Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. "Intelligence is how the Infinite field organizes itself" is very profound. From chaos to order. From insanity to sanity.
  2. The Ultimate Explanation of Intelligence (blog post) is off the chain. I read every word and was blown away. Have to read again to really grasp the full scope. @Leo GuraWhat do you think of unintelligence still being a form of intelligence. The core of the message, to me, is Intelligence is at the level of being. Everything about true Intelligence stems from that.
  3. If the Universe is a Mind, then it doesn't need movement to interact with itself. It doesn't need other to communicate with itself and it doesn't need interaction with anything for a response. In other words, nothing needs to happen for anything to appear to happen.
  4. The easiest way to get laid.... The best way to not grow as a man and to not level up.... The surest way to stay miserable in life.... .
  5. That's not a race, that's a breed.
  6. Can somebody please tell me the name of a race that has been wiped off the face of the earth....already.
  7. At the expense of other races.
  8. Who is Wood Jesus?
  9. You're right. Culture is culture. Doesn't matter what kind.
  10. No we're not. There are 8billion worlds, literally.
  11. America doesnt have a culture and it's natives aren't white.
  12. We all know this anyway,so it's not anything new. Shit just more out in the open and people aren't shy about admitting these things anymore.
  13. Sure, and so was Hitler.
  14. @Leo GuraHere are my sandals from your blog post. Had them about 6mths now. They are tuly comfortable. My back story on them is a friend was wearing them and I put them on to go outside because my shoes were lace up and his were more convenient at the time. I was in awe at how they felt and never felt a more comfortable sandal in my life. He offered to get me a pair and the rest is history.
  15. I slept with you one precious night And everything seemed to be just right For all the clocks seemed to stand still That night you made me feel a chill But when I think of the vows you made It only makes me so afraid To think that the joys that felt so right Was only just for one night. Written by me in my late teens. True story. Won a $50 prize for submitting to a poetry contest. Jamaica gleaner.
  16. Why are you so obsessed with this Solipsism thing. Be careful what you wish for, you might be the only one to get it....or not.
  17. I believe you; there's something to that. Everytime someone fucks with me, something usually happens to them. Not as bad as yours, but like losing their job, moving out of town.....I mean something where they can't fuck wit me amymore. All done without me lifting a finger or wishing anything bad happening to them, but I always find out.
  18. Humans are the only species that creates a problem out of everything. A problem just appears outta nowhere. Why be concerned about what to do, she isn't. Beats being a stage green weed smoking hippie.
  19. There's nothing off-topic about responding to an on-topic comment. You said women that sleep with someone once is a slut and I responded to that. It wasn't even someone else that made the comment, you did. You know what, I'll just leave you and your threads alone. I'll simply just ignore you. Don't like the way you consistently speak to me. Goodbye.
  20. Great example of turning non-duality into an ideology and into a belief system and made it into something personal that you are doing.
  21. That's a conditioned and learnt belief. There's no reason behind that that makes any sense whatsoever. What is a slut. Someone who has sex once with someone. That's the definition you gave. A person who has sex 100× with the same person can never be a slut? Think about your beliefs a bit more before you adopt them from society.