Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. No, different things make different people happy, but happiness basically means the same for everyone, different levels of happiness, maybe, but happiness is happiness.
  2. But isn't the reason you know what happiness, joy, ecstacy feels like is because you know what sadness, etc feels like. Aren't we able to differentiate the feelings because we've experienced the opposite. If I'm feeling sadness, I know I am because my memory recalls the feeling of happiness. I don't say this to myself when I'm having those respective feelings, it just happens. So aren't we using memory there, subconsciously. When something makes you angry you're extracting that from a past memory and comparing it to the current experience and that is why the emotion gets re-lived. For instance, if I'm in a relationship with someone and they do or say something to me that feels hurtful, isn't it because I've experienced a hurtful thing before that reminds me of what they said, so the memory of that caused the body to re-live that experience without realizing consciously that that's what happening. Different words mean different things to different people, how they interpret it, that is. Someone can say "I hate you" to someone and it doesn't affect them, while someone else may be affected by the same words. Isn't it because of a previous experience they had why it affected them negatively. When I say all this I mean subconsciously, not aware that this is happening. Explain.
  3. Few drops Lavender essential oil on pillow helps to sleep sounder and longer. Also soaking feet in Epsom salt before bed. Put some sleep music on that best suits you. Plenty on YT. 432htz.
  4. @Someone hereYou are Consciousness. Yes, you were never born and will never die, but you as consciousness dreamt itself as the elements, then rocks, then trees, then animals, now you're dreaming yourself to be human, all different levels of consciousness. A rock now is still being dreamt by you. It is conscious but at a lower state. Creation is finished. You are the only thing in existence but right now you are only conscious of what you are presently being.
  5. You were a rock before you became a human. Also Fire, Water, Air, a weed, a plant, a tree, an animal. Next you'll be an
  6. To be human is to be selfish. There's no way around it. If you consider yourself a separate being, then you have no choice but to be selfish. Even if you are helping people, you are doing it because it makes YOU feel good about yourself. God is SELFLESS because it has NO SELF. It is everything. Now, how you define "selfish", is up to you. People define it differently. That's where the controversy lies. @Lila9 you make a good point; but have you considered they only care about those things because it makes them feel good. It's still about them. Survival of the Self = Selfishness.
  7. I will cherish our memories.
  8. Thank you all for the condolences. They are greatly appreciated. Thank you @Lila9 I will look into that book and @Raze, that middle video with John Gray was very helpful and I love his work and am familiar with him. I understand it will take some time for me to accept this part of Reality, and I have come to the realization that the only process I need is what is naturally occurring for me and i've recognized that she never went anywhere but is still here with me. Early this morning, she whispered in my ear "I'm still here". I heard it very clearly as I was beginning to awaken from my sleep, and even though it was a whisper, I heard it very clearly. No doubt. The only regret I have, which is very hard but its diminishing slowly, is that I never got to hold and kiss her before she passed, but I will let that take it's course. The dream I had last night about her was a beautiful one and I saw the beautiful waves of the ocean and all I could see through my closed eyes were waves and things blowing in the wind softly with a white background as if she was revealing herself to me. I was awake but my eyes were closed and I knew I was seeing the unseen. It was beautiful and words can't explain. The words "I am here" was all I needed and now I know she's still here with me and I feel even closer to her now, which helps. Thanks again for all the wishes and I will be easy on myself through this time. I see the importance of having direct experiences because nothing compares to that, and all the talking and knowledge that you have acquired in this journey doesn't come close to having the experience yourself. Thank you all. Bye for now.
  9. @Leo Gura could you briefly explain this part of your latest blog post. Quote "God is not some kind of special object. God is the SUM TOTAL of all final objects. The sum total of all finite objects is not the same kind of thing as any one of those final objects". The SUM TOTAL part is what got me confused. Isn't saying sum total the same as saying something is finite. If you put a bunch of birds in a box, isn't the box an object, which in turn be classified as a finite object? Saying that God is the sum total of all finite objects, to me, is saying that God is limited to a totality which is quantifiable and is limited to only what is held within it including it being what the objects are held within. Not sure if I'm saying this correctly, but what I'm asking is, for something to be a "sum total" doesn't that thing require for it to be measurable. Please explain.
  10. What does it really mean to be the non-doer. Is it equivalent to not having free will. Is that just a concept or Truth. Are we actually making decisions ourselves, or is it being made for us.
  11. This is why I love to see oppositions to certain posts. It makes you think. Helps to think for yourself, regardless of whose right or wrong, but, then again, whose right or wrong becomes relative if it's not Absolute Truth.
  12. You're right. The Ego voice shouts. Your intuition whispers. Learn to decipher between the two. Silence helps with that.
  13. Thank you for this. This is what I'm realizing. This is something to contemplate on. This is why I trust my intuition, even though doubts creep in, but I've recognized that the devil is strong, but God is stronger, and God is all there is; so whatever thoughts are not aligned with Source is not the Truth and to be able to see pass the deception is what Spirituality is all about and some.
  14. I like it too. But don't tell anybody.
  15. The whole blog post was very interesting to read and explained perfectly except for how I interpreted the above. I was misinterpreting what the term "sum total" meant. I guess sometimes it's difficult to use language to explain Infinity as language itself is limited. But the blog post was very enlightening and helped me to understand the essence of how science operates and it's limitations which you have already outlined in some of your YT videos.
  16. Ok.. Thank you for your input. Celebrities are regular people too and, for the sake of making a point I chose to reference someone famous to make an analogy. For you to say why would someone care what celebrities care or feel like you have separated yourself from Reality and is the one being delusional and have, yourself, put them up on a pedestal without realizing it.
  17. The pendulum probably swung too far in one direction and is probably balancing itself out. Celebrities intentionally create havoc in their lives when things are going too great to balance things out. Kanye and Jennifer Lopez are prime examples of this. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better just like your home gets messy before its cleaned. It's all energetic. The Universe is rearranging itself to align in your favor, and as long as you just relax and let it do it's thing and only focus on the thoughts that come through you that feels good and are aligned with how Source sees you, you'll be fine. That's why it is important to try to feel neutral about everything that you're experiencing and not feel too excited about the good and to also embrace the so-called bad, because even the bad is working out in your favor as long as you don't resist it and you understand you are sometimes incapable of seeing the bigger picture.
  18. You must observe thoughts and not identify with them. Rejecting thoughts mean you believe in them and now they will just get stronger because of your attention to them.
  19. What is that? like being possessed, like the movie with the little girl, I forgot the name where her head spins around.