Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. No thank you. I just checked them out online. They have higher concentration of nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide than conventional ones sold here. I don't even smoke conventional ones here. I'll stick to my usual Spirits. Thank you.
  2. Body and mind are connected. The body follows the mind. The body doesn't act on it's own. Have you ever done anything without thought first. Watch what you eat and consume on social media, Watch your thoughts. Eat lots of brain food - walnuts, avocados, omega's. Google brain foods. Stay away from fast foods. Lots of fruits, vegetables , nuts and seeds. Listen to mindfulness content. Stop watching horror flicks and violent movies (at least for a while), get rid of toxic friends and don't gossip. Meditate. Go for walks in nature. Stop watching the news (most important or limit the amount you watch). Watch or read uplifting and motivational content. Always focus on the positive traits in people and stop judging yourself. When you notice doing the opposite, stop yourself and retract and flip the script. The mind will become accustomed to that pattern. Most important, go in silence for at least 15mins everyday.
  3. Nice, I will check them out online.
  4. Thanks for the French lesson.
  5. I just change my thoughts, Only time that doesn't go too well is if I'm already doing something that doesn't make me feel too good, so I just bear it. But if I'm just sitting there or thinking about something that doesn't feel good, I change the way I see it and move to another Reality in my mind. That's where it originated, that's where it ends.
  6. You're right, cause you're the weirdo I'll be imitating.
  7. You're not on the same frequency as Hugh Hefner was. He wasn't desperate. He couldn't care less about getting laid, it was all $$ for him and he wasn't desperate for that either, Stop making an ass of yourself and chill the f out and stop begging. The Universe doesn't respond to beggars, it responds to demanders. Demand not beg. Own that shit, it's yours. Say, Universe I'm so happy and grateful I got 10 strippers on my bed tonight, Universe why am I so lucky that I have all these sexy ladies begging to be with me, Universe why am I so blessed to be at the right place at the right time to meet all these sexy women who can't wait to sleep with me, thank you thank you thank you. Say this every morning and night, let it go and see what happens. You'll be thanking me later. You're waiting on that trip to a big city when that lay is waiting for you up the street, but you can't see her because you're too busy begging and crying. Your begging energy is so powerful you're begging and begging and begging. Thats the frequency you're putting out. You'll be begging forever. You don't have to move anywhere, she'll come to you if you command it.
  8. Maybe after a few days that option disappears. Oh well, a mod will assist if it's that important.
  9. Even up top, in green? It only says hide. I guess you can leave it.
  10. Don't get me started up in here 'cause my other side will get unleashed straight to a ban. You don't want to see that, now do you. It'll really get weird. Weirder than you can ever imagine. The OP would wish he never started this weirdo thread.
  11. I think where it says "Moderator's Actions" up top on your side.
  12. No free shows here, baby. This ain't no sex hotline entertainment show. Go to Vegas and ask them to entertain you and they'll exaggerate that payment all you want up to 100x weirder than you expected.
  13. Nothing fazes me. I'm numb. Hehe
  14. Are YOU sure you're ready for this.
  15. You're just feeling horny tonight. Either that, or you just got some. Hehe
  16. Sorry I came off so rough but you got my point and didn't take it personal. 💕
  17. Are you saying the realization that there is no "doer" becomes clear. How you phrased it suggests there is a doer but only before Awakening, after Awakening, there is none.
  18. Yes, I thought about that while writing my post that overtime the boredom or lack of motivation may or should dwindle and one will start to merge back into normal life as it becomes a way of being. I think the ones who feel this lack of motivation just have not learnt to integrate both sides of the coin. Nice assessment.
  19. Now, this is Powerful. Some amazing stuff. The Akashic Field is alive and conscious.
  20. Yeah, I think that's really what I was trying to say. People really feel unmotivated because they are not aligned with what they are meant to do. I agree with your statement whole-heartedly.
  21. Yes he has. Don't listen to everything negative you hear about some these Spiritual teachers because some may have personal gripes or unsubstantiated claims about them. Research them yourself and come to your own conclusions. Dr Joe Dispenza is well respected and has done a lot in this community; but then again, so was Dr Martin Luther King and he was assassinated.