Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. This is why I try to broaden my horizons and contemplate things for myself. Make it make sense to me. Compare my experiences to the teachings. Go within. Somethings i go on by faith, some intuition, some logic, some reason, some by comparison and some I just ignore. I try to only listen to high quality content and subscribe to channels I resonate with. I will also listen to people I don't agree with to not just look for things to just reiterate my own beliefs. Overall, I try to put the pieces together, even though I'm aware of self-deception, the mind games and traps, but you gotta start somewhere.
  2. Teaching and embodying are two different things. He's still human. A lot of people teach business but yet never owned a business, doesn't mean their teachings aren't effective.
  3. Yea, I understand that but there are ways to overcome that, through awareness and love. The LOA is not an idea. The Universe is not just random, there are rules and laws that governs it. Creation is finished even though it's still expanding. The sun doesnt shine only when it feels like it.
  4. I believe Holykael knows what he's doing. He's made a name for himself and now he's living up to that identity. It's the confused ones that are more prone. Holykael can just switch at any time. I've seen him say somethings that were mind-blowing coming from him. Never knew he had it in him. We all do, it's just a matter of choice.
  5. I was just trying to make a point, how suffering is relative. I'm not in a suffering pity party. We're just having a discussion here.
  6. Your "argument", to me, is a little more relatable and resonates more with me. I just can't relate to the "what if's". It's like I'm trying to create that.
  7. I know this is your question to Leo, but if I may say, I think people who consider killing themselves want to live they just don't know how.
  8. You're not having sex from the heart, you're having sex from the you know what. It is robotic for you. You don't care about whom you're having sex with. For you its mechanical, only physical. No emotion. Leave sex alone for a while. Masturbate if you have to. Find somebody you truly care for and love, also find extremely attractive. Make love to them and see if this feeling remains. If it does, then go from there. Until then you will never truly know if it's you or the person you're with. I'm straight (even tho I've been with women). I don't enjoy giving head, neither do I enjoy having intercourse, UNLESS it's someone I'm extremely attracted to. I can have magical, erotic, and tantalizing sex and can be in an extremely arousal state but it will only happen with someone that is attractive to me both mentally and physically, the latter will come after the former. Then I will enjoy just about anything we do, except...i won't say..i have to leave something to the imagination.
  9. That's all relative. You don't know the depth of what people have gone through. Someone in a mansion could suffer for downsizing. Someone in a gutter who knows nothing about living in a mansion could be happy living in the gutter. Noone is talking about invincibility. People know they're not invincible. What is hard life. That relative also. It depends on your resilience. Everyone isn't the same.
  10. People who have nothing are suffering because they have nothing. People who have everything are suffering the thought of losing everything. When does it end.
  11. God and Satan are the same thing but only God exists. Contemplate on that and you'll see.
  12. The house I'm living in did catch on fire once around 6yrs ago. Didn't see it coming. I'm still living in the same house. We did what we needed to do at the time. When it happened it happened. I didn't go through suffering wondering about my house catching on fire before it happened. I don't go around wondering about the things that might happen, my mind goes towards things I want to happen. Things happen, yes, but why go about life focusing on what could happen. Instead focus on what you want to happen. That's how we create.
  13. Yes, but aren't the "if's" just stories also. It's not actually happening. I understand that what happened, happened. It would be devastating to lose a business, but why think about the if's. That's just creating if's, not actuality. An abundance mindset will create more businesses because you know you are the Source from which the business came. I know it's easier said than done and I'm not saying the concern shouldn't be there, but why not deal with it at the time. Make preparations for the if's. But why suffer about something that's not actually happening. I know we're just using a business as an example, this could be replaced with anything material.
  14. You lost me here. Why are you trying to die? Life is about living not dieing
  15. Isn't mental suffering just stories of the mind. Not what's actually happening. Physical pain is just that, physical pain, but isn't mental suffering, caused by you and your ideas about what is arising. If you thought differently, do you think you'd still be mentally suffering.
  16. @Leo Gurawhen you say you've been suffering a lot lately, without being specific, are you saying physically (with your health condition) or mentally (unrelated to your health condition)?
  17. You are waking up. Shifting. Untangling the web. Cleaning house. The house is messy. Moving things around. Keep going. You have eternity to do so.
  18. I see what you're saying, because they are all tools. It depends on how you use them. Never underestimate the power of the mind, tho, and the influence it has on your psyche and how unaware you are of the control buttons being pushed to operate it. If you are not fully conscious you can become subjected to it's conditioning, unaware it is happening.
  19. Hi Mom, I think I've gotten to the point where I will not mourn your passing anymore. I will celebrate your life. I will celebrate life as a whole. It has dawned on me that you were never here. You couldn't have been, because you would still be here. You can't just be here one minute and gone the next. Makes no sense. This is utter rubbish. I will not fall for this trick anymore. All my life I've seen people come and go, all the time and I was playing the game all along. People from all walks of life, celebrities, neighbors, distant family members, strangers but nothing hit like this. This is different. This woke me up to death. This here made me realize that you were never here to begin with. I've heard these stories before but never really grasped it until now. Now that it hit home, now that I can feel it in my bones, my cells, my heart. Well, not really my heart because my heart is different. I feel you everywhere else but the heart. In my heart I can feel God. You are God and that's where you are. Always were and always will be. I can't even feel myself. I don't know where I am. I only feel sensations. They come and they go. Everything comes and goes. Only awareness remains. The light. The light that shines on everything I'm aware of. I'm only aware of your memory. I don't want to be aware of your memory. I want to be aware of you. So, as long as I'm aware I am you and you are me. That's it. So as long as I'm living you're living. As long as I'm here you're here, not as a memory but actual. I will not play that part of the game anymore. I quit. Only I remain. Only I AM. What is you. You don't and never existed. Only I exist and only existence is real. I don't refer to you as I so how can you have existed. Is this still part of the game? Well, it's the part I want to play. So there. I AM THAT I AM. Talk to you soon. Yes, I'm playing both parts. Why not. I have nothing else better to do. I'm the great I AM and I can become whatever I want. It's all a mind game anyway. Let's just keep it that way and see who wins. Your little baby girl
  20. Don't you like to watch limited, little, miserable humans on a movie screen, God is no different. Infact, you pay to see these limited, miserable little humans, at least God is seeing it for free. Now whose more stupid and utterly foolish.?
  21. Rebelling against others is confirmation that you believe what they are saying. No rebelling needed, just focus on what and who you want to become. The rest will dissolve on it's own if there's no attention given.
  22. This is how powerful you are. Your last sentence says it all. Now you are living the life of a perceived pathetic and retard. I AM THE WORD and MY WORD IS ME. Your choice: Go through life as a pathetic retard or go through life as ????????. Fill in the blank. Your call. Call it forth or go through hrs. of therapy, misery and hell. Consciousness can be whatever it chooses, you made your choice now you're asking for help. You will say it's not that easy because of trauma and unresolved grief. That is your story, your belief. You're comparing your story to @Holykael's and competing against his, saying your dream is worse than his dream. God left clues for itself to awaken and this is yours right there. DREAM. There are breadcrumb trails everywhere. You just have to have the awareness to see them. I am blinded by my own too, that's why I pay attention. I pay attention to what's around me, how my mind deceives me and the stories I tell myself. I'm starting to see how all is me, how I'm creating my own misery, how I'm fantasizing and dreaming. I put myself to the test. I create a certain situation just to see how I can get myself out of it. I tell myself I will get out of it because I created it. Then in no time, I get out of it. Then I notice my mind starting to spin the "but" stories...but if it wasn't for this and if it wasn't for that etc, and how it doesn't count because I felt this way instead of that way and blah blah blah, meanwhile the end result of what I wanted happened. It was the how I had a problem with. Then it dawned on me that those were just perceptions. How I perceived what was happening. If I had just felt the gratitude of the result and left the rest alone, the little teeny weeny bit of suffering that I put myself through because I wasn't happy with the way I received the outcome, I could have spared myself that teeny weeny bit of bitching and complaining. It was very minor, but if I keep practicing to get out of my own way and let the Universe do it's thing, I can be more at peace with myself and the world and be the same way with major things. It's called letting go and just be. I find when I do that, things run much smoother. It's not easy and I do slip up from time to time, but I have all the time in the world because I am Infinity and Infinity never ends. The question is, which part of Infinity do I want to experience now, being a pathetic retard or one that is at peace, fearless and loving. Plant the seed and reap the benefits. It's not that complicated. Challenging, but not complicated. I could choose to compare myself too and play the pity and victim game, because boy do I have stories. I could lead myself into a nightmare of hell too, I could sit here and cry myself into depression or anxiety too, don't think I don't have nightmare stories, because I do, I just choose to not put my focus there, I choose to shine my light of awareness on what makes me feel good, so I can experience more circumstances that makes me feel good. I could have allowed myself to spiral down into the darkness. The darkness where the light is blocked like a cloudy day. Instead, when I find myself doing that, I quickly snap out of it and bring myself back home. This has been happening now for a while, and one thing I've noticed is I'm still here, still living life and experiencing it's beauty. It's not easy but the more I train the mind the easier it gets. Nothing is happening to me, it is happening through me and if I get in it's way like a rock in the rivers path, the more blockages I experience. Let go of yourself. Stop beating yourself up. Stop living in the past because it's all stories. Life is now and every moment is a new moment. Learn to see that, and you can heal yourself. You have the power to do so. Only you, as God, can do it. No one can do it for you. I welcome all the "but's" and "if's" because you are programmed with them, but understand those will be all stories too, not what's happening right now, and I will keep on dreaming, my own personal dream, my own lucid dream, until the day I awaken fully to myself. Peace out.