Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Don't know if this does it because you didn't give enough info.
  2. Your mindset and feelings aren't even your own muchless others.
  3. Please stop the scare tactics. We are all different. This is not about non attachment but recognizing that that's what they are attachments. Stop using these terms like existential terror and fly out the window when. When what.. if're just telling me another story. You don't know my frame of mind or how I see things, you're assuming that when the truth comes crashing down or when I'm faced with it, I'll shit my pants and all those lovey dovey shit will fly out the window. That's your story you're projecting unto me. You don't know what I'm prepared for or have accepted or whatever. Love you Bazooka.
  4. Are you calling women from 3rd World countries Walmart brand.
  5. Yeah, but that's where all the excitement and thrills is at - in the stories. All the stories, not just Spiritual. It's all part of the play. As long as we recognize them for what they are, it's all good. There's no need for not telling the stories either. There's no need for anything. There's no need to say don't label,.evaluate or spin stories, that itself is still a story.
  6. Well hey,.this is Infinity and everything exists so keep on dreaming and it will definitely come to fruition. I can tell you are very persistent and brave and you might just be in the right place at the right time for your ovulating, horny chick who thinks you're hot and is ready for some bloody hot sex.
  7. Gosh! You just compared Leo to an old man. Suspended for 3 days.
  8. Lol
  9. Beautiful. Thank you for this post.
  10. Yeah but even in those movies, those women aren't even what he's describing. Do you see those women just jumping into bed with random men just because they were touched a particular way.
  11. Do you think women view sexual liberation as just going around sleeping with some random dude touching their ass. No that's not it. You went from one extreme to the next. Why don't you try a different tactic if you're seeing you're having the same problem.
  12. Is that a criticism.
  13. Sexually liberated for a female doesn't mean I'll sleep with the 1st horny guy that touches me.
  14. You're even asking the same questions like you did last time cause I remember the fifty shades of Grey phrase came up then too.
  15. How about just go be a porn star. Problem solved. IT takes a little more than to be horny for most women to just sleep with random guys. It happens but it's not common. You already had a thread about this before so why are you back with the same Ole topic. It ain't go work now, if it didn't work then. Why don't you just go get a horny gf And I know you don't judge women like that so my comment wasn't for you personally. Stop thinking men and women are the same because there are differences and when it comes to sexuality it is like night and day.
  16. Oh, is there an age limit here. Didn't know. Ok, I'll jump up a few more years. I'm 85
  17. Stop this. Talking to someone is fucking different than touching them not to mention in a sexual way. How old are you. Do we really have to be on here telling a grown man not to go around sexually touching women you don't know or just met. This isn't the first time you've brought this topic up either. Do we really need to be schooling men on how not to go around with your horny selves groping unsuspecting women who you think might be as horny as you are and testing them out this way. It doesn't even matter if it's in a nightclub. I'm so sick and tired of you entitled men that just prey upon women to satisfy your horniness then go around bashing hookers and calling women sluts and whores.
  18. No shit. Expressway please,.how much is the toll.
  19. Cause I'm still asleep, dawg...