Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. I kinda knew what you meant but, see, this Reality thing can get twisted and confusing when describing because it's like the (s)elf describing the (S)elf, which is really one Self. But I get your point.
  2. You're doing the same thing you're saying I'm doing. You obviously thought this through. You dissected almost every paragraph of my statement and gave your opinion of it. It's all thoughts just the same. You gave your own interpretation of what was said. Language is limited and it can get a bit confusing when speaking about the Absolute since it cannot be grasped. But when I said "at the core" I'm really referring to all of this, because there is nothing else. An apple is deemed perfect before it is sliced. The slices are still a part of the apple. The apple (the core) is right where the slices are. So you interpreted my saying "the core" is here and everything else is somewhere else. That's not what I meant. Everything is perceived according to it's interpretation.
  3. I know you're being funny but within every joke is a hint of "realness". By your statement, I think you're implying it's not racism if whites are being looked down upon or attacked. In this case, the sun is attacking whites (just an analogy), so the sun isnt racist, but if it was attacking blacks or brown people or whatever you call it, that would be considered racism. Racism doesn't discriminate. If black people hate white people that's also racist. If black/brown people look down on another race, whatever that race is, that's still racism. It's all racism, doesn't matter which race does what.
  4. I understand your view and point. I do. What I'm really saying is people will bask in their feelings of loneliness. They will make love to it. I've felt lonely. We all have at some point. When you learn how to combat these feelings they don't control you anymore. Some feelings are harder than some to overcome depending on the person and the circumstances and how strong of an image it carries and how intense the snapshot is that we associate these feelings and memories with. Loneliness arises from within and no amount of outside force or circumstance can "cure" that. It is an inside job. This is why people can be amongst people and still feel lonely and people who are alone can feel the opposite. It is not a problem. We have made it into a problem just like everything else the mind can conjure up because that's part of it's job. To solve problems, so it keeps on looking for problems to solve. We have neglected ourselves. We have looked to the outside for medications to heal our internal wounds long enough. There is not a loneliness problem, we have a "I have neglected myself" problem. The self is seeking our attention and we are looking outside where things are just appearing from within the Self and paying more attention to what's arising rather than what those things are arising out of. The true Self doesn't feel lonely. Loneliness is just appearing out of the true Self, thoughts are arising from the true Self. We attach to these sensations and call them our own and now we say I AM lonely. You are not lonely. Loneliness is just an appearance which can dissolve if not given your attention and focus because you are the light of Awareness and whatever you shine that light on it grows and expands.
  5. Why does he keep looking back like the FBI is chasing him cause held letting the cat out the bag.
  6. Every time you speak it's the same story. Ok, hear me out. Ever since i've been born up to this minute, the one thing i can say for sure is that my feelings along with circumstances and just about everything else has been fleeting, changing, never the same, ups and downs, happy and sad, joy and sadness, absolute terror and absolute happiness, nothing has stayed the same, absolutely nothing. Not even conditions. Why is the only constant, except for my being of course, is your story? It's the only thing in my experience that is always the same. I feel like I invented you and the way I invented you is just that, your story. You show up every time as the same story. You seem like a robot to me. Everybody that I know of, has experienced all the emotions there is but it seems like you're stuck on the negative ones, or at least that's how you always show up here. Seems a bit weird to me how your life is just going all the way bad all the time forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Nobody ever goes through hell 24/7, 365, year in and year out. It's literally impossible. So maybe for once you can show up with a funny story or tell us something that happened in your day that made it joyful. There are 8 billion people on the planet and your one being in speaking for most of them saying how life sucks for most people. Did you do an interview. Why isn't the sun and the moon and the stars and the animals and the galaxies and the planets and the whatever else there is not erupting and shattering into pieces and going through hell and having a hard time being what they are. Why is it that it's just humans that seem to be going through hell when we are just a tiny fracture of what is here out of all the billions of species that exists, I don't see ants and cockroaches screaming and dropping dead for no reason. They are still being the pests that they are and they're stupid little animals. I don't see birds complaining that they can't fly. I don't see fire complaining that it can't burn. Why did God only condemn us humans while everything else in the Universe seems to be doing fine. The sky isn't falling down and the clouds aren't shooting out Pepsi cola. Something is wrong with this picture if God can create or dream up or whatever the fuck it's doing for you to expect to go to bed at night KNOWING that morning will come and the whole day won't be pitch black and that birds won't just suddenly turn into cats. Why us. Tell me why . Why did God condemn humans and made everything else perfect but our sucky lives. Answer that and maybe, I can see your point, but only if it makes sense, and I bet you it won't. Maybe if you stop calling your life shitty and a total shithole and saying it's absolutely horrible, just maybe, you as God can experience the part of your body that doesn't have the shit hole in it. Maybe if you stop re-living the shithole in your mind it will stop being a shithole. Try that.
  7. There's no work to do. Only what makes you tick and come alive. The rest is just chores.
  8. Best joke ever on this
  9. That makes no sense. How can something that never existed wakes up. There's Noone/no-thing to wake up.
  10. Ok, then I'm already enlightened, since it was me the whole time. To me, you are what you are, deluded or not. If I wear red lipstick, my lips appear red but it was pink (whatever the color of your lips) the whole time. How do I reach my original color. Wipe off the red lipstick. It was still my lips, just painted. Everybody is enlightened. Some are just unaware they are wearing the red lipstick. I think I'm going to start a thread on that to let the whole world know they are already Enlightened.
  11. Do you ever procrastinate on going to the support group.
  12. Are you saying the message I was saying "nice" to is how you reach enlightenment,
  13. May I ask, how do you reach Enlightenment and where is it.
  14. Nice. Can you use my mind for me, I can't see to make it think.
  15. Have you noticed we can create problems out of thin air. Have you noticed since the day you were born there's been nothing but perceived problems. Have you noticed that before we had technology, and we saw the need for technology, after technology, there are problems with technology. We don't and can't have a loneliness problem with billions of people in the world. Saying what the world needs isn't saying there is a problem yet it is saying that. You can look at it either way. Your choice. Loneliness doesn't have a problem with itself. Loneliness is not an epidemic. Loneliness is loneliness why make it a problem. You want to become "unlonely", go talk to somebody: If that doesn't work, then it might be you who is the problem not loneliness.
  16. You're still not thinking this through. At the core everything is perfection. What's appearing may not seem to be but it's just an appearance. The All that is is perfection because there's nothing to compare it to. How can something that Is everything and all there ever will be, anything but perfect.
  17. Err. Common occurrence.
  18. It's funny you're writing this post. You were gone for a while and popped up a few days ago. You weren't sounding like your usual self, I said to myself. Something seemed off, even to the point where I even thought you were someone else. Seemed a bit bipolar. Apart from Leo, I think you're the only one I follow, maybe Razaard, not sure or maybe one other person, but I'm notified when you make a post. You weren't sounding like the person I followed. Hard to explain it. Here you are saying this. I even said I bet he did some psychedelics or something. It changed you. I don't have any feedback on your inquiry, though, but thought I'd say this to you.
  19. It is perfection to have withdrawal symptoms from alcohol. If we experience famine because something caused that famine, how is that not perfection. If your house burns down because of a faulty heater, how is that not perfection. If you ate poison and experienced pain from the poison, how is that not perfection. If you disagree with OP because you have different views, how is that not perfection. Think about it. Think about if very deeply and keep your "perfection biases" out of it. You're just not understanding what it means to say Reality is perfect. There's a difference to say all is going well. That's not what "Reality is perfect" means.