Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I would have chuckled more if that was me and he had said "looks like you're studying quantum mechanics, would you like to use me as your Guinea pig? Chuckle, Chuckle. Snort, Snort.
  2. That's why these types of videos, to me, are useless to base our own life experiences on. They are staged, whether intentionally or not just from it being recorded in the first place. People are different on camera than they are in real life. Going up to a girl and starting the conversation with "I like you" and stopping there for a response is putting her in an awkward position.
  3. Wow. Amazing perspective and powerful insight. Makes sense, and I also suspected it had to do with control at some level. Thank you for this explanation and it sheds more light as to the nature of why this is.
  4. God is being subtle with you because if it were to lavish you with all its love right away, you would probably go in shock and end up in the psyche ward. It's not about pretending or coming across as dishonest, but more about leading up to the climax. Even the act of sex itself has a progression. We know what you're interested in but even manufacturers try to entice you into consuming their products with fancy labelling. It's not so much the destination but the process of getting there. That's when it becomes an experience worth having.
  5. Why do you feel you have to honor what you know to be limited. Why not try to transcend them. Afterall, these limited beliefs and perspectives aren't who you truly are so you are just honoring falsehood. Saying it's all you have, is you consciously putting limits upon yourself and celebrating your limitations while saying you are stuck because it cannot be any other way. You don't have anything, you are becoming, and then are putting limitations on what you can become by saying all you have are your perspectives and not only that, but are honoring them. It will be hard to change your views on things if you've honored your previous views since we become identified with them, and now we become stagnant and stuck until we are forced to change them. How I see it is for me to acknowledge that my perspectives are limited, understand that I'm seeing Reality from them and that they are responsible for my experiences, not to identify with them, try to raise my consciousness so that my perspectives can broaden so I can see Reality closer to how it really is.
  6. This is pretty much why I made this post. I'm very observant and will notice the small details. Holykael was speaking on behalf of some and since he's gone, others have been taking the wheel. His energy was so strong, that it didn't need much "back-up" (so-to speak). The collective psyche is very much influential: and if one isn't careful of what one consumes, it can have an impact one way or another on what they adapt as a belief. That's usually if you're operating on a low-consciousness level anyway, even though not necessarily the case.
  7. If this is so, I don't get it. I didn't know Enlightenment was a State. So if it's a State then an Enlightened being can become unenlightened, since States are transient.
  8. Ok so you're not blaming the God, as in the God Head. You're seeing the filtered God, the illusory God, the distorted energy God, the God that isn't who we truly are. The veiled God. Not in it's pure form. But isn't that a perception and if the perception was changed you wouldn't see those things. Make me understand.
  9. Bang that head, baby. Yeah.
  10. Such a mature and grounded response and the way you worded it, made me realize more what the OP was dealing with and trying to overcome. I guess it's not so much lowering your state but to adapt to theirs while remaining in your elevated state without losing your identity or lowering your own state where it becomes harder to feel grounded again.
  11. God doesn't allow anything. God is Everything. You're looking at God as a human being. God knows nothing about murder or rape.
  12. And I could say the opposite also from my experience. I don't think this observation has to do with liberals/conservatives, but the individual and where they are in life, their life experiences and how they view the world. Both sides have the same traits you've described and I'm sure you're not saying one side does and the other doesn't, but to even make the distinction based on our personal experience, to me, is just not enough to come to conclusions about it. I personally find the opposite to be true, but like I said, that's just based on my experience.
  13. Thanks for clarifying that. Someone would have probably read that comment and misinterpreted it thinking it's ok to live selfishly (even though that comes with the illusion of separation, but there are degrees to selfishness). Some I think find it hard to create a balance and are not realizing that the issues we face and what we call suffering are there to guide us back to our true nature as Source, not to delve within our consciousness and explore ways we're being unloving and to try to transcend that into a more loving way of being, not to say fuck it, God created this, let him handle it. That is not true surrender.
  14. Thank you. I'm trying to cold-approach. Success! Now let's see if I can get a number.?
  15. Did Psychedelics do that? If so, which one. Just curious.
  16. Well, this is a twist in the plot. People are trying to raise theirs and you want to lower yours. I'm not sure, but I don't think you can unsee what you have seen. Hit yourself upside the head with a frying pan, that should do it. ? But on a serious note, Consciousness only evolves, it doesn't devolve, so maybe you're stuck knowing, Why do you want this anyway, I'm a bit puzzled by this. This is just the ego mind, maybe you're experiencing ego backlash or have an inflated ego that needs to be tamed. Idk somebody else more advanced Spiritually may be able to relate with this or answer your question.
  17. He probably edited out the no's.
  18. Proof of Infinity. Everything exists.
  19. This didn't really sound like a critique. It's more like a critical question.