Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. It's not about getting rid of. Like you said, how can something that isn't there be gotten rid of. The I is trying to get rid of the I. It's like trying to get rid of a rainbow. The rainbow isn't really there, only appears to be. You cannot grab a hold of a rainbow. The water vapor and the sun's rays or whatever makes up the appearance of a rainbow will have to be gone for the rainbow to disappear. Likewise, whatever made the I appear will also have to disappear for the I to not appear anymore. There's no one to get rid of the I. It is only an appearance just like how the rainbow is simply an appearance.
  2. You have a hard time with discernment because you're confusing your fake identity to that which is. Of course, I have ideas. This whole forum is about ideas. I said your ideas about reality is not reality. FYI, the universe doesn't care if you hit your knee with a cushion or a hammer, you do. No one said ideas doesn't have a place. Everything does. Ideas are a function of the mind and all they are is thought. Thoughts have no function to consciousness only for the human to rack up ideas about consciousness, reality and the universe. A mute doesn't need ideas. A person living outside their head and not living by thought alone, doesn't need ideas. Not hitting your knee with a hammer and using a cushion instead is not an idea, it's an instinctual move learnt by the body/mind complex for survival purposes and doesn't care about your ideas.
  3. Who do you think you are. Really real? Can be awake? The whole Universe is awake, alive and kicking. Don't know about you, but I AM THE UNIVERSE AND THE UNIVERSE IS ME. That equates to me being awake, alive and kicking. Don't know about you, but I'm not a human, nor am I a person. I go about life masquerading as that, yes, but my true identity is that which is Aware of the human along with everything else. You be what you want to say you are. I'll continue to be what I am in this human form.
  4. This is audacity. Universe doesn't care about what terms you like, what you say about it or what you would say. All that you posted are just ideas about what the mind thinks about reality. Has no power, has no substance and makes no difference. What is, is.
  5. That's your opinion. If you want to manipulate the truth into how you think it should be expressed, heard or delivered, go right ahead. Truth is truth and it doesn't care about our human interpretations of it and how it wants to express itself and how it's delivered. If it's the truth, then it's the truth. It has no opposites and doesn't need to be babysat and pampered with expressions of endearment.
  6. Whatever you say.
  7. Doesn't matter what you or I think. Calling it an audacity is you being closed minded and not open to possibilities. You think you know anything? You don't. Neither do I. My posts aren't trying to sway anybody from anything into anything, they are simply expressions of the One. If you were so-called awake, you would recognize that. Nothing in my post will harm anyone. What are they going to do. Go around saying consciousness is dreaming and reality is a mind's activity so let me go jump off a cliff. One cannot awaken if they're not already awake. It's impossible. You're the audacious one thinking you have the power alone to awake yourself. You are the audacious one thinking you're special and that you're the almighty omnipotent and lord almighty to think you can magically do something to change what is already the case. You're the audacious one to think you're separate from reality and that you as a silly, spoilt, demanding, corrupted, temper-tantrumming walking zombie thinking it is some special human being with a life that came into this world and can make itself turn into something marvelous and special and stopping it's suffering and delusions by creating some magical enlightenment process to make itself stop shitting and pissing and eating junk poison and stopping itself from being the neurotic inflamed brain that you are. You will end up in the dusted grave and your bones will rot just like everyone else's and you body will stop functioning and give back to the earth all the elements from which it came. That's the audacity of the human species.
  8. Hey, still alive and kickin'. I started a journal, where I'm writing stuff that I'm doing personally along with spiritual stuff and other things. It's called "potpourri of thoughts". Check it out. Other than that I'm basically just doing me and trying to up my mental growth.
  9. Did he die or something. Connor?
  10. When you see separation, you see Ralston and this teenager as exceptions to the rule. It's all one mind doing everything. They are simply a part of what this mind is doing. They appear to have extraordinary capabilities but it's not the persons doing anything it's the Absolute appearing as such. There are no limits to what Universal mind can do. You have taken yourself to be an individual separate from Ralston and you believe he is special and smarter and more of a genius than you are. Nature didn't limit our spiritual capabilities, it's all one. That's the person asking these questions because it sees itself as separate from nature.
  11. You are already awake. The ego, I, illusions, dream etc are all within the scope of the imaginary. Consciousness is all there is and it is exploring itself, this exploration is Mind. There is no you doing anything on your own in the Absolute sense. Consciousness is doing you and is imagining you as human that has an identity with thoughts, emotions etc. The I that wants to awaken is the illusion. Nothing else is. Everything is really happening. No one needs to awaken because there's no one to awaken. It's consciousness's activity of the mind that's doing that. It is also what's asking the questions and what's answering. It's all one eternal motion happening in the now. The senses perceive it linearly because that's how we make sense of reality. Thoughts is what allows for time and space to be. When we sleep that disappears. There's no mind. When we awaken time and space appears and the mind's activity emerges. Dreams are dreams within a dream. So, it's all real and unreal simultaneously. There's really no one to say awaken or get enlightened or not because that's all still an activity consciousness is doing. There's no you to stop that activity. That's death. Which is also imaginary. It's all imaginary.
  12. Yes, some can get caught up in the non-duality aspect not realizing there's also other sides to the coin - so-to-speak. It wasn't after I started to see how certain things were unfolding because of my mindset, imagination and way of thinking when I truly started understanding (my way) that just because such and such is the case (no one, no separation, illusion etc) doesn't mean we're not doing anything on our own to make this life work. Hard to put into words but what I'm saying is, the logical mind will try to bring it's reasoning and logic and what makes sense to it into the illogical Universe and treat non-duality the same. Someone may ask a practical question, we don't say, "there's no one or it's all illusion" as a response - that's a misunderstanding of how it works or what's happening. I pretty much only say those things when it's in line with the discussion, trying to point at something specifically or it's within the lines of the topic at hand. Some misunderstand me when I speak like that but it's because they themselves have not integrated both sides, I think. Anyway, good to have you on board. Check out my journal (potpourri of thoughts) from time to time where I'll be posting things of this nature, videos that might interest you and you're welcome to share your thoughts.
  13. I used to think like you do until I realized it's still the dream world of illusions and thoughts and beliefs and identity can change your reality because it's all encompassing. Just like lucid dreaming. There's no changing the one true reality but the illusion of experience is changeable.
  14. You don't know that. As consciousness maybe he did. On the subconscious level maybe he did. Things are manifested in form. What they are is energetic. You see a body with gut issues, maybe the energy formed itself into a gut issue but there really isn't a gut issue only appears that way. You don't know what his thought patterns are like, what subconscious beliefs there are deep into his psyche and what he has indirectly chosen to become.
  15. Don't misinterpret non-duality within the illusion of separation because things are still happening within the confinements of limitation and they have rules.
  16. You have control over what you put in the body but not how it processes it. You have control over the environment you subject it to, but not on how it grows within that environment. When you plant a seed, you don't have control over the growth process only where you plant it, what environment it's in and how you water it - same as the body. Why have a hard time with something that takes the stress from you to oversee it's every move. Be thankful you're not operating it's organs and the mechanics of how they work. That's a relief. How you think controls what the body does because of how that thought makes you feel, and we do have control over how we think. The thought patterns, not necessarily the thoughts themselves. They go by the frequency you're on and your vibratory rate. If you're attracting negative thought patterns, the body will sense and read that through your feelings and the cells will listen to which frequency you're on and communicate with each other to shape your body's response mechanism. This is why we experience dis-ease that manifests within the body.
  17. This channel is mostly about your post. Check out some of his videos if you like.
  18. This isn't a simple process and it will determine how much you want to change. You've realized how hurting others have also hurt you in the process. "Hurt people, hurt people". Find out what is it that you haven't come to grips with from the past and how you're still holding on to that pain. You were hurt and now you project that hurt unto the world. That doesn't help. What helps is to truly forgive yourself for allowing yourself to hold unto the pain by not seeing it as a part of an experience of life and not recognizing who they truly are and who you truly are. They were in a position you are in now and they projected the hurt unto you and you kept the chain going instead of breaking it. It was their ego talking and you responded with ego for not rising above the egoic mind identity. Forgive yourself for that and not them. No need to try and forgive them because that's only reinforcing that they actually hurt you and that it wasn't just how you felt and thought about the situation - which was actually the case. You were hurt by your own mind, not what they did. Now see yourself as forgiven, and move on. Don't look back and reminisce about past circumstances. See that tree as a dead tree and you're planting a new one and see everyone that comes your way anew. If you slip and fall, wipe your feet off and continue on what you know to be the right track without judging yourself for the slip up.
  19. Davino shared this once and it's helped me to compress the image. Play around with it to see if it helps.
  20. All I'm saying is it's all thought. On the deep level, thoughts are really not our own and we're not really thinking. It only appears that way. Thinking and thoughts are just happening; but one will not know, see or recognize this unless they really know themselves as Awareness. Until then, we will continue to suffer thoughts no matter how much we try to embrace or accept them unless we truly see them for what they are. One can train themselves to not be identified with thoughts and to only use them for practical purposes, but until this is engrained, it's only temporary. We can learn to minimize suffering and keep it short-lived and to be in states where we're not adversely affected to the point of depression or anxiety, but suffering won't be totally eliminated if we identify as the one who is suffering and that the suffering belongs to us -hence, "my suffering, my anxiety".
  21. I've seen this before. Not sure if it's from the same article but something similar. I really don't have any strong opinions on it either way. I like to observe before forming strong opinions on stuff. However, I've heard on this forum where people have asked about their panic attacks during or after meditation. I've seen where people have had adverse effects from it. Saying I've seen where it has benefits, would be like saying water is good for you and has benefits but neglect to say that too much can also be harmful. So just giving the benefits of meditation is not really addressing the issue at hand. Saying to not meditate because it has shown to have negative effects, is also like saying don't drink water. So, approaching it from the mindset of "proceed with caution" and to inquire into the different types, why you're doing it and maybe how much you're doing is probably the best approach. Maybe the bad effects are there because, one is using thought to silence thought. If we really investigate what we really are in the sense that the egoic structure is just a thought anyway, it would be like suffocating yourself but not on the biological or physical sense, but on the mental level. It's all mental anyway so I could see how this could be possible. Observing the breath is not the same as just breathing. It's like the natural process of the body interfering with another process. Breathing is a natural process and the appearance of thoughts another. What are we using to observe the breath, thoughts. So, it's like thoughts trying to control thoughts. Sounds like a battle to me. You would have to really sink deep with this one because it's not obvious. If the body naturally goes into a meditative state on it's own then that's not the same as putting it there. It's the same as trying to Jumpstart a car. The car was dead and needed to be shocked back into it's normal state. Also, trying to shock someone that's dying back to life using those medical devices. So, meditation falls into this category by shocking the normal functions of the body that's already alive and kicking by stopping the natural process and attacking itself. Thoughts produce feelings and feelings produce emotions. If we're trying to force a feeling(serenity, peace etc) by observing thoughts, then that's like saying to the body I want you to feel this way but without the thought process which allows for that feeling. Observing thoughts in this respect, is like one thought battling the other for it's territory. That's my take and I'm not advocating for one to not meditate but to proceed with caution and to also choose the type of meditation that's more suited for the systems of the body/mind coherence. Afterall Sadhguru did suffer a brain aneurism. Just saying.
  22. "Thought followed by no-thought", what does that even mean. To notice that there's no thought is still a thought. What's saying there was no thought. A thought. You're seeing thoughts as only something you're consciously recognizing as thoughts. Thoughts that you put there yourself. No, it's all thoughts. The fact that you noticed there was no thought shows there was a thought saying "there's no thought". Are you getting this. You cannot accept the feeling of suffering without having a prior thought that says I've accepted the feeling of suffering. Feelings come after thought. "Thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body, and how you think and how you feel create a state of being". - Dr. Joe Dispenza. In order for you to have been in a state of acceptance of suffering, you had a thought which allowed for a feeling which allowed for you to be in the state of acceptance. It's all in unison. All started by a thought. Try to see what I'm getting at. When you get this, you'll understand how thoughts create happiness just as it creates suffering.
  23. The comment you wrote to me is a written thought. The only way you could have accepted your suffering is if you told yourself so. When you told yourself so, it was a thought. Every friggin' word on this forum is a thought.
  24. What you've described is what you're seeing on the outside. It's alive and is an activity. Hence my latest post. You are seeing the contents of your mind. Including yourself. Everything you're aware of NOW. There's no mind inside of you. The outside is mind in form.