Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I'm just going off of the forums animal of the week. Last week it was rats, this week it's swine, next week might be cats, who knows, depending on the mood Leo's in.
  2. Why does Andrew Tate seems to always make his rounds on this forum . Like the nagging mother-in-law, cant seem to get rid of him. Like the guest that never leaves. Like Donald Trump. They just seem to just always be there. Wherever you go. Like my friggin' shadow, like Dear Uncle Charles the drunk uncle, like the one bitch in the room or the one pervert that never quits, like the whimpering dog and the buzzing fly or the bedazzling wasp heading for your tits. Why. What did I do to deserve this, God. Everytime when I think ok Andrew Tate has left the room, here he comes again. Even after prison sentence, on death row, he still manages to appear outta nowhere from Poland right here in Forumland miles away. Can we get another incel role model around here, maybe he'll shake things up a bit and get the ball a rolling.
  3. Do you require proof for everything. What if certain things just aren't provable, doesn't mean it's not true.
  4. What's seeing things clearly? Do you think you're seeing things clearly in a sober state. Thats probably the most "unclear" state there is. Things are always vibrating can you see that with the naked eye? There are substances and things presently around you that you cannot see. Maybe every other state except for being sober is showing Reality closer to the Truth. Never underestimate the trickery of this thing called life. Take nothing for granted.
  5. I'm starting to look at life backwards myself. This Universal mirror plays a lot of tricks and I'm starting to catch on to its trickery. That's probably another trick its playing on me. But I'm game.
  6. Maybe, I don't put anything pass this Universe/God/My Mind. The magnitude of existence is unspeakable and magnificent at the same time. Sometimes I can't take it.
  7. Weird shit can seem to happen on this path, but I love it.
  8. ?leave Yimpa alone. He doesn't have auto correct.
  9. I think that happened to me before on few occasions. I was just flowing without thinking (I was writing, very early on in my journey) and words were popping into my head I didn't really knew the precise meaning of but when I looked them up they fit perfectly with what I was saying and sometimes I would look back and say, did I really write that so effortlessly. Idk but I jokingly asked the Universe for a sign that I was being channeled one time and it did. Could just all be a trickery of the mind, but I've suspected it before. My ear also rings on occasion (not tinnitus) also I can feel my body vibrate at times.
  10. That sounds like what I hear inside my brain right before I climax.
  11. Do you think people could be channeling when speaking or writing and not be aware that they are channeling.
  12. I understand. So now you're trying to not let what happened in the past happen again, or similar. Having the understanding that people act differently depending on the circumstances, person they're interacting with and people can also change for better or worse. I find the best way to deal with this 'finding a person with good character' trait, is having one or two things you will not slide on, be firm about and work with the rest depending on how severe the downfall is and how it's affecting you as an individual. The Universe has a way of deselecting people from our lives without us lifting a finger and also the opposite of that is true. It's a vibrational issue. Maybe if you're constantly attracting people in your life with bad characters, maybe look within yourself to see why are you constantly attracting that.
  13. And that's how narcissists are born. It's a treacherous cycle.
  14. Nah, that's not power. You have allowed women to control what you decide and not decide. So if, as you claim, women didn't 'use their genitalia as a tool to control you maybe things would be different. Whatever it is that you're doing is just a coping mechanism or a 'if you can use that I can use this' kind of an attitude. Thats not true power. No one can control you unless you allow them to whether consciously or not.
  15. Point taken. But sometimes we should rethink this 'separation' narrative because, if it weren't for the internet, you and I wouldn't be speaking right now. Sometimes on the surface things appear one way, but when we go deeper it turns out to be another. Yes, the physical aspect has diminished a bit, but I think the internet has brought us closer. There has never been any other time in history where so many people can come together in so many different ways to share our story. We get so used to being a particular way that anything that veers away from what we have become accustomed to, we classify it as negative without seeing the change for what it is. The internet has brought us closer together, not separated us; but, of course, that depends on how you look at it.
  16. No you don't, you just put in the character part so you don't seem shallow and vain. ?
  17. Why are people always telling people what they should/shouldn't do. Do what's best for you. That's my job, remember.....slave!
  18. You're imagining it being not pretty. If you imagine you're pretty then you'll become pretty.
  19. So you're in love with women