Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. @SchizophoniaYou really should not be giving health advice. Most of the stuff I see you say are so wrong, and if someone who didn't know any better would think you really knew what you're talking about. @Osaidis the only one making any sense here. His points are very valid and I can tell he's fairly knowledgeable in what he's saying.
  2. @Max1993Interesting read.
  3. You are all appreciated. Thank you.
  4. I'm not sure what you're asking.
  5. You (the real you) doesn't have presence. You are that. You are everything. The "I" is just a projection. You are Aware aren't you. What are you aware of. That is your Reality. Stop worrying about enlightenment and wake up to your true nature as Source. The Source from which everything is appearing.
  6. If you think I'm sharing this because I'm just following, parroting and believing these things you are mistaken. Everytime i turn around I'm seeing evidence of who I am, of what I imagine myself to be. It's getting quite obvious to me at this point so I'm just sharing this because it's explained better than I can and some might say it's just a video, he's wrong, he doesn't know what he's talking about or whatever rebuttals you might have. One video won't change your life and I'm not trying to do that, I'm leaving this right here for you to explore and decide for yourselves and if it resonates; you will see more things start to align with what you resonate with and start to embody through your own light of awareness, because what you focus on expands.
  7. "What if" doesn't exist. Is there a what if in your presence right now? You are already all those things.
  8. The yes and the no is that it is already done. We have the freedom to choose the script we want to play, watch, experience or whatever it is; but whatever script we choose, the movie is already written (so to speak), hence no doer. Reality is forever changing because it changes to align to whichever script you choose. Whatever thoughts, beliefs and assumptions we hold as true for us and about the world Reality has to match that. You are Reality and there is no other so you are free in that sense to choose but we cannot rewrite the script because Reality is finished it is just expanding.
  9. No need to think about it, the proof is in the pudding.
  10. None of them gets resolved by focusing on them either. None of them gets resolved by calling them problems. None of them gets resolved if you don't change the identity from which they emerged. When I say identity I don't mean saying, before I was a broke person now I'm a rich person so let's see how that's going to work. We like to assume that everyone else is like us. That everyone else must think the way we do. That everyone else is watching gurus and burning incense and whatever else and everyone else is seeking to please the ego and its worldly desires. We can't understand that there are some amongst us who sees the world for what it is, accepted it, and now have freed themselves from those chains. I refuse to be the crab in the pot of boiling water. I refuse to be dragged down into mental hell like everyone else. I will continue to live my life with all these challenges, watching YT videos if I choose, burning incense if I choose, repeating slogans if I choose, meditating if I choose, because if I stop doing those things (not that I'm doing all these things but I'm pointing to something here), if I stop because they won't solve the problem, then I am saying something else will. Nothing wrong in doing whatever the hell we want to do as long as we see it for what it is. We came here for an experience and that's what those things are. There is no-thing other than what I give power to that can solve any issues. It will emerge from my awareness once I've changed how I see who or what I am because I am the source from which everything comes and I'm aware of that. I'm aware that there is no power outside of me. I'm aware that it's all being generated by me. So I can watch all the YT videos I want because I stand in my awareness and they have no power to change anything unless I give them the power to.
  11. We make up names for everything. I'm not saying we don't have unresolved issues, and whatever else the ego wants to claim. I'm not saying we don't suffer, I'm not saying any of these things. I don't know why humans love to defend their sufferings and prolong their issues and keep living in hell. You tell me from the Absolute blah blah but from the relative blah blah. Now what, you have rent to pay and bills to pay and girlfriends to seek and the body craves things and the car broke down and the neighbor shot your dog and all the lists of contents that we go through in life. I have them too. I can sit here and list a bunch of shit that i wish was different. I can sit here and tell you about my childhood, I can sit here and make up a story up on story why I'm scared of abandonment. I can sit here and tell you the ways I feel insecure, I can sit here and wallow in my fucking sorrows and make excuses as to why this is so and that is so. I can keep weaving that friggin' thread or toss that one out and start to weave a new one. I'm not denying anything. I'm not fucking saying life is not a challenge. I'm not saying everything is all peach deachy, i'm not saying any of these things. When these things emerge where do they emerge from. When we think about our problems, there is a space that lies between that thinking. It's either you want to live in a world where after one problem gets solved and another emerges and we just keep having problems after problems after problems or we say...wait a minute....enough already. Now see my post because I'm not going to repeat that. If that's spiritual bypassing, then I'll bypass. Lets clean up our mess, yes, let's point out what's wrong yes, let's suffer yes because there will always be suffering. BUT WHY SUFFER OVER THE SUFFERING. Instead of wallowing over our sorrows and keep trying to FIX things, why not try to show ourselves some love. Accept ourselves. We can start to do that be recognizing that the contents of our lives are just that, contents. There will always be contents. There will always be experiences. There will always be challenges. There will always be pain and suffering. All filled with different contents. Now, it's up to you to wallow in the contents or see them as forever changing and that you are not these changing contents or keep suffering and being enslaved by the mind. I choose to free the mind. It's not that I literally made that choice, but I've moved mentally from my old frame of being just a human to the recognition that it's all just me and that whatever I assume myself to be is what I am in that moment and that the contents of what I'm experiencing is just that - contents. Now I'm free to experience whatever content arises because I am not defined by them.
  12. What the heck is forced suffering. The word suffering isn't enough now we have to add adjectives to it. What is unforced suffering.
  13. No porn. Strippers aren't porn actors. I used to be an exotic dancer years ago. Strip club, dancing, people tipping then going home.
  14. Oh! That's a reflection of when I was a stripper with big hair and a customer paid to touch my ass and wanted his money back when the bouncer told him no touching. He scared the shit outta me, I was shedding blue tears. Hehe
  15. It makes me sad, but I'm coping.😒
  16. I don't know about Advaita. People are always telling me about Advaita when I say stuff like this. I've heard the term but I don't practice it or get into those things. I suspected I would get flack for this post but I didn't care, I wrote it to myself. I don't really care how many of you want to keep dragging yourselves into your hell hole but I sure don't want to keep deluding myself that my experiences and life are permanent and consists of substance. They aren't and they don't consecutively. My Awareness gives them meaning and my focus projects and my attention manifests. I'm not Spiritually bypassing either. There's nothing to bypass. My world is my imagination and I can imagine anything I want and so can you. Ok, so that's Neo Advita shit. That's what's not useful, calling freedom Neo Advaita. I say what's useful to me or not. Others will say wait till you burn your hand in the fire and start to scream like hell, you'll see whose free then. Then what! I scream, then what, I burn, then what I go to the hospital, then what, I'm in physical pain, then what, I heal, then what I go about my life, then what I leave this body. What do you want to tell me, that I must look outside at the world and determine my serenity from that. I must interact with people and hammer them down to please my little ego so things go my way. Yes, I will do all those things because of my conditioning and programming and temper tantrums. But guess what, I won't suffer for it. I won't look at the world in disgust and say it isn't fair because I'm not getting what I want. I won't go to bed at night worrying about how I'm going to get through the next day, I won't be traumatized and having to keep going to therapy for something that's in my head because I choose what to keep and make love with and what to discard. All of you can stay there and determine your life from what's going on on the outside and get attached to that. I'm not. It is insanity to get attached to the impermanent. Get sad yes, cry yes, be angry yes, be whatever but it dissolves quickly, not for years and years and years to the point of destroying my mental capacity to see the Love all around me and to feel presence that I am. Love you.
  17. There's nothing to agree or disagree with. I was stating my experience as you were yours. I just won't make claims that it's all or most because idk. I only know from my little bubble of consciousness, which is all there is.
  18. Your question is a bit broad. Could you narrow it down a bit. This space is quite broad as in nutrition, foods that heal, edible wild life, herbs, tinctures , natural remedies, homeopathy. So many different contents. Most websites, blogs, books etc., cater to specifics and niches even when multiple areas are covered.
  19. This was beautifully written. Took me on an inner rollercoaster ride.
  20. Funny 'cause I just let her out 5mins before watching this video and as soon as the video ended, I see her head peeking in the window trying to come back in. Oh my, I should have never mentioned that in my post, now I'm really gonna experience this hell hole. This is my definition of hell. Hehe
  21. That's not the type of party we're having over here in these neck of the woods. Not sure how those things work if they're accessible both in and out but the squirrels, racoons, possums and whatever else we have will have a feast. Oh oh! Here comes the fidgety cat starting, maybe I will just throw her out the window and move out. That's what imagination is for. There's nowhere to get in this instance; feel it NOW. It's you.