Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. That picture is imaginary
  2. "and I can't get out of that labyrinth". You are God. You say what is. God is the I AM. You are so powerful, you are not even aware of the power within you. You have declared that and so it is.
  3. Have you ever seen your face without a mirror. Why are you assuming that others do. Maybe the others' is your face.
  4. Thats not life, that's your story about life. We all have them. Change your story, change your life. There's a reason why on fb the "Your Story" feature makes your story disappear in 24hrs. Not discounting/discrediting your past but it doesn't define you unless you let it define you. We walk around saying we're God, but do we truly know what that means.
  5. Yeah my sig is for real, come back tomorrow. It'll say the same thing. And you're debating if the waking state is a dream. You're dreaming my signature thinking about the tomorrow that never comes.?
  6. Is that because Leo said so (or similar) or you came to that conclusion on your own.
  7. Only if you believe the waking state is not a dream also would you ask that question.
  8. Thats not true dissolving the ego doesn't mean you're not bothered to communicate its just done in a different way and not coming from a survival point because you recognize you're everything and no-thing, but life still goes on. Chop wood Carry water.
  9. No, I wasn't disputing psychedelic use. You said the whole discussion was meaningless and I was just stating if you say so. Maybe other people didn't think it was.
  10. How can you find compelling evidence that you're all alone. Who you gonna ask. From what source will you find the evidence. What has been the common factor in your life thus far. Answer that and you'll find your answer.
  11. Yeah, that's why so many people join the complaint isle. We complain about everything like little brats throwing temper tantrums. But I get it, innately we know we are infinite, everything and unlimited. So, when this limited life shows us differently, we bitch and complain. Ever notice how kids feel entitled. We are not learning to love every bit of ourselves, only the part that suits us, so life is challenging to teach us how to love, really LOVE. BTW, I wasn't directing my comment to you personally, just a generalization.
  12. So are you. So is your comment. So is this forum. So is everything. So why comment. Why engage. Why, why, why. It does matter...relative to the dream.
  13. Men always love a challenge, but when they get it, they start to whimper and whine like a dog.
  14. I think the only thing that can truly humble the ego is the realization that it doesn't exist and to live from that realization.
  15. "I have no interest in women as I am in love with God". I guess you're in love with yourself. And based off of your comment, you are in love with your idea of God, because if you were truly in love with God you would love everything as God is everything.
  16. That's a bit of an exaggeration. He's just making analogies using sexual terms and being provocative leaving its interpretation to the reader. It's a bit much, yes, but if you really understand the meaning it's profound. It's not for the "high horse moralists" who probably say these words independently at some time or another in their private lives, but it's not why more females aren't on the forum. My guess it's from all the women bashing and misogynistic comments thrown around from time to time. Plus Leo's style of teaching is very aggressive and not for the weak at heart. The energy here is also very masculine and may deter some women. I'm not the least bit perturbed, only if insults or disrespect is personally aimed at me and i'm working on that too to not take things too personally and try to take everything as a learning experience.
  17. Yes but the term "troll" refers to internet use. It's an internet slang. Referring to my original comment. Rudeness always was and always will be. Idk if the internet amplifies rudeness or not but being rude is a human trait. So, to me, that's not dehumanizing. Some people just have a lot of baggage that they dump on the internet to whomever gets in the way, just like road rage. It's just pent up energy that needs somewhere to go. But, as you say, being at peace is the ultimate goal and since we don't know how to properly use our minds and direct our thoughts, we struggle with how to maintain our natural state which is peace.
  18. Wow. I'm flabbergasted. Didn't realize that word had so many meanings. I thought it's only meaning was "being an ass".