Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. She's adorable. She makes me smile just listening to her speak.
  2. Do you realize humans are just looking for the same thing in different ways. Same difference. Atleast she's not spewing out hate.
  3. On behalf of all of us, you're welcome and it was a pleasure serving you. We appreciate your appreciation.
  4. I love her. Been watching her for awhile now. Very inspiring. I like to spread my wings and like a variety of different styles of teachings so I don't get stuck into limited perspectives even though most are just teaching the same things but in a different way. I find her to be authentic.
  5. Why don't you instead come on here and ask for advice on how to see the world differently. Instead, you say if anyone don't see your view, they are just coping or got lucky. Then you say some believe they are God. You complain about not getting girls but the selfishness in you don't see how with the way you see the world and yourself how much of a toxic environment you'd be creating for you and her. When you continuously have these types of beliefs and thought patterns the Universe has no choice but to reflect that back to you because it operates like a mirror. You don't see yourself as God because you have distanced yourself from God. Mentally. You have denied the God in you. God doesn't punish us we punish ourselves. We are in mental bondage and the only reason you feel bad is because deep down you know this, but because of selfishness you refuse to acknowledge this. We are walking around as miserable brats because of selfishness. Separation. So now we are in pain trying to mend our wounds with the wrong bandages. You have to surrender. Give up your old beliefs and create new ones. Give them time to flourish and you'll start to experience changes. Infinite possibilities are presently in your field but you are blinded by them because of your filters. You are falsely filtering the light of Consciousness with your own toxicity and negative assumptions. You can only feel what you're believing and assuming about yourself and the world. When you flip your original topic to the opposite belief "I just fully realize that everything is FOR me" you will start to see the changes that reflects that.
  6. Do we tell Walmart to close because of the unhealthy food it provides. Some of us here wining are probably consuming all the toxic foods the world provides and loving it. You didn't put in the hours it took to create this forum so you don't have the right to suggest shutting it down, Why don't you create your own forum where things will be a lot healthier. Leo asks us to make good use of it in his blog post and all we do is complain. Did any of you even watch the video I posted the other day in the Spirituality section where tons of useful information was provided. Probably not. Quit the whining. It's getting old.
  7. Why don't we just shut down the whole world. Easy for you to say. You didn't create it. People are so thoughtless without others who are receiving value. Sheesh. This is the Internet. There are other places to visit from the comfort of your own home without shutting anything down. That's the beauty.
  8. This is actually my first and only forum, so I don't have anything to compare it to. But I know people and their temper tantrum qualities so I know anywhere I go, there will be people complaining. It is beautifully constructed and very well thought out and orchestrated. But wouldn't expect anything less from Leo's work.
  9. Nice to have you too, Buck.
  10. Your last paragraph says it all. When I say be more grateful, not so much starting a thread about it or just saying thank you for the hell of it but like if someone makes a comment or posted a video or a statement or whatever, that made an impact on you positively, to sometimes acknowledge that. Or just thanking Leo for creating a place to hang out with others and sharing content. It took a lot of work to create this place and to see people always saying how toxic it is or just constantly criticizing it just seems so negative, I'm not saying it doesn't have those aspects, but why constantly point that out, why not point out the positives more. People underestimate the power of positivity. And I'm not saying to ignore them, but this Universe is magical and magical things can happen with the light of awareness and what we focus on. Nothing is set in stone and we have the power to change our Reality with just focus alone and when we keep focusing on the negative and adapt a victim mentality where we expect the world to succumb to our wants and needs to make us feel better about things that's not making us evolve. Please, point out the errors but not in a judgemental way, but in a way that it can create positive change and sometimes the only positive change needed is to stop focusing on the negative. We can't please everybody and I'm not perfect either. Someone earlier pointed something out to me about a comment I made and I gracefully received the message and respectfully corrected it. I'm not always graceful in the way I respond but I'm working on it.
  11. They just did, the only thing is they shook it up in a negative way. Very rare I see anyone giving credit to this place. Very few. We're just either here chatting away or complaining, rarely giving gratitude or saying thank you. Yet we're still coming back, That should tell you something. Either they love the so-called "toxicity" it's not so bad to be worth calling out, or they love it. Most people gravitate towards things they love so I say it's the latter.
  12. Isn't that how consciousness operates. It's your perception that counts. You just described Reality. It's a chaotic order. More reason to leave it alone and create your own flow. Maybe tic tok or Twitter is better, or Facebook where friends only show graduation pics, birthday wishes and pics of their pets and food.
  13. Indeed. The solution is to stop complaining. Because they're complaining in a toxic way too by judging and condemning others. There are just different ways of doing things and doing the same thing you're complaining about is just not the way to get the results you're looking for.
  14. The only people I see complaining are the ones who aren't starting decent threads themselves or none at all. Only lurking behind the scenes waiting for a chance to point the finger. Not saying we should continue to endorse toxic behaviors and push useless threads and I do see where the Admin are closing the really disturbing/toxic ones while still allowing for the less conscious ones because I assume they understand the importance of balance sometimes. There are people here who are at different levels in their development, and it is important for us as a whole to embrace that polarity because we can learn by contrast. If everything here was of high caliber the turn around would probably be higher as there would be less chance of levelling up and outgrowing the forum. It is less likely for people to level down so the ones at the lower levels would be learning from the higher levels and levelling up. Holykael was a good example of someone who kept on spiralling down and you see what happened to him. Lately I've seen a few people have left the forum but also a lot more newbie comments and people have stepped up their engagement who didn't normally engage. 500+ guests are here everyday so that should tell you there is still value here, we just need to stop complaining and try to do something about what we consider to be a problem. Don't be a part of the problem be a part of the solution. Some people might not consider this forum toxic but only when you avert their attention towards it being so then their brains will start to search out for what it deems to be toxic. Ever notice the toxic comments come in spurts, because now we're noticing them. Start to point out the good things and the trend might just follow.
  15. This Interview came up on my feed and I find it fascinating. A lot of what she's saying I understand and resonate with. She's a channeler but also speaks on her own accord. It's dominantly about the Universe and the way it affects our living through our belief systems, alignment, vibrations and the Universal Laws and the current Shift in Consciousness. Take what you may from it and since this is a part of Spirituality that I'm focused on and find to help me a lot in my own journey and personal life, and to me is important to be aware of and is not talked about alot on this forum, I'm sharing it with you all with hopes it provide some value to whomever sees fit. You have to watch the whole thing to really grasp what she's saying. I speak alot about this in a lot of my responses to comments here when I speak about how the mind works in respect to some of our emotional problems. Check it out!
  16. ?
  17. Yea, since from his previous posts, he seems to be a sex addict. I'm just kidding @Someone here, don't come at me now, I'm still detoxing from the torture I received a few days ago. I'm kidding about that too. Only torture I get is from my cat.
  18. Yes, I exaggerated a bit. I should have said some. I correct my statement. Thanks for pointing it out and I'm being sincere about that.
  19. Noone follows their Religion to a tee, so it doesn't matter. They only follow the parts that suits their agenda and survival strategies.
  20. A side note: You might want to change your heading and take out the extra "be". Not necessary, as we understood the meaning of it regardless.
  21. I can tell by your post you're a thoughtful, kind, caring and compassionate person. That alone will take your marriage to the next level and help to sustain it on a level that is loving. The fact that, as a man, you care about how your fiance feels and want to make her happy says volumes. It's not that she shouldn't care about your feelings either or care about your joint decisions, it's that some things are best suited for one partner over the other that will help the dynamic of the relationship go smoother. This all depends on your personality types as well. There are masculine and feminine energies at play here on both sides and one is usually dominant over the other, this is so it balances things out. It is very masculine to want to please your partner and give her what she desires and feminine to receive whatever the masculine is providing as long as it's being respectfully done. Personally, I don't see the difference where people get married and to me a church is just a building like a house is just a building until you make it into a home. The only difference is the energy that surrounds it. This will be her special day as it will be yours, but your joy will be mostly experienced from you seeing the love and joy you send her way and received by her. That will be the height of your day, not some building. The masculine is more of a giving energy and the feminine more receiving. That's why intercourse was designed that way. I wish you all the best in your marriage and I know it will be enjoyable because that's the energy you're emanating.
  22. What affects one affects all. People need to start evolving out of their old ways of thinking and adapt different beliefs that's based in love not fear. Coming closer to Truth. The better we can guide people towards the Truth the better we will all be as a society. Thanks to all the great conscious leaders out there who are trying to accomplish this including Leo.
  23. He started following me a few weeks ago, and I was wondering why. Now I know. He started following a lot of people. I guess he still loves this place like all the others who quit, threaten to quit or complain about it. That should tell you something.....THIS PLACE IS THE BOMB. You won't find me complaining. I'll just be missing in action. I'll point a few things out if I see the need but I'd rather join the gratitude isle.
  24. Yes, I've watched a few channelers and have found the space interesting. I think I've seen this guy before but I will check it out, thank you. The Universe shows you more of what you're focused on, and it keeps coming - with gratitude, of course. Can't leave that out.
  25. You are very knowledgeable when it comes to Spirituality. Not saying you are right in everything you say because Idk and no-one is ever 100% accurate especially when it comes to speaking about Reality, just in general, not because it sounds good but because I can tell the difference between you just talking out your ass and knowing what you're saying. l'm glad you mentioned the Trinity part in his statement because I knew he had that wrong, but after reading your comment I didn't see the need to point that out and you did a better job of explaining that than I would have.