Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. A policeman is acting out a role. It's an occupation one chooses. It's not an inherent thing. We choose our occupation. We don't choose what we inherently are. A tree cannot become a house because it is inherently a tree. A policeman can become a sailor or a judge.
  2. Awareness is Awakeness. Can't get anymore awake than to be aware. All that you're all trying to accomplish is being observed by what is already awake. Which is you and who you truly are. How can who you truly are become more than who you truly are. Yes, there are different degrees of awareness and being awake, but awareness is never not aware and never not awake. The one who is trying to become awake is nothing but a thought and an idea and a concept.
  3. Did you read and comprehend my post.
  4. Well, you just said porn, and I was responding to that.
  5. Very difficult to do the impossible.
  6. Not the point of the post. Your point is taken, but that's for another type of discussion. "The question is", is not what ilm trying to point to. This is a diversion from the issue at hand.
  7. The thing you are using to dissolve those structures is connected to those structures. How can you hammer something from a distance. The structure and the thing using to dissolve the structure will become one in the process just from being aware of the structure, you are already that structure.
  8. You learn because you have the innate capabilities to learn. You did not invent the processes that goes on in the learning process which involves the brain and motion receptors - however you put it, but you get the drift. All you know is that you can learn. Dance is just one thing to learn, so is math. The learning capabilities were already programmed within you to be able to learn the same way the awakened capabilities are already within you to awaken. TO LEARN/TO AWAKEN. Same thing, different activity.
  9. Who is saying that. You cannot know that you're not awake if you don't know what it's like to be awake. Please contemplate on that before you respond.
  10. Ok, I'll give you your pursuit. The only way you can accomplish this is if it's already within you. YOU CANNOT BECOME SOMETHING YOU ARE NOT ALREADY.
  11. You have missed the point of the post. The only way you can do what you're suggesting here is because it's already within you to do so. You yourself said we perceive ourselves as human. Nothing perceived is separate from you, so it is you. Dissolving something is coming from within you. You are using your own capabilities to be able to dissolve it. Perception is also coming from within you. It's all coming from within you. You are not a magician to be able to do all those things you're talking about if they were not already within you to perform them. So whatever it is that you're trying to accomplish in your statement above is already within you wouldn't be able to accomplish them. Really think about what I'm saying here.
  12. How about simply not telling yourself you have a phone addiction and that you are phone addict and maybe it will outgrow itself. It's the identity of being a phone addict, that's keeping you being a phone addict. That part of you doesn't want to die and is a living entity. You are battling with a living entity, not with the dead phone. Now, you want to suffocate the entity and trying to trick it by creating another entity which will energize itself and become a "I have outsourced my phone addiction and transferred my addiction cause into something else". Now a new entity is formed. Face the phone addiction and give it some love. Tell it it has to go and is not welcome. Each time you're on the phone observe yourself and tell yourself it's ok, but you have to go. Keep doing that and see your phone addiction subside. Show it some love, don't suffocate it. The reason you're addicted to your phone will manifest itself into another addiction. Stop telling yourself you're addicted to your phone, even if you are and see it as an obsession you have to quit. That's not an identity. Seeing something you have to quit doing is not an identity. Telling yourself you're a phone addict is. Identities are living entities and nothing wants to die.
  13. Yes. People will constantly talk about genes and ignore the fact that I did put constant, conscious work into this. Undermining the power of a more natural way of living while guzzling down their soda and junk food and popping pills. It's a way for the mind to argue for it's limitations. I see it all the time and i also do it with other things and I recognize it with other things in myself that's why I can recognize it in others. It's just in this context, it's my strength. Writing a forum posts and for the sake of brevity, I can't get into writing a book on what I'm really pointing to. We all know that not everyone will look 20yrs younger and if I have to point that out, as in Clarence's case, then it's pointless to even go on trying to make a point there. You've understood because you are also health conscious. I can tell, I don't have to ask. It's within the essence of your response, you're not endlessly rebutting me and coming up with reasons why it's not the same for everybody and pointing out my flaws in what I'm saying.
  14. Did you watch the video Ishanga posted. Maybe you should if you didn't. All those statements about how you look and feel different than 18 and appearance have changed and you're not who you used to be at 18 is besides what I'm posting about. That's everybody just about. If you're going to make an argument about how young people feel older than they were a decade before you have lost my point completely. I feel and look older than I was a decade ago. Saying you are older still than you were a decade ago is still besides the point. You are arguing for your limitations and racking up excuses for what I'm trying to point to. No sense in going on with this with you as all you'll do is find and point out things you think I'm wrongly saying and what ilve said and didn't say. The bottom line, like Ishanga has recognized from the point I'm trying to make is that we can improve our appearance and how we feel from our lifestyle choices. Thats it.
  15. I am at peace with all that. Sure frustration kicks in and so does all the emotions, but they don't linger longer enough to make a strong impact. They come and rapidly go and I observe them and talk to them and tell them everything is matter what. Why wouldn't it be. It pumps my heart and works my liver and kidneys and all my organs out of love. What do I have to be afraid of on a deep level or worry about......only my petty little human bullshit; that's all. That's why I sleep, to take a break and recuperate. It's all done for me.
  16. Yes. It's all happening inside, like you said. Outside is where it's manifesting. It's the brain that's having to catch up and it's signaling to the body wait hold up, i can't process that fast so now all the hormones are being imbalanced. Diet is most important here to help with the balancing of the hormones and also a healthy mind.
  17. You are assuming that i'm here to work. You are assuming that I think i'm enlightened. I don't even think there's any such thing. Only to recognize what and who you are. Done? What's there to do but live life. I never started the seeking to become enlightened or awakened. Don't project your beliefs unto me. I'm truly in love with existence and I don't need anything from it. Only to manage staying alive and to feed and clothe myself until I die. I wanted to understand what this is all about and to get to know what Reality is and consciousness and awareness. Not to become enlightened. Not to do something to change myself other than normal self-improvement. Now, from what I've learnt and the information I've gathered I've fell in love with this stuff because of understanding and curiosity. It's marvelous and intriguing, That's all I'm doing here. Investigating and wondering and in awe of the beauty of it all. The mystery. I didn't tell my mom and dad to bring me here and i had no say in it. Why the hell should i worry about getting enlightened. Then what. Huh? Then what. Please tell me. Just to say I'm enlightened. I'm already learning how to not let the mind control me and learning how to love myself and others and to give back to the world the best I can and to be compassionate and kind to others and to give and receive love and to try to guide others in ways that they ask to be guided and for advice. What else do i need to do other than that but to keep living and trying to enjoy the beauty of nature. Go ahead and do all your work related themes to get enlightened. I'm over here basking in the beauty of existence through all the pain and suffering of mankind and i don't need to change myself in that respect because I didn't make myself and I'm not in charge of anything Universal. It knows what it's doing and I'm at peace with all that. Anything I do is for the love of it, in this field and not because I'm trying to get somewhere. There's no time and no space so where am I going in the illusory relative world? Take your wisdom elsewhere and to someone else who needs it, I've got the Universe on my side and i don't worship false Gods. I don't need anything other than the light of Awareness that I AM and to go within. It's everywhere I go and I can access it at anytime. I have not forsaken it like you have by trying to look elsewhere for love. I know who I am and you don't that's why you're running around looking for yourself. Good luck with that. I don't care about non-duality and all that. I enjoy watching the videos and I think they are hilarious. I find existence hilarious and fun and exciting. Much more than humans and their bullshit. Including mine. This is not work for me, it's my fucking life. It's what I fucking live for. It's me. What else do i need to do. I'm not lost. I'm right here.
  18. Aww, thanks. That cat looks horny. Lol
  19. It said all those things? Sounds like my post almost verbatim. I thought you were quoting from my post. I don't even use Chatgpt. I saw a comment in another thread today saying how at his ripe old age of 30, and that's what prompted me to write this post off the top of my head. I looked up the official meaning of reptilian brain so I could quote it, but I never searched any info on this topic like I stated in my post. Didn't even think to ask Chapgpt. I'm just shocked at the amount of young people thinking they're old and aging in their 20's and 30's. The ripe young age at 50 is usually when people who reach that age start talking about aging. 20's c'mon. Just left teenage years and you're talking about aging even if you're 30. It's the technology and the diet and fake food and medications I think. Just a wild guess.
  20. The forum has a receding hairline and aging at 15yrs old.
  21. You're proving my point. Pay attention and interpret what you read and not what you think i'm saying. (respectfully speaking, please).
  22. Thanks for posting this. I hope @Clarencesees it. Deepak brought up some interesting points. The same ones I brought up. People might think I'm trying to show off or something like that. I jokingly said that, but I really feel compassion for when people speak of aging. Deepak also said it's a mindset which I also said. He said genetics plays a tiny role and went on to say it's diet and lifestyle on a whole which i also said. I've posted enough on here for people to know a little bit about my lifestyle, the way I eat, the natural holistic approach I take with respect to medications and healing and so on, so I didn't feel the need to have to go into that here as to why I look and feel so much younger than i am at my age. It's to show that at age 25 and 30 you're not old. The things out there on the market these days are rapidly aging our youth in more ways than one very fast, even their mindsets. I post stuff to try and show there are natural alternatives (not always, but sometimes with the minor stuff and even some major ones). Nobody listens and only come back with excuses and rebuttals. I'm not saying I'm perfect with all this, and that I'll never get sick or diseased but I've prolonged it for very long and I know it's because of the choices I've made.
  23. I never said that and I agree. In fact, most people won't. It's not so much looking younger than your age but feeling good and youthful at any age. Anyway, I get your points. I also know 70 year Olds that look 70 but are walking around like teenagers. So ilm not advocating for looks as much as just overall health and vitality.
  24. Why are you asking me this.