Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Such a Beautiful Soul.
  2. What is a Simp. I see this term floating around a lot, they must be pretty popular and probably getting laid a lot. It's only when you're on top when people start to talk about you. Go Simps. Any Simps out there.
  3. Nooooooo. I just had a flash back. Lmao
  4. Very sweet. Thank you very much for this message. I'm experiencing God too and it's amazing, in my own sweet way. The closer you get to God the closer it comes to you even though it's right here right now and is always with us; but when we acknowledge it, it knows and welcomes us. I think about that kitten Leo talks about in his video and I know God doesn't want to overwhelm me so it's taking it's sweet time and I'm inching closer and closer each day. I recognize it's me.
  5. That's it. Lol That drives me crazy.
  6. Leo's videos are long and I've seen just about all of them, so.
  7. Childhood trauma exists because the brain can't tell the difference between what's real and what's being imagined. Childhood trauma is buried in the subconscious which only knows "The Now", so the brain thinks it's happening now. For me, it was abandonment. When I recognized how my mind was creating these fears and how unconscious i was when my actions were as a result of these thoughts, I started to notice the trend. Different types of circumstances but same end result. Awareness is the key to solving all trauma-based issues. One way to start the healing process is to stop saying it's "difficult to achieve" or "easy to say", because now you're creating an experience where it's difficult to achieve.
  8. High value men aren't looking for a bunch of girls to throw their panties at them. They are looking to buy a bunch of panties for exclusive women who don't care about them buying a bunch of panties.
  9. Exactly, the mind loves drama.
  10. That's not true. Not specifically for Only Fans but in general, the common denominator I find with established men who see these kinds of girls is not that they don't have female attention, but their female counterparts are not willing to do the freaky stuff they like or require to get them excited. I wish people would stop thinking the men who see these types of women can't get laid or don't have female attention, it's more so that they get bored with their wives or gfs and want variety without the commitment. Plus, very wealthy men aren't out here on Only Fans. Most don't even know what that is Guys who can't get women's attention or more so who don't have gfs are out there busy trying to get a girlfriend or wife, then when they get bored with them they either cheat or go see hookers or whatever girls. Cam guys just don't feel like being bothered with real relationships, not that they can't get female attention. Of course, I'm generalizing and it's not always the case, but there's a dynamic to this shit. Somebody needs to invent a Spiral Dynamic Model for Adult Entertainment, the different kinds, the people that engage in this type of life, the different kinds of personalities and character traits and the development of their relationships' status and how there's a system involved and not just because men are lonely, fat, old, bald or can't get laid. Maybe I will, with Leo's help, and we'll be the next Beck, Cowan and Graves.
  11. The only thing i see on that list that's considered healthy is that Knudsen brand just cranberry drink, and maybe that rolled butter as far as a healthier choice butter goes. That's it. I think it's good as long as it's not the microwavable kind. I was concerned about GMO; but according to google, it's a distinct kind of corn that is used for popcorn and has not been genetically modified if bought in the USA. Regular corn is the #1 GMO food grown, most corn anyway. Can use coconut oil instead of butter to pop and spread over after popping. I use to sprinkle mine with melted coconut oil, turmeric powder, paprika and a dash of cayenne. Haven't had it for a while.
  12. My mind will go crazy if it's not at 70. I need to round off every fucking thing.
  13. I understand that but seems like he/she isn't really looking for advice or even anything, just empty questions coming from nowhere. The questions are legit, but if you look at the history it's just constant questions about the same thing for months and months about being bored, what should I do with my life, should I buy a car, should I start a yt channel, should I blah blah blah
  14. Isn't it obvious this person isn't looking for solutions. Don't get all wiled up. That's probably their intention or they're just mentally unstable.
  15. Maybe one day you'll find excitement reading back all that random shit you be posting.
  16. His name is Adolf as in Adolf Kitler.
  17. I couldn't even replay that video. I don't know whose more annoying, Ralph or that cat's barfing. I think that's the cat down the road Ralph keeps referring to in his videos.
  18. I read somewhere that time is consciousness dreaming and space is when it rests. Not saying it's so,....
  19. This statement gave me an "ah ha" moment like you wouldn't believe. It explains how everyone is you; and even though I knew all is mind, it made me understand it on a deeper level. I had to read it like 5x to really grasp the profundity of it. It seems so simple, but yet so profound if truly grasped with depth and clarity.
  20. Some people just resonate more with a certain kind. Just like how you resonate with Leo and his bald head and elf-like ears and the ingenious way he articulates his words and use of the English Language and his weird sense of humor and the way he laughs showing his bright pink gums, the OP just likes black teachers because black doesn't crack. ?
  21. He annoys me for some reason. He'll have a 20min video and 10mins will be the message and the rest about the cat down the road and the annoying sounds he makes and saying deep divers like 100x. His Instagram pics are 100% his face blown up to1000x magnitude. Of, course I'm exaggerating. I had to unfollow, and he's the only one i feel this way about since I usually don't care about a persons persona if the message is good and worth hearing; but for some reason he bothers my soul.