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Everything posted by Princess Arabia
This is why I add the word "subtle". The difference is so subtle. @Carl-Richardis making some good points, which I'm trying to make discernments on to see the differences, but the point you just made about description is also notable. Geesh, this subject is more complicated than I thought. Lol
Maybe that's the difference i'm indirectly referring to - condescending. I try so hard in my mind to analyze what I'm trying to say because I still stand by my stance on it. I use examples to try to clarify the minute, subtle differences between judging and, like you say, description. I see the differences now I think "condescending" is where my mind draws the difference. Even though I still think we can make observations without judging it because it's what is and i'm trying to train my mind to accept what is without interpretation and with full acceptance as my Signature suggests. But thank you for this and I will contemplate on it a bit more as I recognize some judgement is needed for us to maneuver our way around life - just not condescendingly.
I get what you're saying, but do you realize how much energy that would take for constant use of discernment on so many posts and different personalities. This is a casual forum. So, to me, some discernment is necessary, but it's much easier to just go by the rules as a general strategy than to go learn discernment, as you suggested to be a moderator. Just responding to your "learn discernment before you moderate" comment, not if discernment is necessary or not, because it is. Plus how do you screen one for discernment qualities when making the choice for moderator. Not easy.
Lots of people lack discernment in our own lives and can't even moderate that, which matters more than a forum. Learning discernment isn't required to moderate a forum as much. Following rules is sometimes all that is required which most of them refer back to from time to time instead of using discernment.
This is why we don't listen to advices about getting rid of someone, go find another, drop her, why work yourself up there are other fishes in the ocean etcetc. Easily said than done when it's not you in the driver's seat. This right here, for me, and in my opinion, is commendable and will take you farther in learning about yourself and your mate and shows you don't give up easily in anything you do because how we do one thing is how we do everything. Kudos.
This is happening as we speak in normal day-to-day experiences in the so-called "real world". There's no difference. This statement you made here should be taken whether internet or "outside world". This is just an extension. In fact, I think this is a bit safer because one doesn't usually view it as real as their own physical experiences. Which is a mistake. But psychologically speaking, the outside world and how we interact with people and the advice we follow can be more devastating if not taken wisely and adhered to with caution, since it's deemed more real.
I kind of resonated with most of what he said so I can agree that he does see it in the same light as I do, somewhat. Close.
I'm not really concerned with what humans do all the time because humanity is in trouble as far as what i've observed and all of us experience emotional pain and a lot have traumas and emotional baggage and so on. We think it's all normal and we try to fix it externally thinking it's something out there that caused it. I'm more in the business of going against the grain and normality of human behavior (including my own) to try to alleviate the amount of suffering we put ourselves through. What causes it and how to reduce it. I look at normal human behavior and try to put the pieces together to see if those behaviors can be traced back to why we suffer and try to see what we can do differently in the way we think which leads to the actions we take which determines our way of being.
To me, just saying someone is fat, isn't judging. Example 1. She's fat - not judging. Example 2. She's fat and that's disgusting - judging. 1. He said some inappropriate things to me - not judging. 2. He's an asshole for saying some inappropriate things to me - judging. You're adding stories behind your observations. That's observing with judgement. Observing without judgement is observing something for what it is without making condescending remarks about what you're observing. It's hard to explain because of the subtle difference. We all put stories and meaning to things we observe, that's what we do as humans but we can observe, analyze compare and explain without being condescending and labelling things without judging them. That's the best way I can describe what I'm trying to say. Making a judgement call about a decision you have to make is not judging, calling someone's decision after them making a judgement call silly or stupid is judging. Saying you think that judgement call you made is not a wise decision isn't judging, that's an opinion. Saying someone is silly and foolish for making a particular decision is also an opinion but it's still judging because you're not calling the decision silly you're calling the person silly. I'm trying to explain the subtle difference very delicately the best I know how, but I can see it in my mind's eye the difference, but it's nit easy to explain on paper.
You don't build a website of this caliber without putting passion into it. This was very well thought out and took a lot of time and energy to build. You can also see the passion in his eyes in most of his videos. Everyone has to make a living, but you can tell this means a lot to him. To what degree, idk, but it's more than just business. Anyone else who knows what passion feels would be able to sense that. Even if he's out "living his life", as you phrased it, it is well deserved. All of us are reaping the benefits of his hard work, including you just from having the opportunity to voice your opinion here, so that in itself is worth it for you to be able to "have a voice", even if it is to criticize.
Lol...works everytime. But no..all kitty kat here baby. No dicks allowed.
Perfect..We'll SheMale it up, best of both worlds.
I'm a lesbo
You serious.
Princess Arabia replied to freddyteisen's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I like this advice and that's what I try to do. I can't even separate the two even if I tried. -
Princess Arabia replied to freddyteisen's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I opened up a Mega Thread for Spiritual movie trailers/documentaries. Can you post that movie trailer and the link over there please. It's in the Off-Topic/Entertainment section. Thanks. Would love to add that to the collection. -
Yes it was, I was cracking up too.
I literally was gonna type your name, but said I'll leave you out of this mess. Lol
Yeah, a forum with hundreds of onlookers, let's keep it between us. What happens on a Vegas-born forum stays with it's owner. Lol
Funny you joined this crazy thread, I was just going to mention you as my back up when I told @Thought Arthe had his back up buddies if I turned into Spiritual spook and here you come. Boy, the synchronicities at play.
Yourd welcome, my love. You know I can't flirt with you too much, Leo will have a fit. (In my imagination that is). Hehe.
See, this is getting deep, leopard print is my favorite pattern. It's all over my living space. Spying on me, are we.
Yeah, I'll turn into God mode and Devil mode simultaneously. Don't worry, you'll have back up from your buddies here.
What happened after that, without being too revealing if you prefer not to.
Lol...I live in USA. Been for awhile. Not sure how much from US, but now you're up to plane fare and hotel fees. Sure you can handle this. We should stop this conversation before it turns real Spiritually spooky. Lmao