Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. We are so fortunate to have you here on this forum. You are the real deal. The Universe is working it's magic through you in a very powerful way. The energy you generate from within is being generated with extreme power, like a turbo carwash using full force of it's water force to wash the cars. I can feel it from where I am whenever I read your words. It isn't Razard speaking it's the I AM force within you and it is using you because you have allowed it. You have given it full permission and it is jumping for joy within you saying "yes, yes, here's one, let's use this one for upliftment in spreading the love, the word; just like how the negative energy force of the one that's thinking suicidal thoughts, the energy is also in full force saying, yes yes, let's hang here and have a party, and the hate energy saying yes yes come on over here and it searches for where it is welcome, and the doubt energy and the envy energy and the jealous energy.... It's all one energy being manipulated into various forms, but we have the power to move it and direct it where and how we want it to go. The problem is, it is being done unconsciously. Which breeds suffering and unconscious behavior without us realizing that we are doing it to ourselves. Thank you for being here and please continue to shine your light of awareness on this forum where it is so needed; and those of us who can see it will, and will welcome it with open arms and use it to transform the same energy that's within us waiting to come to light and to explode like it has within you.
  2. Now, this is POWERFUL!
  3. In this Journal i will keep a collection of things that I find important/useful for me to take notes on, as well as articles I would like to reflect on from time to time. Useful Quotes, messages, tips and just all- around bookkeeping for my own self-development progress and also a place to write my feelings suggestions to myself and spontaneous ideas that comes to mind.
  4. You obviously are speaking from ego, so why are you asking only persons with no ego left need respond. There is resistance there already and also by your responses. This is going to lead nowhere because there's nowhere for this to go. You are talking to yourself as an already enlightened being pretending there are others; and you are responding back to yourself as yourself. The SELF, that is. You are INSANE. The self, that is. There is none to become Enlightened. Existence just IS.
  5. I remember once a long time ago, I bought a Wheatgrass Juicer and started juicing WheatGrass. I remember getting flu-like symptoms not too long after and just thought my body was cleansing itself and was just in shock. Maybe this is true.
  6. What if everybody was acting from the highest intelligence. I'm not referring to the best they know how, but their apparent dumbness, foolish behavior, stupidity and unintelligent ways of acting were of the highest Intelligence. What if everybody was equally smart and intelligent, and we were just making the differences by comparison. What if Einstein was no smarter or no more intelligent than you, me or anybody else. Not even if he was able to access anything special from his mind or brain but his brain was operating from the same level of intelligence as anyone else, just in a different way. Not just that, what if somebody's apparent foolish behavior was of the highest intelligence and how we react to that apparent foolish behavior no matter how, was also of the highest intelligence. What if we are all acting from the highest intelligence but are unaware of it being so because of our biases and preconceived notions of what intelligence is. Not from the Absolute perspective but from the dual state. I'm speaking in general and not from itemizing different words and their different meanings or different situations or different kinds of interpretations. All of it. What if everything that everybody says or does is of the highest intelligence but it doesn't appear or seem that way. That would mean Einstein, for example, and the dumbest person on the plant would be acting from the highest intelligence without the appearance of the differences. I'm not saying this is the case, nor do I even believe this, but my mind has been open to so many possibilities lately, and I'm starting to not take anything for granted or as a given, and this just popped up as a possibility. Seems absurd, and ridiculous, but maybe my question is also of the highest intelligence. Do not confuse what i'm saying with wisdom. That has to do with discernment and is more of a human trait. God/Awareness is the highest intelligence and everything is God, so maybe everything that's happening is of the highest intelligence, including human behavior from the apparent stupid ones to the intelligent ones and everywhere in-between. What do you think.
  7. Magnificent! But next time, paragraphs please. Lol
  8. Great recipe for depression and or anxiety. Living in the past and the future and staying there.
  9. Most people's love is conditional. That's puppy love. I don't need that. I already have a cat. I don't need anyone to love me. If we want to share life, let's share life together. If we want to make out, let's make out. If we want to eat together let's do that. Whatever we want to do, let's do. I don't need your love, all I require is respect. We can even get married, but not for love just for the sake of getting married because we can.
  10. I am not like most people. You do you. I don't need romantic love, just someone to have magnificent sex or not and talk all day about nothing.
  11. Oh oh your country must have a lot of fools who fall in love. Where you live?
  12. How are you going to ask me what most of the world thinks. Idk what most of the world thinks. I live in my own world, don't know about you. My comment wasn't serious it was meant to be funny so laugh. On a serious note, I've past the stage of looking for romantic love, only fools fall in love. Falling in love implies you gotta get back out. I AM LOVE, of which I can share.
  13. No regrets needed. Life is doing it's thing and unfolding in a timely manner. The Universe only gives us what it knows we can handle and maybe you weren't ready back then. Try to focus in the present and leave the past alone.
  14. Practice this everyday. 5-10mins/day is good. Longer if you choose.
  15. Nice. I see you're liking this challenge. Hope it's making you feel better already. After 7 days, which is today Thursday the 7th, it would be nice if you could give a brief report on how it's making you feel doing this challenge everyday. Just say what's on your mind about it, whether good or bad, because you have to be true to yourself. Do it once a week, every 7 days. The 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th. Just briefly. On the 30th, which will be the 30 days, write another longer report noting if you felt a shift in your mental state from doing it for 30days. State how you feel about doing the challenge, if you'd like to continue doing it, and were there any physical changes you noticed to your body and the way you feel in general as opposed to when you first started.
  16. Where do I begin. You're just saying this, you really don't mean it. You think you do, but you don't. If you understood the dynamic between men and women's relationship and how it relates to how the individual feels about themselves, you would probably have a different view about it. There are a lot of men out there today who are where they are because they wanted the best women, they wanted the attractive, sexy, beautiful women. They wanted to compete against other men. They wanted the women who wasn't going to settle for the broke dude or the one with no job so he could sit at home at his parents house and get all the food and pussy he wanted with no incentive to make himself better. He would have secretly resented her for this. A lot of men out there use that as a driving tool to get the type of women they want. Before you start to knock certain things, try understanding why this is the case on a deeper level first. Instead of saying she should have been there before and yadi di yadi da, try getting it that everything is energetic and when you were down struggling and yadi di, yadi da, maybe the type of women that you wanted wouldn't have been attracted to that or your container grew so big that you would have outgrown hers or you probably wouldn't have gotten where you are today if some girl had settled for that because you might have gotten complacent and not better yourself because there was no incentive. How would you like it if a woman who wasn't so hot looking before, changed her diet, got a boob job, wore expensive make-up and better clothing, went to the gym and grew luscious hair and nails to look like a "10" (as you guys like to call it), then when she became a hot chick started looking at the men who started to approach her saying to herself, fuck you, you didn't want me when I was not so hot. It's the same thing. Some women up their looks for men and some men up their financial status for women....with no grudges about it because it makes them feel more confident in dating. So don't say you should have wanted me when I was struggling because you wouldn't have respected her enough then for settling for your broke ass. A woman is not supposed to be supporting you financially. That's your job to get yourself together so you can be able to support yourself and her if you ever wanted to start a family or even not. You will never be happy as a man with that mindset because any woman you meet now you'll say, you should have done this and you should have done that. You're just self-sabotaging yourself by saying you don't want girls who are waiting at the finish line because when you do get a girl you will stop yourself from getting to the finish line because you don't want her to want you for that, even though there is no finish line.
  17. 90% of people don't know themselves. I should just stop here.
  18. Who are they supposed to approach for sex, men.
  19. What is she, your child.
  20. Stop seeing evil and there will be no evil.
  21. Powerful isn't it. I knew the only sin was to not know who you are; but damn, he took it to a whole other level.