Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. This sounds more like an Eastern problem and not in the more developed parts of the world. Everything has a cause. Truth is the only thing that just is. Separation exists because we are defining something relative to something else.
  2. The root cause of misogyny is ignorance.
  3. ❤️❤️Only thing I'll say is don't believe you're God, know it, feel it. Belief puts separation between you and God. You are one with God. Know that.
  4. Ok. Thank you. I am working on my reactionary time to how I respond to circumstances, people, places and things. Before I wasn't as aware, I didn't notice certain things. Now my awareness has expanded and my level of consciousness has become a bit elevated (if those are the right terms), it's not so comfortable anymore. They say ignorance is bliss and I can see why. But, at the same time, I don't want to be ignorant I want to become, i want to bloom, I want to shine. I AM these things, so I'm aware I have to wipe the windshield off in order to see clearly, to direct my energy where I can become a better version of all that I AM. This is a life-long journey and I have seen the difference in how I relate to myself and others already, but there is still growth to be made but I understand it's not more adding on but subtracting. I'm a perfectly made being because God is perfect. I am made in God's image so I am perfect, it's my perceptions and veils that I have to change not my BEINGNESS. The ISNESS just is, I am so excited to exist, I'm so excited to BE, so excited that sometimes I don't want to, sometimes I feel like I'm not living up to my true potential, sometimes I feel disappointed in myself, sometimes I feel I am letting down my true nature as God. Not morally, but existentially, he has given me life and I feel sometimes I'm not honoring that. The love I feel for God is beyond words, that sometimes I feel like I'm disappointing him. There's no guilt or shame, just ignorance. That's why my thirst for knowledge is so high. I feel his love inside of me everyday, minute and second, but I have conditioned that love and now I want to recondition it. This is why I'm still here, this is why I've developed courage and trying to understand, understand myself and the people around me. If not, there's no point. No point in existing, because I've given up on my own purpose of existence. I'm more concerned with how can I serve God for giving me this gift. This gift of life. How can I represent him. So that us my life purpose. My purpose driven life. My goal, Even though I understand that I AM the goal. That's why I want to recognize my true nature as God. God is thee only thing that's real to me, because it's all I see, INWARDLY. Thanks for reading this. It wasn't expected, just came out. Thank you Leo for the space in which to do this as I am not good at journalling on my own.
  5. You see. This is why you think it doesn't work. You are creating a Reality where "nothing seems to change; and, in fact, things probably got worse". That is the Reality you created in that moment. It's like planting a seed and you keep digging it up expecting it to grow the way you want it to grow. When you say it's like wasting your time just sitting and visualizing for a better life, you're saying I have something better to do than to create the life I want. Something better to do than being God. It's not just about visualizing and trying to see concrete evidence. What you are imagining is your true reality in that moment. It has to take time for it to materialize on the outside. How you're living now is a result of your previous thoughts and imaginations. God gave us the gift of time so we can change our minds, if not, we would manifest our unwanted thoughts instantly. We are manifesting all the time 24/7, it's just we're doing it unconsciously and manifesting unwanted circumstances without realizing it. You are the I AM and if you remain in that place, if you know who you are and that you are all the processes, you will begin to see the changes. I AM also seeing the changes, they are small, but to God there are no measures, everything is the same. I have to get to a place where I recognize that and stop treating small things as small and big things as big because there are no distinctions within the Absolute. My mind has got accustomed to seeing the small changes and now it has become it. Now I have to work on the so-called big changes I want to see to expand the mind and to become less limited. Without getting into specifics, I have a game I play with myself where I deliberately put myself in a situation where I want to manifest the outcome and every time i'm successful. EVERYTIME. Why? Because I've done it so many times with the desired outcome in my favor that I don't think about the outcome anymore it just happens because that has become my state of being. I even reflect on situations in the past and saw how I created those situations unconsciously because of lack of awareness. Start with the small things and gain the confidence in your abilities. You'll be amazed at what you're capable of.
  6. In the 2nd video from the 5:00 mark, Osho speaks about Awareness. He says there are things that cannot stand in your awareness, like anger, envy and hate. To keep the thread of awareness running through our actions and in life all anger, envy and hate will disappear miraculously. If we shine our light of awareness on these negative emotions, they will dissolve. We don't have to do anything; it happens by itself. Something similar to this, you can re-watch it if you have to, it's 5mins long. It is very powerful and profound. My question is, to understand this fully, aren't we always aware; aren't we always awareness. Is focusing on something the same as expanding our awareness. Is placing our attention on something the same as focusing on it. Does something expand the more attention that is given to it. Is being aware the same as awareness. He says if we become aware of our anger and hatred with our awareness, it will start to dissolve, but aren't we always aware of it. He says anything that is not intrinsic to our nature will dissolve. Can you explain this part so I can understand what he's really saying. Thanks.
  7. I wonder what the unedited version was like..hmmm
  8. Guys are usually claiming that women have expiration dates for different reasons and these reasons are dependent upon the individuals making the claim. Referring to the dating and relationship scene, even marriage, the expiration dates usually range from 25-35 yrs. of age, which I find to be too generalized as aging "symptoms" vary from women to women which may or may not be related to their environment, racial status, nutritional habits, stress, genetics and many other related factors. When it comes to birthing children, though, those figures with a little bit more years added on or subtracted, are a little more accurate even though there are always exceptions. However, we will stick to the dating/relationship scene here. Now, men on the other hand, don't really have a major problem when it comes to age in respect to dating because it is socially acceptable and also expected for them to date women younger than they are and the age gap for men to women ratio can widen tremendously, with men being much older and it not looked upon as anything outside the norm. When men are younger, say anywhere under 45yrs, even though those figures are dramatically dropping because of our stressful environment and other physical and psychological reasons, they can usually "perform" sexually without the need for external stimuli or sexually enhancing drugs. After a certain age if a male hasn't developed himself emotionally, financially or ethically he won't have the confidence he once had at a much younger age, especially if his looks are declining and that was what he was depending on to attract women. A man in his teens, twenties or thirties can be very attractive and get women solely on that alone but passed that, he now has to depend on his status and/or financial stability and capabilities to attract women because she will see him as a "loser" being at a certain age with no grounds to be capable of holding down a stable relationship or family. Imagine a guy in his twenties with no job or a minimum wage job or even being physically attractive by societies standards VS a man over 45 with no job or minimum wage job holding down a steady relationship and being a leader in that relationship and also being sexually handicapped for whatever reason. That wouldn't be too easy to do and would not be too attractive to a lot of women, hot or not, but a beautiful woman with those same factors wouldn't find it too hard to get a man to commit to her even if she was jobless or had a hard time having an orgasm. So men, you also have an expiration date to get your shit together before a certain age because your youth, attractiveness or your ability to have game won't cut it or be enough at the age of say 50+ to have many women interested in having relations with you. A broke 50 year old attractive woman can find a man quicker than a broke 50 year old man especially if he is sexually impaired and even if he's not.
  9. ?
  10. I can see how thread is gonna go. Lol
  11. Love this. A balanced approach. I think the left side has it's course and the right has it's course. Integrating both is balance just like Reality is balanced. Too far to the left and too far to the right causes imbalance. Duality and Non-Duality are different sides of the same coin. Can't have one without the other. They both make up the whole. Different aspects to each side. Both are Divine. Love for All, Love for Self, Love for Everything. One Love. We're all pieces of the puzzle so no 1 can know the whole only BE it. The One cannot know itself it can only Be Itself forever.
  12. Seen it before. I was even subscribed to the channel before I erased most of my subscriptions for annoying notification bell interruptions.
  13. Are you serious. After 400+ videos, a YT channel with over 1mil subscribers and creating a successful forum with thousands of hrs. of work and sacrifice and dedication, you think your saying something to him, that may upset him, would even be a consideration for him to quit. According to him, if I'm not mistaken, he has received death threats in the past and that didn't make him quit. C'mon, I know you're kidding to even have the thought that it was something you said. Can't you see that if something was wrong and if he wasn't alright, us here on the Forum would be talking about it. Leo is fine. This shouldn't even be under the High Consciousness Resources section.
  14. This part I'm sitting in my room trying to get. Are you saying my hand is always there but I'm only aware of it when I'm seeing it. Wait, that doesn't even make sense. Say it differently
  15. I'll read that a few times so I can grasp the pointer. Just wanted you to be aware that I've taken note of your responses.
  16. Society shows us that.
  17. So are you saying God, the mind, is dreaming, which I get but doesn't it take something to dream so how can a dream, dream itself. How is God a dream, is the main question here. What is dreaming God and if you say God's mind then isn't God the mind.
  18. Beautiful, Atleast he had the opportunity to express that in a book and to be able to articulate it using language. Some don't; and we will probably never hear from them.
  19. But are they aware of what has happened to them. People end up in the psyche ward sometimes or diagnosed with so-called incurable neurotic diseases. We can sit here on our computers and go back and forth with our concepts and reasoning and fancy terms and say were Enlightened and feel fortunate because we were able to "diagnose" ourselves to recognizing the ramifications that come with such Realizations. But what about the ones that have no clue because they're not exposed to this stuff, or is it just happening and doesn't matter about these terms because there's no one here to Enlighten.
  20. Sorry I miss quoted you please ignore my response to you, it was a mistake