Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. How the hell do you know what happened behind the scenes. We're you there? Trust? Where did that come from. You're sounding like you are the OP I'm concerned with interpretations because it has caused me suffering no matter how small. Just like I see on this forum day in and day out, in my personal interactions with others and on the internet. It's like a plague. I don't sit around and wait to be magically free from mental slavery. I take responsibility and work to free myself from the bondage of the mind and interpretations are just that interpretations. I'm not interested in living interpretations. I'm interested in being present.
  2. Thanks for proving my point even more. I never said she rejected him, nor did I say she wasn't intetested. He asked for contact info and none was given. THAT'S IT. Anything else we say after that is all stories, ideas about what happened and interpretations.
  3. Stories. Stories. Stories about what happened and your interpretation. If you notice in the second to last paragraph he said he expressed a wish to meet again, if fate allowed. To his surprise no exchange of contact information occurred. I don't need to interpret that. The sentence spoke for itself. He wanted a number and she didn't give it. Self explanatory. So your stories about wanting to fuck her and wasn't attracted by the whole thing (character, hobbies, skin color blah blah, are your stories and ideas about what happened), none of this was said in the OP. Goes to show, this is how we live our whole lives, interpreting and inventing stories that we have to keep building on about people and our ideas about what happened. Another reminder here for me. I see it everyday in myself and others. That's how the ego gets constructed. I'm on the look-out, believe me. All these things I'm being taught. I have to confirm for myself,most of them, and I'm seeing through most of them by just being aware and through observation. Now c'mon with your rebuttal. I even observed myself expecting a rebuttal, which I'll get just from expecting it. Hehe.
  4. Well, I'm farting right now; and I'm having a deep connection and understanding that it's blowing away with the wind and it's bringing me joy. By, bye, now.
  5. Here comes the continuous stories, excuses, assumptions and reasons why what you said isn't so. He will dissect your every sentence and put it through the court of law and explain to you, why he's the victim. The jury will find him not guilty by reason of sexless insanity and he will ask for a plea bargain because he didn't realize he was being set free.
  6. How can I be here and there at the same time, but still be here and there simultaneously. Look at the names bar. I'm staring at the screen and the first name there is mine, Princess Arabia. I'm sitting on my couch, and my computer is showing me my name on a computer screen. Where am I? On my couch or inside the computer. Obviously it feels like I'm on my couch. So how am I seeing my name on the computer in live time. If I log off, my name isn't there anymore, but I'm still on my couch. I didn't move but I have been removed from what? Where? Inside the computer. I'm also seeing other user names that are logged on at the same time as me. There are discussions going on inside this computer I'm typing on right now, but I can't hear a word. I know there are discussions going on right now somewhere down the street that I can't hear, or is there. Are there really forum members interacting with each other as I'm typing this? My room is very quiet and all i can hear is rain drizzling but you guys are still talking amongst each other, but i can't see or hear anything. It's all happening inside this computer right now, or is it? This is fucking amazing. How so much can seem to be happening inside this computer, when if I was to smash it to pieces, you guys will still be there. Or will you. Are you even there now. Not sure if this is proof of no-self or not but it reveals something extraordinary and shows me that I'm actually not actually here or there, but everywhere and nowhere all at once.
  7. He won't understand this. He keeps fighting everyone that tells him this with a bunch of excuses and poetry.
  8. Ear plugs imaginary, sense organs imaginary, ears imaginary, music imaginary, the club imaginary, the people in the club imaginary, you imaginary, everything imaginary except your deaf ass ears.
  9. I think you've been doing too much psychedelics
  10. People's denial to these Truths, especially in an arrogant or aggressive way, and with no basis for their denial, usually tells me something. The way you acted towards Solipsism, true or not, says more than what the ears hear. I've noticed this a lot with people on these kinds of topics including politics. If you tell someone they are God, and they respond with anger and aggressive denial, speaks volumes. People will deny stuff just out of the blue without questioning far out claims. People that laugh it off and call you crazy and move on are more prone to not have a clue; but when you're met with anger and aggression, there's something they know deep down in their psyche but just refuse to acknowledge it.The devil needs to be comfortable doing it's work first and keep denying until it's ready. .
  11. Even important things. Even more so. Love the "intentions" part.
  12. It doesn't need clarification. Just needs to be seen for what it is and just to put awareness on it and show it some love. If someone called me cruel, I'd probably want to act out too. That's the power we have. We don't understand what it means to have God-like powers. We can recontextualize anything and make it work for us instead of demonizing it. It's energetic and energy takes form. Now he has turned his perfectionism against him just from demonizing it.
  13. Imagine "TheGod" being a pornstar with a name like that. It's Like a Pope with the name Dick Head Jr. Lol
  14. The title is a little bit harsh, don't ya think. Murder is wrong and cruel. If you just say you're a perfectionist without labelling it wrong and cruel, you wouldn't have such a hard time with it. Please, observe without judgement and life becomes a bit more manageable.
  15. Simple. When someone says hi. do you hear them. When you're conversing, do you strain to hear. It's that simple. Don't complicate life. Also when people are drinking the music sounds better louder. Don't go to nightclubs if you're terrified. Earplugs also come with their set of problems if worn for too long.
  16. My curious mind is always contemplating shit; but if I start to contemplate the mind, it says to me "what you doing, don't you know you're using me to contemplate me". Lol
  17. You're missing my point. Doesn't matter what business you're into, if you're a disturbed person inside, it will reflect outside no matter what. Doctors have ruined lives including their own..Lawyers have ruined lives, including their own. There are Doctors that molest patients, lawyers have done monstrous things. I just named those professions, it could be anything. Modeling has done wonders for some, nursing have destroyed some. Lots of nurses are on opoids. I know that for a fact. Let's not point out specific occupations, it depends on the character engaged, even though some businesses have a higher rate of you becoming more corrupted etc.
  18. Whose the "I" you're referring to and what is this "nothing". Hope you realize you're still saying you're something.
  19. Why do you show this video. So now OP is going to go through the same thing, right. What we're failing to understand in our society is that these are symptoms of a much deeper issue. Porn, drugs, addictions, etc are just effects of a root cause. Don't blame the porn, don't blame the drugs, don't blame the addictions. He's saying the porn career made him look at women as sex objects...well does half of society. You guys have no idea how a lot of people are coping with their issues and traumas. Porn, alcohol, drugs gambling etc are just more noticeable and more demonized. Whatever issues he had, the porn just magnified it and now he's thinking his porn career made him this way. What about those people who never got negatively impacted by doing this. They had a wonderful career, made lots of $$ and retired to a "normal" life happily ever after. I know librarians who are fucked up. I know secretaries who got on drugs, don't look at men in a healthy way and wanted to kill themselves. It's not the porn. That's just an anchor. It could have been anything else that made those issues come up. Dont be fooled. Most of the time, things aren't what they seem and sometimes there are deeper issues than what's on the surface. People will also judge OP for saying this and wanting to do this and praise someone else who probably said they would like to be a scientist, how do I start. I'm not saying these things to say I agree or disagree nor am i saying there aren't consequences to such things, but shit happens in any career, to all types of people and there are lots of hidden stuff behind closed doors that are not publicized that have ruined many people's life's that seemed safe.
  20. Showing your body in public and social media doesn't equate to the willingness to do porn or be easily persuaded. This is why so many people are easily fooled by appearances. One has nothing to do with the other.
  21. That's a more reasonable way to look at it.
  22. Well, I never knew what Joseph Rodriguez looked like talking because his videos are usually only narratives, but now I know. That voice is one of a kind. Always interesting to listen to. Love his channel.
  23. We can also know things on a metaphysical level too. We can know a lot of things. Just because you're confused and don't know much, there are a lot of people who do know. I don't think anyone person can know it all but we can definitely get to know the Universe. It's probably wise to have an open mind about our views but saying we know nothing is just trying to be safe to not be wrong. So best to stay safe. To me that's a cop out.
  24. Limit your stories, ideas, interpretations, judgements and criticisms to what's arising. Deal with what is and not what you think should be. If something arises that you don't like, see it for what it is without judgement. If you lock your keys in the car, don't say I should have been more careful, what an idiot I am, just call the locksmith and move on. If you mess dinner up don't say what a fool I am for fucking up dinner. If you see a post that asks how do you allow everything to be as It is, just move on if you don't know the answer; but I'm still practicing.