Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. This sounds good and all, but doesn't compute. What exactly is the NOW. NOW as in not one minute from now, nor a nano second from the point of when the NOW started?
  2. Ok, I see. At least you can see where my confusion lies. I guess my heading still stands as in we are all Awake; but because of the illusion of time, we are returning to that which is the case so we can awaken from the dream.
  3. Alone implies other. You can only be alone if there are others.
  4. So awakening is there for you, just have to become conscious of it and practices will aid in that recognition. Is that what you're saying.
  5. I didn't take anything personal, just showing you how your own rules can enslave you. "If I don't do the above then there shouldn't be frustration?" You said. That is so .........idk what to even call that statement. I couldn't care less if you think dressing a certain way is a bad thing or not and I'm sure the women that you're looking at and getting aroused by doesn't either. Just keep giving them the power to arouse you and keep criticizing and judging what they are wearing some more. Now, that's the dignity that you're so adamantly speaking for and will get you some rewards. I don't care if you wear women's clothing or not, that is besides the point.
  6. Ok, so since all dualities must collapse, then everyone is already Awake on an existential level.
  7. Ok God, thanks for the rules. The world revolves around you and the sweet little bubble you exist in. Don't be alarmed when it gets crushed and your house of cards and little bubble you have created for yourself starts to crumble and hit you upside the head when you recognize that all of these are just your own set of rules you have concocted and that the Universe doesn't care about them. These are just labels, ideas about things and circumstances that are irrelevant to anything and now you have become a slave to your own rules because now you will have to live up to them and react negatively when these situations are placed in your little bubble and will be placing your energy and attention to what you detest and now you have given them the power to have dominion over you. Just more things to become a slave over and for the mind to control you with. But, of course, you're not aware of this because you wouldn't be so proudly demonstrating how your own little bubble of existence has you under lock and key. Now let me see you go out and put these rules into place so they may not offend you anymore. Go ahead. Let me know how it worked out.
  8. Worry about yourself and how your progress is going.
  9. Why worry about not being able to take a dump when you're 80plus now. I'd be more concerned with how I'm living now so I'm still able to take care of myself now before worrying about what will happen in those respects after I reach a certain age. Lots of people at that age are still able to take care of themselves physically and die while still being able to. Old age doesn't automatically mean you can't still do those things. It's how you currently live and take care of yourself that may determine if you'd still be able to or not.
  10. I never buy teas in teabags. Most of them are filled with junk and the bags themselves are oftentimes bleached. They are a hit or miss..Loose teas are a better option if bought from a reputable company. You can simply make teas at home from scratch using a variety of ingredients. This one is a simple thyme tea with lime. Just gently boil fresh thyme in a pot with water for about 10mins (simmer on low). Let it sit for about 5mins more to allow for the flavor to meld and add lemon or lime or just drink as is. This tea can help to clear up congestion, aid in asthma and has a lot of medicinal properties.
  11. How do you know. How do they reproduce.
  12. I guess there's a right way to commit murder and a wrong way to commit murder. A right way to steal and a wrong way to steal. You just made a judgement by saying that anyone who says morality is relative is saying it to be true and correct. You just went into other's psyche and made a conclusion that they believe what they have said to be correct. Your statements are also contradictory and saying there's a right and a wrong way to do something is in itself a moral contradiction. nd
  13. I guess it's just because she has a vagina. Hmmm I guess when your wife get old, fat, has some stretch marks from child-birth and doesn't want to submit and cooperate with you because you're being a jerk, she'll get dumped for a woman with youth, beauty, physical fitness, femininity, submissiveness and cooperativeness. Sounds like love to me. Then you talk about Sheraseven who teaches women how to secure the bag. I wonder why she does that. Maybe because of statements like yours that leave the other loving women who don't have those things to the dogs. Listen sir, you cannot have your cake and eat it too. It's either you're looking for true love or a barbie doll because just the way your love is conditional, women's will be too, and at least they are looking for ways to secure themselves as opposed to some men just looking to screw hot submissive chicks. Don't hate on women the way you do because you are the ones who created this dynamic for yourselves without even realizing it and making statements as the one you stated above is proof of that and most guys will second what you said because I've seen it quite often. If women start to feel that when they get older they don't stand a chance (which is not true, btw, as it depends on how one ages and the person looking), they have no choice but to secure themselves in a way where if they get dumped for the superficial qualities you mentioned above, they won't get bitter and resentful towards their mates as much and don't have to worry as much about their security because they are not good enough anymore for their mates, because of their decline in looks. This is such hog-wash and is just a belief that doesn't carry any weight in the majority of the population in low-income/average income households where this stupid feminism shit isn't even recognized. The correlation between high-earning women eating more fatty foods and causing weight-gain in probably the most absurd thing I've ever heard in my entire life. Have you ever checked the obesity rates and notice it has nothing to do with income. If anything, it is related to poverty and the low- quality cheap foods that are available in low-income areas not excluding just about everywhere you look and available to the masses. If that's the only reason you're approaching women, then don't complain if you think women are manipulating men, because I'm sure you're not approaching these women saying "hey, i just want to have sex with you". You are engaging in manipulative tactics to get laid and using women for your sexual needs. If you say men are attracted to so and so and then turn around and say men have no other choice but to approach women, you have trapped yourself into this dynamic because you are indirectly telling those women who doesn't fit into your criteria that you're not interested in them and now you're stuck in having to approach the ones who you find to be attractive while complaining that the ones who don't fit doesn't approach. You see how you've indirectly created this dynamic. No, you're too busy finding faults and pointing out what doesn't align with your worldview in regards to dating while limiting yourself in the process. This is part of the problem right here. You are operating from a place of anger towards unsuspecting women and will be a victim to your own past circumstances and carry this over in every part of your life and make choices from this place of feeling resentment towards women if you don't eliminate this from your psyche and wipe this site clean and stop blaming women for your not-dating-getting laid past. The women of your future nor these women you had the pleasure of feeling resent and anger by were not the reasons for this nor did they have anything to do with it. When you derive pleasure from these things it will only hurt you in the long run because of the mindset you've developed and will lead to your own demise and feelings of guilt and shame from not embodying the energy of love and empathy. I will stop here, because I could go on, but reading your post tells me you have unresolved issues pertaining to dating and relationships, like so many of us do, but reiterating them doesn't help, and what is more effective is to try and develop yourself into the best lover and person you can become and to try and understand why both men and women do the things they do in their relations with other and to try and overcome these challenges with empathy and understanding instead of demonizing, criticizing and projecting your hurts and ignorance towards the opposite sex and to realize the perfection within the imperfect,
  14. That's a Leo's quote. He made a video on that. Doesn't mean all socializing makes you stupid. Discernment is the key here and it matters what type of socializing you do. This is just a belief. People can assist in your Awakening especially your loved ones. Why? Because they are an extension of yourself and you can use your experiences with them as a mirror to analyze your own state of consciousness. Being alone doesn't do anything special to help you to Awaken or not, all it does is isolate you and can cause you to immerse yourself deeper into your own dream. Having alone time is crucial for your development and can have positive effects but to say it is better if your priority is to Awaken doesn't mean anything.
  15. This book deals with trauma and how to find relief from it. EMDR is a powerful remedy which is also discussed in the book.
  16. This isn't true. If anything, it's quite the opposite. Go check out the gurus. Go check out these conscious public figures. Sadhguru was married, not sure if he still is, Moojii is married, Aaron Abke (not a guru as much but still conscious) is married, Sunny Sharma is married, and I could go do a search. It's just the ordinary folk who has a problem integrating the two lifestyles and think it's best at that time in their life. Or people who got frustrated with the opposite sex. Nothing to do with level of consciousness.
  17. There is nothing to be done. This will play itself out. Has nothing to do with high consciousness or not. Teenagers go through this all the time especially the girls. It doesn't even have anything to do with not attracting or being attracted to boys her age. Nothing to do with what any of you are associating this with. There is a cause, as with anything else, but it's hard to tell from the little we know about the situation. To the OP, my suggestion is to not worry about this to much and allow it to play itself out. The fact that you're here asking for advice for ger and on the situation tells me the teacher will not let this escalate, that is most important. She will get over it eventually, just a matter of when.
  18. I guess you're alone here too. Why bother write anything.
  19. You're not living as God, God is experiencing living as a human. Big difference. A cat is also God, can you live as a cat. Go ahead and try dressing as a man for a female stripper job, see how that works out. Don't conflict choices with what is.