Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Interesting read. I liked it a lot. Eye opening. I never really delved into the makings of the Spiritual Ego or read too much about it, so thank you for posting this. You see, everything serves it's purpose. Maybe I wouldn't have seen this article if Mr. Messiah here didn't erupt from his volcano and started spreading his ashes. So, we need to see worth in everything. Is that Spiritual Ego talking. Or toxic positivity, or I am better than you syndrome. Sometimes its probably best to know nothing at all 'cause ignorance is bliss and now I'm gonna start analyzing myself for Spiritual Egotism. Not really 'cause I have different styles of communicating, so if I'm doing that, the other ways will cancel that out and I'll be in balance. Hehe
  2. No, not at all. I'm not afraid to say so if I thought that was the case. I love to learn anyway, so teach brother. When the teacher is ready the student will appear.
  3. How did I know you were gonna say that. Peeping at me again??
  4. I see you're back at this again. You've even gone up a notch. Why don't you just go suck on some toes and get it over with.
  5. I bet you don't if those shoes are in your bed attached to some negligees, garter belt and nylons with some cherries on top?
  6. Yes, thank you for the correction. They are one. Meant to edit it and put that in but I figured he wouldn't care anyway lol. Always great to be corrected in this field especially coming from someone who knows what they're talking about, most of the time anyway hehe. Most of the comments I put on here, anyway. is for me to keep reminding myself of who I am, the power within me and how to keep directing it in a positive way. (Except for my rants, I just forgive myself, move on and say, silly girl). Please feel free to do so with me as I am still learning about myself and I am willing to receive constructive criticism even though this wasn't a criticism but, nevertheless, you get the drift.
  7. We're all entangled. We're all one. There is no separation. What affects one, affects all, directly and/or indirectly. Not saying you have to give him any attention but you can still care because caring is Universal.
  8. Stop listening to your mind if it's not serving you. It is your biggest bully. Listen to your heart.
  9. Another powerhouse.
  10. I get what you're saying but be careful you're not looking for outside sources to fulfill you because you'll never find it. The more exciting things you do, the more boring the other stuff appear. Just observe everything as it is, even yourself, without judgment because the creator is always greater than it's creation and the conceiver is always greater than it's conception.
  11. Maybe that's it, he travelled all over the place to come back to his same 'ole mundane life.
  12. ? I guess letting go can be taken literally for some and the meaning of that phrase can be interpreted in many different ways. For me it means don't stress over things, approach life with a certain trust that everything is working out for the highest good and trying not to get too attached to outcomes.
  13. Everything is leading us to Source, so it has it's purpose. We over analyze things too much, myself included, and if we just learn to let go and enjoy life, accept ourselves and others, perceived faults and all, we'll become less contracted energetically and life will become smoother and more pleasurable instead of us going outside ourselves to find fulfillment. One thing I've noticed in life is, every time we turn around there's always something to debate upon and/or worry about and the self- conflicts just never end, so might as well accept what is because that's the essence of never ends. These debates and discussions are just experiences, nothing to really solve. Some gain value, some don't, and solving one problem will only lead to another to be solved. So why not just go the end. The end of all problems which is Love. Love of all, Love of life, Love of Self and the acceptance of it all. No judgements. When challenges arise, deal with them as such, a bump in the road that needs maneuvering. We're all equipped to deal with such bumps that's how we're still here. Life is doing it's thing, not us. It's the power within. We just have to learn how to use that power and steer it in the right direction. That's all these challenges are there for. Unless we move to the end, there will always be so-called problems.
  14. Ball busting as required once from a client. I was scared for the guy even tho he was loving it.
  15. I toke you once I saw you going through a shift. Before awakening there is confusion and a sense of being lost . These are signs of you waking up. But you'll fall back asleep again, and wake up again, and go back to sleep, and wake up, till it becomes you and you become it. Don't know if I just made sense or not, my hands typed this not me.
  16. All addictions are rooted in one thing, lack of Self Love. It's not the porn that's the problem, porn is just the symptom, a tool. There are all kinds of different ways we search for love, a feeling. It's a feeling we're looking for. So when we keep talking about porn this and porn that, doesn't matter, we'll just go latch on to something else. We demonize things when the things themselves have no power over us unless we give it power. Why do we do the things we do should be the question. How to generate our own feelings of self worth and how to give ourselves the love we seek should be the solution to the answer.
  17. Twice now I turned the movie Martyrs on and turned it off, because it's in French or some other language and when I ff to different scenes, which I usually do if I'm not sure about the movie and I see all the torture happening to her and I cringe. But I can usually tolerate movies like Freddy and Jason and night of the living dead and pornhub. Hehe
  18. Well, I'm sure you have lots of valuable things to share, but you sometimes do in your comments anyway so that is suffice.
  19. Thanks for your input and welcome to the Forum. It's taboo for other people, I talk about anything. Let me think...nope ...cant think of anything off limits...oh yeah, politics. I don't think I'm chasing a high when I do it. I just feel like it and I do it. I'm not a sex-addict so I don't know. You probably don't have to be a sex-addict to be addicted to masturbation, though. Don't know.
  20. No kidding. Today I said to myself after reading one of your responses somewhere here, how come i never see you start a new topic and here you go. Walla, Boombastic! I love Liam, so maybe I'll check it out. Maybe it's a sign I should, so I'll def check it out. It's on YT for rent.
  21. ❤️
  22. No apology needed, and sorry to hear about your jail sentence. Didn't even know it was against guidelines. I know about starting new topic, tho, no caps there. Funny how we can shout online without hearing a word lol. Guess that's how God can be here talking to us and we can't hear a word. God is like the Internet, shouting his ass away in caps throughout space and no one hears, only in silence, just like here. That's why our asses in jail. Anyway, thanks for serving my jail time before I did the same thing. You're my Guinea pig. Hope you found all my jokes funny.