Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I think what he meant was nature's food and not processed junk.
  2. I so much agree with this. I consider myself to be kind, compassionate and empathetic. But I can also display behaviors that contradicts that. Both are authentic for me but the latter makes me feel out of control. Its like my default mode is the former but when a button gets pushed...oh out. But Spiritual maturity has shown me that the latter is showing me some issues within myself that has to be addressed. It's never about the outside world but a reflection of the disturbance on the inside, which becomes a powerful learning process if effectively applied. But you explained this so eloquently, (as usual).
  3. Limiting beliefs can be removed through hypnosis or self-hypnosis in the form of subliminals, daily affirmations or mantras. You can do self-hypnosis by putting in headphones while you sleep and listening to recordings of either yourself talking or recordings of other voices. There are plenty of videos on YT that you can use and, depending on the quality of the subliminal, can be very effective in reprogramming the subconscious mind. The trick is you have to do it for at least 90days straight to see lasting results. The best times to use subliminals are in the morning right after waking up and at night before going to bed because the brain is more susceptible to changes at those times .I believe they're called Alpha and Delta states respectively.
  4. I like that answer. I find that to be true in a lot of cases.
  5. I sincerely apologize to you for the things I said and the way I came across. I also value this forum and enjoy being a part of it. There's no excuse for my reacting in that manner, and it showed me that I need to respect and honor other people's choices of expression, even though I might not agree with it. You were merely stating your disappointment with what you were observing, and just because I didn't share your perspectives or views , it didn't mean they weren't valid from your POV. We are all coming from our own levels of awareness, and I might see things differently. You were merely expressing how you felt; and just because I didn't like the tone of that expression, it didn't warranty my interference. I share your passion for the beauty of being able to communicate with like-minded individuals where we can come together and express ourselves uniquely, since it's a rare find. I'm not coming from a place of regret, but more from a place of recognizing. Recognizing that we are one; but the one is split in pieces and each piece is unique and learning to love and accept every part of the whole is how we learn to embody our true nature as LOVE. We all share the same cosmic heartbeat, and in order for it to be melodical, we as a collective have to come together in harmony with the rhythmic flow of the one Universal Mind. Much love to you.
  6. By STEVE MADISON Life is a self-composing symphony; and its objective is to make the best performance ever, an infinitely emotive Tristan Chord. Music is the cosmic heartbeat of the will to live. The music of the spheres is the collective effort of every soul's note that produces the music of God. It's all of us or none of us. All for one and one for all. In order to play perfectly, we need to be united with the rest of the souls together so the Universe can play in perfect accord. That's the performance of life. A performance we're all destined to play. - THE MUSICAL THEORY of EXISTENCE.
  7. It's funny because I was thinking something similar the other day. Not Genius/Math, but /intellectual /Awakened. A lot of Awakened people seem to be intelligent or intellectuals. Why is that? If you take notice, a lot of people who are Awakened, or claim to be, seem to have some form of intelligence or are intellectuals. Is this a coincidence or is enlightenment reserved for a selected few. Obviously not. But there seems to also be a trend there. You don't see too many uneducated people or of low intelligence speaking about enlightenment or that many Gurus for that matter. Is enlightenment reserved for a certain kind of person or is it for everyone no matter what caliber they are. Obviously the latter, but I don't see too many people online who come from a certain background or who are lacking communication skills or a certain kind of intellect or intelligence speaking about enlightenment or awakening but you do see a lot of that, with due respect, in the religious community. Makes me wonder if we can intellectualize our way to enlightenment.
  8. If I wanted attention I'd be ranting and raving like a child throwing temper tantrums like you are because you feel entitled to think people should conform to your every needs that you are so desperately seeking. I might not be setting the best example by responding to you by any means but I just feel like it...unlike you who have no authoritative decision making skills to decide for yourself how you wish to feel in any given moment and expect the Universe to cater to your every wishes and desires because you're too coward to go within yourself and look in the mirror to see the monster you have created within yourself. You're the one obviously seeking the attention and crying like a baby who needs some loving tender care to soothe the wounds you have stored inside of you that you lack the awareness to do on your own so you need this forum to behave so you all the trash inside of you don't come boiling over because you don't have any control or the know how on how to deal with your stored anger. You are throwing insults all over the place and calling this place toxic, you are a.part of it so I guess you're toxic too. Each time you make a ranting post you mention Leo's name as if you are trying to mimmick him, and because you have seen posts by the mods saying he should set an example, you take that as an opportunity to rant and rave and mimmick like a monkey. At the same time you're ranting you're giving yourself permission to push buttons and saying if Leo can beat us with a zen stick, so can you. Where is your authenticity. Did you get it from the zoo where the monkeys are. Must be. You are weak and very programmable if you're following and mimicking what other people are doing. You keep coming back and looking for opportunities to dump your trash unto others online because you are too much of a wimp to seek out people who are within your reach fir fear of what the outcome might be, so you get behind a screen and vomit. I might get written up for this, but I take full responsibility for coming off like this because I'm not a wimp like you who expect others to behave so you don't have to look at yourself and then you blame it on the forums administration for your sorry ass behavior. I apologize in advance for this, to the forum and anybody reading this, but I felt it necessary to show this fool that he's not the only one who can throw punches and expect people to just sit around and take his insults. Normally I don't behave this way and it's coming from a place of expression not anger or inability to control my feelings but sometimes I feel the need to let one know that their insults do not hinder me. I will syop now and I take full responsibility for writing this knowing that it was not the best way to respond because I could have totally ignored him and paid no attention to his remarks or responded in a more mature way. Maybe I'm just tired of seeing people critiquing the forum, and instead of leaving or trying to turn it around, they throw insults at people in a condescending fashion.
  9. Ok. I respect your perspective. But just so you know. I don't base anything on morality. I'm the last person to judge anyone from a moral standpoint. I realize that people may respond in a way due to their personal experiences and I have to understand that.
  10. That's right. We move and move and move; and wherever we move to, we bring our minds along. Might as well leave the mind alone and gain back our senses. There are problems wherever we go so might as well recognize the common factor to those so-called problems to realize there really are no problems in life only what the mind creates, only challenges.
  11. This is going nowhere and is showing signs of immaturity itself, so I will leave this conversation right here.
  12. I'm speaking about when the incident took place
  13. I repeat, maybe I'm missing something here. WAS SHE 12/13 when this occurred? Please let me know if that's your understanding because that's mine and maybe I will see the situation differently. And I'm not putting blame on anyone.
  14. This is an example why forums can be helpful and advices like this helps to find solutions. I wish more of us would help to figure out solutions instead of putting our energy on blame and finding faults. We are all learning how to become civil humans criticizing, condemning and pointing fingers doesn't help. I'm also learning, and it's always refreshing to see people react to situations that stem from a negative and trying to help in a positive way. Thank you for putting your time and energy into showing this individual a positive way out and maybe help someone else who might see this who is going through a similar situation.
  15. Being underage is not immaturity. Immaturity is having the capacity to act maturely but choosing not to maybe because of ignorance or whatever reason. We're talking about something that happened to someone when they were 12/13 years old, show some understanding because I'm sure you did things when you were in that age range because you didn't know any better.
  16. I'm the one who said be the change......." so it's not you guys. It's me you're referring to. And, yes, be the change you want to see because all I'm seeing from you are rants and complaints. Complaining is different from observing and trying to being a part of the solution. Throwing temper tantrums won't solve anything. What's severely toxic is people who continue to rant without giving some type of solution to what they're ranting about. If you feel the forum is holding you back and harming you, why are you still here ranting about it. No one is keeping you here but you, and you have entirely given up your freedom of choice. Letting people piss you off is a sign of weakness and, not saying I never get pissed off myself, but I don't blame others for my loss of control, I go within and try to find the root cause of why I got pissed in the first place because it's never about the outside its always what baggage we have stored within that's trying to emerge. Someone who is at total peace within themselves will not let the outside world disturb what's going on within and since this is a Spiritual forum maybe it would best suit you to try to learn more about yourself from how you chose to respond to what you're observing. Try learning the art of Alchemy, where you're able to turn a negative situation into a positive instead of appearing powerless and unable to turn things around for your own well-being. No one is responsible for how you feel; and even though it might be true that sometimes this forum may get a bit out of control at times and certain people might display erratic behaviors, including myself, it doesn't mean you have to focus on those things. There are plenty of other options. Why don't you try posting something motivational, post something uplifting you learnt yesterday, give some inspiring advice to someone who might need it today, send love to someone on this forum within the next week, give a genuine compliment to someone you admire or find something here that you like and talk about it. If you're unable to do any if these things, then maybe it's you that's the problem. This is what u mean when I say be the change you want to see.
  17. My thing is this tho, wasn't she like 12-13 when this happened? Maybe I'm missing something here.
  18. I can't wait for male robots with pussies. This way I'll become bi-straight.. No problems then. Best of both worlds.
  19. LMAO...Now I'm gonna be dreaming rats tonight, thanks to you. You fucking Rat.
  20. Ok. I guess life is a dream full of rats.
  21. Seeing rats in your dreams lately? Seems to be the word of the week. ????
  22. Well, I'll be your therapist. Stop posting them Simpson clips and your OCD will magically disappear. Try it. I'm sure you know I'm joking...not.