Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. @justfortoday, thank you for this. It was very interesting to read. My stance on life is mostly to be open to everything and be attached to nothing. Still working on that. I've seen Leo's video on Solipsism and heard people talk about it and have contemplated it a bit for myself. This is what I came to understand intellectually, as I have not done any psychedelics or have had any direct experiences with this, and that is: Reality is one...God is all there are God.....there is only one consciousness experiencing different perspectives...God is dreaming Reality and the Ego is just a construct, a concept, stories, an idea in Gods, if all that is true, doesn't that mean there is only one BEING in existence, hence Solipsism? When I'm going about my daily life and trying to survive as a human being, I see myself as a separate being and there are others around me doing the same thing, doing normal human activities and experiencing life through their own other words, through the ego. But there are times when I cannot find myself, cannot locate the person inside of me that I think exists. This part is hard to explain using words, but ill try, times I will sit and just stare trying to locate where this self is and just cannot find it. This only happens when I consciously try to do this. Any other time I just go about my day as if I'm a separate person. When I really take a moment and sit to contemplate my being, I see it as (and this isn't literal, it's just how I can explain it) I see myself as the empty space around me that is observing me and the contents of my surroundings. Like a room with furniture. My body is the furniture but the real me is the space that's holding the furniture. No matter how much furniture is in that room/space the space remains the same. Remove the furniture and the space remains the same. I see myself as that space. Untouchable and unchangeable. But this only comes to my awareness when I'm really observing/contemplating my nature/existence/self. It goes away then I'm back to being the self and doing mundane activities. What I'm saying is I see myself as the space from which everything appears and that space is and everything simultaneously. That endless space of no-thing is the one Being and it is all alone projecting its awareness unto itself. Isn't that the same as Solipsism. You yourself said that there is nothing outside and that all is mental. So, therefore, you and everything and everybody else is only a projection of my mind, hence Solipsism. We all "die" and none of us gets out of this alive because there is no us and only the one Being, which is all of us but only as a thought. I said a lot here and sometimes language gets in the way but I tried my best to explain my understanding of Solipsism and would really like to hear your perspective on what I said. I can see the no face because I only see a reflection in the mirror and cannot sense a face when I really try to and a lot of the other stuff you said really resonated.
  2. Ok, so I read this whole thread up to this point ( the time I'm making this post). You said "when I was like 18yrs old, I swear I got hard just by the "THOUGHT" of sex. I highlighted the word "thought". What do you think that is . MENTAL. "I must find a really "AROUSING" porn movie to get an erection". Again, arousal starts with the mind. What arouses you might be different from what arouses someone else. Its relative to your mind. " I like soft, lovely, cute voice...huge turn on". Again, MENTAL. You cannot grab someone's voice or see it physically, you are using your sense of hearing. MENTAL. "As human beings we're innate to using our senses". Boom!! There's the Climax. Almost everything you stated in your responses to @integral was showing how sexual attraction starts from the mental. ALL IS MENTAL. Hope you can see the correlation from what I'm saying with regards to the physical and mental. All that said, what @integral is saying I can understand. He has integrated his physical sexual attraction and mental attraction more holistically and it is coming from a more sustainable level. The physical doesn't excite him as much as the mental because the physical is second order(so-to-speak). His attraction is more long lasting and he'll be more able to sustain a longer-lasting relationship with a partner. This is why you need a higher dose of porn to get excited and sex with your gf is not as exciting as watching porn. You're young but you have to be careful of all that porn because it will desensitize you and can be the cause of porn addiction and unrelatable real life intimate sexual encounters. A lot of older men when they get to a certain age need viagra or become impotent because of this dynamic. He's not saying he doesn't get excited by a woman's features, I believe he's saying he gets more excited by the inner first which in-turn extends to the outer. That usually comes from maturity. If he maintains this dichotomy, his sex life will be more sustainable, long-lasting, more enjoyable and without the need for outside stimuli. P.S. Liking a cute, sexy, soft voice has nothing to do with pedophilia. So don't worry about that. Our sexual likes and dislikes all stem from something in the brain and different for everyone to an extent. I know some straight men who like women with deep crusty voices. Doesn't mean they like men. We're all different and unique but our likes and dislikes, for the most part, stems from the subconscious and we're not even aware of the reasons why we're attracted to or repelled from things unless we become consciously aware of what our minds are doing.
  3. This would be interesting. I think it would get a lot of views.
  4. With Leo it's not so much about quantity but quality. His base is not so much into reels, tiktok and insta. Instagram for more of his personal life. This work is more for a lifetime not a fad or quick flix for boredom. All that is just extra cream on top.
  5. Sexual attraction starts in the mind. Even if you're attracted to her butt, breasts, or some physical body part, there's a mental reason why. So it's not really her emotional state he's attracted to, it's how he perceives her emotional state in relation to his sexual attractions. There's a mental cause for all attractions.
  6. Thought this would be a fun game . I know we're all God and I understand what God is, but let's put that aside for now and imagine God to be some entity that could appear before you. If God was to appear in front of you right now and you could only ask it ONE question about anything what would you ask. Only ONE. Do not answer your own question but someone else can. So it'll be like God asking itself a question and giving itself the answer. So, I ask a question to God and anyone can reply. You ask a question to God and anyone can reply. SHOOT! My question to God: GOD, do you ever wish you never existed?
  7. Yea, you're right I saw the 2021 post. Weird that you have to hide your gender or be deceitful about it. Male or female, somethings fishy, looking at the previous posts and the ones now. So either way something doesn't add up. Anyway, doesn't really matter to me. Don't care either way.
  8. Cokehead, pothead, winohead, sexhead, shopping head, cigarette head, workaholichead, crackhead, ecstasypillhead, actualizedforumhead, all the same distractraction head from going withinhead.
  9. I does. Sexual attraction just happens, as with everything else depending on our state of consciousness I think. My attractor factor changed the older I got.
  10. Ok. Thought you were female. That's what happens when the intellect mind gets.involved instead of going with our intuition.
  11. Thanks for sharing
  12. Try hitting on every girl you see is desensitizing also. I can always tell when a guy hits on me that he does it to every girl or a lot. Never appealed to me. Females can sense this. Desensitizing yourself from negative emotions will only hurt you in the end. Unprocessed emotions gets stored in the body and can be expressed as outward anger or illness or other negative expressions. Learning to feel them fully and letting go of them will allow for easier and better ways to deal with them in the future while allowing more baggage to flow through and removing blockages from the nervous system. IOW, the Universe will find it easier to live life through you without resistance.
  13. And then if she dumps him, he's back to square one. Going outside yourself for fulfillment is not the answer. (were all guilty of this, or most of us, even myself) just saying. Working on himself on the inside while trying to find a gf is a better solution.
  14. Why are we limiting ourselves with labels. These are just labels. Just be.
  15. We're always making assumptions about ourselves and others. Nothing is set in concrete in the 3D and our assumptions are building blocks to help shape the reality we want to experience. We are doing this consciously or not. So why not assume things you want to see, but you have to rest firmly in that assumption. We are creating our lives based on our beliefs and assumptions. Everything is imaginary. We are imagining our lives away. Things will formulate around you to fit into your bubble and you will attract or repel circumstances that are similar o the frequency you're vibrating on. Where you put your attention is where you put your energy so if you're focused on negativity, you are attracting more things in your life that will match that frequency. Try to study the Universal law of Assumption and you will understand this in more depth. It's a work in progress so take it easy on yourself.
  16. No one can tell you what you are assuming about yourself, only you can know that. The fact you are asking should tell you something. Your self-concept and assumptions you have about yourself can determine how people act towards you. Try developing that. Try seeing yourself how you would like others to see you. Try giving yourself the love you'd like to receive. Understand that people who bully you are just projecting their own insecurities unto you. You are living more in the past and future and you are just re-traumatizing yourself over and over again by thinking about the bad experiences you had with girls. There is only one moment and each time an event is remembered, it is being re-created. When one event is being remembered the other is not. Time is only the now. An event only exists when you remember it. Start to imagine wonderful times with girls, imagine you having lots of success with women and see yourself as worthy of love. Don't see it as a rejection but as an opportunity for another door to open. You have to give to yourself what you feel you are lacking because giving is receiving.
  17. My monkey mind is thinking hard on this one
  18. Cause you know you'll be hurting yourself.
  19. Celebrities fall all the time. Young and old.
  20. Hell no, you would put the Republicans to shame and they'll probably put a hit out on you. We need you here.
  21. We are all God including you. So, you as God, can answer.