Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Boy, are you living in the past and future. You must suffer from anxiety. I see you say you're depressed. No wonder. Look at the way you see things. Look how many "l'll's" you have there. I will never this and I will never that. She will have this and she will have done that. You are creating your story and then you're getting depressed about your own story. Sorry for the harsh words but that's what you're doing. See yourself how you would like things to be not what you missed out on or what negative things will happen.
  2. That's just going to create additional challenges. Somehow, I think if he stands in his own truth, that will trump all.
  3. 3 things I'm imagining doing right now that I would love to experience.
  4. We're you a client of mine once. Now, this can have many meanings so don't go thinking nasty thoughts. 😜
  5. If your penis gets hard, you want to have sex with her. If she makes you laugh, you like her. If both happens to be the case, run and never look back because you're in love.
  6. Did you watch the video?
  7. You seem to be hearing some teachings, or whatever you call it, and internalizing it but interpretting them through your own filters. Desire isn't the root of all evil. There isn't even anything evil. God is everything so you're calling God evil. You are right when you say all we're seeking is God but we are already God so no need to desire God. We're just here to experience the part of God that we desire to experience. That part of Infinity. When it becomes corrupted is when we have a separate sense of self and those desires are coming from a place of non-fulfillment and now we feel the need to lie, cheat, steal and manipulate our way into getting our desires. You are wealth, you are health, you are love, you just have to drop all other false notions of what you think you are and become those things in the mind. You are already that which you seek. The world is a reflection of you, not your desires. You are already all that is, but in order for you to experience yourself it has to become manifested in the physical realm. That is what creation is. Your desires are God's desires because you are God.
  8. Be Still And Know That You Are God.
  9. A lasso too, don't forget the whip whip.
  10. Is this psychedelic enough.
  11. You are wonderful, you are beautiful, you are intelligence, you are creativity, you are love.
  12. It's not for the sex. Sex is the tool you're using for what you seek. That's why you keep wanting more, and more, and more because you'll never find it. So, you'll keep going until your dick shrivels up. Then you'll use viagra, and you'll be wanting it even more, and more and more till you have a heart attack and go home to find what you were seeking. So, you might as well just save the agony that you're causing yourself in-between not getting any and just go home now. Then you'll be having the best sex ever with no one.
  13. Exactly. Only God exists. God doesn't change it just is. It's your true nature. That thing looking through your eyes and my eyes is the same. Awareness.
  14. Some guys like submissive women, though. Not so much to rule or dominate them, not that kind, but the loving kind. A lot of different attractor-factors out there. But I like your reasoning.
  15. Ok, I see where I'm going wrong. We're speaking of the Infinite. Yes God is All Knowing.
  16. Lmao...I was going to counter, but didn't feel like going back and forth on this because I know anything I say, you'll have a back-up plan. Just kidding about the Back-up-plan. Ok, since you insist. How can something know itself. Your eyes can't see itself and your hands can't touch themselves, they can only be it. We need a mirror to even see ourselves entirely. Without a mirror we won't know what the back of our head looks like. So that's what's I'm saying just because you're something doesn't mean you know what it is.
  17. He's talking about his own death, I believe.
  18. A lot of guys are like this, till divorce court comes around, then she's a bitch.
  19. Really, how do you know death is painful. Have you ever experienced death. There are lots of NDE's, and almost all have said nothing but good things. There is nothing but life, anyway. Death is death. If it is dead its dead. Can't be alive, then dead. What is, is. What's real can't be changed.