment it's chop wood carry water; and if you don't keep those sparks alive and running, you'll go right back to sleep and running like a programmed robot. (Like a car sitting for some time that needs to be rebooted in order to start running again). Anyway, I think we're all born Enlightened, but it's the programming that we're running on that has shielded us from seeing the light of who we truly are. It's not about adding on but taking away all the baggage we've so easily carried within our consciousness leading us to believe in a false Self which we are believing in and has used to navigate or lives instead of just going with the flow of life like nature intended. But learning how to do that is a process like a baby learning to walk. But we don't curse a baby when it stumbles we guide it along until it learns on its own. A baby isn't low-consciosness because it doesn't know how to walk, it's just being a baby. A seed isn't low-consciosness because it hasn't blossomed into a tree, it's just being a seed. Likewise, a human isn't low-consciosness because it hasn't blossomed into its fill potential and hasn't awakened all its faculties in order to become God-like; it needs nurturing just like watering a seed so it can fully blossom into its full potential of becoming the tree it already had implanted in it. My thing is, I feel we're all Enlightened beings, just like that seed already has that tree inside of it, growing into the wonderful human beings that needs to be nurtured in order to become the full potential of all the dormant features laying in all of us waiting to be activated in order to become what we were intended to be and that is to become God. If that makes sense. But then, again, I could be deluded. Doesn't matter, if I'm deluded then I'm just God deluding myself to the point where I decide to burst out of my delusion.
Why does this forum at times seems like a competition. Whose awake, whose not awake. Who's of low-consciosness, who's of high-consciousness..etc. My take on it is everybody is where they're supposed to be. Like a perfect piece of the puzzle. From my understanding, the highest form of intelligence is to "observe without judgement". If everybody was at the same level then everything would be back to the Singularity. No experience, no perspectives and just blah. To me, it's of low consciousness to call people low consciousness. It's all Spirit so you're just judging Spirit or God or yourself. Everyone is perfect, it's just the veil of perception that's flawed, imo. I have a veil that's flawed too but being aware of that is half the battle...so to speak...even tho there's no battle cause I'm only battling myself if I perceive there to be a battle. I know nothing, so be free to correct me if you believe me to be wrong about this. I might be judging too when I say it's low conscious behavior to call people low conscious and my ego judges people all the time in my mind; but understanding that it's my ego and their ego and not the true Self makes for easier forgiveness of myself and them. Anyway, if you come at me, don't come too harsh 'cause it might make me want to leave and come back and leave and come back and look like a low-consciousness character. Either way, it's all good and I like to read the posts and comments from most of you because I've learnt a lot by doing so.
Very nice. I like the way you broke it apart and dissected it. I like your responses. They were thought out and non-judgmental. Kudos.
Princess Arabia replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
??. I just awoken from my nap by reading it. -
Princess Arabia replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lol. Say that 10x's fast. -
Tadaah. Whenever I'm with clients and start to talk spiritual stuff (I don't do it often) I get the feeling that they're looking at me like "why are you spoiling my illusion. I want to stay asleep so I can keep doing my dirty stuff". Lol. Once I told a guy that he's making out with himself when he's with me and I never saw him again. Never did that again.
Yes you are
Princess Arabia replied to QandC's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well said -
There's none. The closest one to me is "Morgue" but he doesn't go beyond logic and reason and some of his theories are in contradiction to Leo's. But he has a lot of content that is interesting to watch.
I think some of us expect Leo to be some pope-like guru who sits on a throne with a robe on who wears goth-like sandals and carries a cane. He says the word "fuck" on his blog and all hell breaks loose. For heaven's sake he goes to strip clubs and party it up in Vegas on the week-ends. How cool is that. Some of us say worse things than that to ourselves and don't bat an eye, but he says a word that's actually in the dictionary and we're shocked and flabbergasted. All the words he used are in the dictionary. Is it the way he said it? Well, perceive it another way and it won't be so offensive. Leo needs no defense from me and I'm just stating my stance on this. We criticize leo everytime he acts "human" whether on here or on his Instagram like he's some Pope. He's a genius that has a lot of knowledge and is sharing that with us, so take the part you can learn from and leave the rest. I bet you the Pope is saying "fuck" every other minute in his private chambers. As least Leo is being blatant and outright with his thoughts and feelings, atleast we know where he stands. That's my take.
Cloves: boil few cloves in water, strain, use as mouthwash. Essential oil/dilute w/water. Parsley: boil in water, strain. Store 5days in fridge Himalayan pink salt: add water and rinse Neem mouthwash Coconut oil pulling
Check out Medical Medium. His healing style is very unique and non-traditional. Spirit of Compassion speaks through him and he has healed a lot of people with health problems. I highly recommend him for you..
Real lesbians don't hate men and gay guys don't hate women...it is usually the opposite. Straight women will hate men then go to lesbianism to get back at men and Straight men will hate women for "hurting" them, but most won't turn to men they will just use and abuse women. Trans usually act more feminine to try to hide their masculine side just like the more feminine gay guy will act more feminine to try to attract the more feminine or sometimes masculine straight guy. They are just extremities. The real gays try to attract the straights. Reading your post makes me think you misunderstand the gay community. You think lesbians are such because they hate men. They don't need to. The butch ones or more masculine ones don't hate men because they don't have to deal with them on an intimate level and,, therefore,, don't get hurt by them.. The more feminine ones who are real lesbians don't either. The wannabes, maybe, the fake ones who turn to women because they've been hurt but they don't usually last in that community. Most of them were sexually molested as a child also. I speak from experience. My sister is gay, my best friend is gay, I've been around Trans in the past, and I used to go to gay clubs and I myself have been with women even though I'm not a lesbian. I've been around the gay community and they don't hate the opposite sex. That belongs in the straight community, for the most part. It's mostly about identity and that's usually with the masculine women and the feminine men. They have a hard time fitting in, but not within themselves but in societies' standards. The lesbians will usually stay together for years and decades while the gay men will go through each other like underwear.