Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. You're not afraid of death; you're afraid of what comes after. You believe you'll end up in an eternal hell. Get over that and you'll be fine.
  2. You see, name-calling always comes back to bite you in the donkey. Solipsism confirmed again. It's all you.
  3. Why is your blood dropping.
  4. Beautiful morning. Today I give you a pillow with the word LOVE on one side, and a kiss symbol on the other with raindrops all over to blend in with the day. Enjoy the rain, it's beautiful to look at sometimes. I like to walk in the rain.
  5. Is this a nice way of saying ass. Lol. I've never heard anyone call anyone a donkey before. Pretty cool. Can you please call me that so i know what it feels like to be called a donkey. I know what it's like to be called a bitch, but not a donkey. You're much more developed intellectually than the bitch types, they're just parroting. I'll try out mule next time.
  6. Exactly. I used to date a guy that was short and chubby with a bald spot. I'm 5' 11" and he was like 5' 7". We had so much fun. I would wear heels and he'd be looking up at me like wtf.
  7. May I ask what are you referring to.
  8. I appreciate that, thank you, so do you. I sometimes slip and show my other side but I wouldn't be complete if I didn't, now would I. Two sides of the same coin. See how the mind is. Tricking itself, or me or you, or others ,or....let me stop while I'm ahead...or behind...or right where i am.
  9. I AM is God. There is no you, God is being everything. When you say I, you're speaking of God as God.
  10. Just thought I'd share this here.
  11. Thank you, my pleasure. May I ask why you feel that way.
  12. Thank you. I've recently learnt that the term "bowing down" can be cultural so I won't make amends to it as that could be your way of expressing gratitude for something you appreciate.
  13. It's OK, express yourself as you wish. When I make adjustments to your gratitude lists, it's not to tell you how to speak, it's to suggests better ways of seeing things and to show how our words hurt or help us in the way we perceive ourselves and the world. The intention is to make you become aware of this and to show you a better way, not in the sense that you are wrong but just to show how our minds can make us see things that aren't there. It is the purpose of our challenge. This is also helping me to practice my own state of being as when I read your lists I look at it as if I were in your shoes and stepping outside of myself to view myself from a meta perspective and seeing how my words influence my world.
  14. No, no proof. It's OK. I get your point.
  15. How do you know they didn't do this centuries ago. New to you doesn't mean originally new. When I say nothing is new I meant we all get inspiration from something that already is. Just a new version.
  16. Cheap is not necessary. To the Universe, everything has the same value. Eliminate the word wish. There is nothing to wish for. I understand your frustration. We are all there. You didn't get rejected and humiliated. You FELT rejected and humiliated. There's a difference. Those emotions were already inside you waiting to be released and they came up then. They are just energy in motion. They can be transformed into a more positive energetical flow by changing your thoughts about the situation. This challenge is not about what has not happened yet. Say what you're thankful for that is happening now or that has already happened. Try to use words that are more in the present and eliminate the words "could', 'should", "if". Nice. You are doing good. Try to focus on what is and not what was or what could or should happen. *I give you a big fat hug today, and see you blooming and flowering as the sun shines it's light on your very being*.
  17. The "I" is God. The breath is Source. HMD is a construction that can fall apart and will. There is no you breathing. Breath is happening.
  18. Ok..maybe I'm wrong. Would have been nice to give me an example instead of just disagreeing without showing me an example of something that's new. Maybe I could have learnt something from it