Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. You might have had a massive awakening that the body/mind wasn't ready for. Upgrading your nervous system may be needed to balance things out. Based on your responses here, and I could be wrong, seems like you have quite a closed mind that is rebutting a lot of suggestions from others. You keep saying it's not on the outside. You have been living your life and have constructed your egoic mind from circumstances on the outside and the inside is reacting to these outside stimulants. They work on a synergistic level. One cannot exist without the other. So please stop discounting suggestions that are related to things outside of you. Might be the help that is needed. Just saying,
  2. Beautiful. Yes, it could have been in paragraphs, but the message was received just the same.
  3. How does one forget everything learnt on purpose. I guess you don't mean that literally. I can't forget everything I've learnt, I can only see them for what they are.
  4. At least you're making some sense in this department.
  5. Just a quick note: Everything in the Universe is in relation to everything else. Directly or indirectly. The self cannot exist on it's own, it needs to exist in relation to something else. There is no separation.
  6. Understand that you have to generate within you what you think is lacking. Give the love to yourself you so direly seek.
  7. This is just naivety right here. Not saying to judge people from their past posts, but patterns are at play here. No one is judging anything, or interpreting the obvious. Some things are just blatantly obvious due to the use of one's own inner intelligence. There is no work that needs to be done on a bias, that's lack of awareness and faulty perception. Those can be overturned in a matter of minutes depending on one's willingness to open their minds.
  8. It's not about fighting. It's about aligning. People don't need to fight for the right to exist. We don't need rights to exist. We are existence itself. When we fight against life, life will fight us back. We just need to align with life. Nature isn't fighting with itself. The sun doesn't fight to shine. The rain doesn't fight to fall and the grass doesn't fight to grow. It just happens. Our sense of separation is what causes us to feel the need to have to fight. If we align with our hearts and get back to our true nature and become one with it, then fighting ceases and surrender begins. Surrendering to Love and Truth. It is all here, it is all now. If we leave behind all those things we feel we have to fight against, they will leave you alone. Don't swim against the tide, flow with it or you will drown.
  9. Not anymore. I adopted one cat that used to linger in the backyard. Fed her for awhile while she was still afraid. Took her awhile to warm up to me so I couldn't get her spayed. She got pregnant somehow and to cut a long story short one cat turned into 15. Most were outside so it got hard to control. Finally I called animal control, gave some away, to pet stores eteetc. Finally got it under control She got pregnant like 3 times and her kids would get pregnant. Oh my it was a hot mess. Down to 3 now. One stays inside with me and 2 outside but they're all spayed up. I had to get help but didn't realize cats breed so quickly. All from one frigging kitten.
  10. Ok, so you're saying it depends on the animal and how they live.
  11. You're right. Just like orange juice is useless in a car's gas tank. Please be advised that the body wasn't designed to eat poison. Processed food is useless because it doesn't nourish the body. They are still damaging the body and are of no use.
  12. Usually people who eat a basically good diet don't have too much of those issues. IMO, diet is partially to be blamed for emotional issues and certain mental conditions. This issue is not limited to one or the other so i'm not say this is so in all or even most cases. Alcohol plays a role too and certain drugs. They work synergistically with each other.
  13. Once my adult male cat tried to hump on the female kitten. Big cat small kitten. It was its nephew, lol What's that, pedophilia. Had to shush him off.
  14. Do you really think animals say, that's my brother/sister/aunt/mother, whatever, I can't do that. My cats mate each other. Mother and son and son and sister and auntie and uncle. Animals don't discriminate.
  15. That's ma middle name. Don't worry, you're safe with me.
  16. That's because there's nothing to work on. Expand your awareness and it will dissolve on it's own.
  17. This doesn't even make sense.
  18. So you're agreeing with this post. And who becomes sad.
  19. How can we be a feeling when feelings come and go? You said Reality is a feeling. If I'm feeling joy right now and sad in a few minutes, how can I be joy one minute and be sadness the next. How is that my true nature. Am I not the one observing those feelings. What is observing those feelings.