Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. It's funny you're writing this post. You were gone for a while and popped up a few days ago. You weren't sounding like your usual self, I said to myself. Something seemed off, even to the point where I even thought you were someone else. Seemed a bit bipolar. Apart from Leo, I think you're the only one I follow, maybe Razaard, not sure or maybe one other person, but I'm notified when you make a post. You weren't sounding like the person I followed. Hard to explain it. Here you are saying this. I even said I bet he did some psychedelics or something. It changed you. I don't have any feedback on your inquiry, though, but thought I'd say this to you.
  2. It is perfection to have withdrawal symptoms from alcohol. If we experience famine because something caused that famine, how is that not perfection. If your house burns down because of a faulty heater, how is that not perfection. If you ate poison and experienced pain from the poison, how is that not perfection. If you disagree with OP because you have different views, how is that not perfection. Think about it. Think about if very deeply and keep your "perfection biases" out of it. You're just not understanding what it means to say Reality is perfect. There's a difference to say all is going well. That's not what "Reality is perfect" means.
  3. Thats because you are all there is. "Others" are also you. Talk to yourself and give it a name. Have a relationship with it. That might help your lonely feeling.
  4. You want me to go through a whole thread about math to get an answer.
  5. Something doesn't add up, though, even though I agree with you, Doesn't that mean our thoughts about it being imperfect are perfect too?
  6. Keep on "lffing". If a typhoon hit Japan, If a tornado hit Taiwan....Infinity.
  7.'re here to find the key to unlock this thread.
  8. You're either uninformed or in denial.
  9. All you're doing is justifying your junk food habit. I occasionally eat "junk food", but atleast I don't justify it. When you start to have severe health problems you'll blame it on something else. This is why the food industry can manufacture poison for food and make billions off it, then turn around and sell us more poison to try to ease the poison we ingested. You have ate so much poison you can't even think and sleep straight calling everything junk food. Love you Schizo.
  10. This is where it counts.
  11. That's just going to start another conversation. "What's That, they'll ask.". Then you'll say it's my name and you'll be there for 2hrs trying to find ways to make up for the first lie you told. You'll regret ever been born Keef.
  12. See how people can bring out what's already in you. You're God agreeing to your reminder, Carl is only you reminding you of the answer you sent for yourself. Hehe
  13. Let's see you go out and tell everybody you're God. See how that'll work out. Whenever I tell the few people I do decide to tell that to, all they do is agree and act like they didn't even hear what I said or they agree as if I just said I like ice-cream.
  14. Just say you have a personal relationship with God. Usually people with any sense of "respecting one's privacy" will leave it at that. BTW, I think this topic should have been posted in the Spirituality section. The mods will take care of it if that's the case.