Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. O Ok. So you're saying God is making choices.
  2. Ok, so you're saying that I chose to be born and will chose to die. Is that it.
  3. First, you are viewing success from a place of what your ideas of success means. What if someone is a happy cashier and someone is a miserable and depressed celebrity. You are asking different questions in the same sentence, so to speak because you don't know if Donald Trump is successful or not because all of that is based on what you're trying to achieve. A cashier that sets out to become a cashier is successful because that was their intention. Success doesn't mean having lots of money, it means achieving a particular goal that you set out to accomplish. Second, what makes someone turn out to be a cashier VS. someone who becomes a politician, I think is determined by energetic patterns. How that energy was manipulated and formed which was determined by a particular thought process and belief systems. Choices that were made as a result of previous choices and so on. If I end up at a particular place or doing a particular job VS not doing something else is a result of a causation of previous circumstances. Meaning: I'm at the grocery store because I drove there, why, because I got in my car, why, because I was hungry, why, because my bodily reaction, why, because of how it is wired why etcetc, you get the drift. So a cashier VS a celebrity, just trace the circumstances back, which had nothing to do with them personally because it all just happened.
  4. Funny how this video is the main topic of another thread. Both of you shared the video only on hr apart, it must be quite good. Have to watch. Edit: Just realized they copied this video idea to start their own thread for discussion. They saw your thread first, then created a thread for discussion on the same video. I take back my comment.
  5. Yeah baby! Eat me from a distance.😍
  6. I think the debate whether Solipsism is a thing or not will keep happening if people identify with their human bodies. Some say they are the only thing/one in existence and others are just NPC's as if they are human and others are not. You are not the only human in existence because you are not a human to begin with. You are appearing as this human from this One Universal Mind. So is everyone/everything else. You are a hologram. One hologram cannot know the difference between being holographic and another hologram. Two holograms interacting are unaware of their holographic nature. Your true nature is Awareness. I am aware of typing this, that's it. When you read this you will be aware of reading it, but that's just me projecting that. If you respond to this post, I will be aware of reading your response, but I'm still just projecting that. "When you read this" and "I will be aware" doesn't exist. When I see myself as Awareness, then all others are just projections. If I'm in a room talking with someone, who is doing the talking? No one. I am not talking to them, I'm aware of two people talking. I cannot say the other person is aware of two people talking either, because that is still a projection. Solipsism just means I, as Awareness, am aware. There is nothing outside of what I'm aware of. All others are within my awareness. Everything is within my awareness and if I'm Awareness then I'm everything, and if i'm everything, then there is no other.
  7. All the time, I swear. I don't reread my posts, most of the times, unless I have to, because I'm like, hold up, wait a minute where did that come from. You know, like actors who don't watch their own films. I have to almost always go back and proof-read before I send because I'm just flowing with ease and typos all over the place.
  8. Nice. Her #1 on the list, artificial sugars, is also my #1 avoidance. My sister used to run me down about the Splenda she was using after I told her what it was doing to her brain and body. She kept on using it and now she's pre-diabetic. I also don't do cow's, milk even though I think if it's been fermented as in kefir or yogurt it's not as bad, but still bad. Margarine is not even a food, it's plastic. I do eat meat even though I don't do red meat, only poultry, fish and some seafood. I'm just not as strict with my diet but certain foods I run from like artificial sweetners.
  9. Why should I trust this author's take on the Universe over any other author's. Just asking, since I am interested in reading it also.
  10. On a serious note, I love your post, and that is exactly what's happening. Congrats for following the breadcrumb trails. Now go back to sleep and pretend some more because it's no fun being God. God just wants to have fun - Cyndi Lauper. Even she knew. You think I'm being funny, right? It's in all these songs. You just gotta tune in and be turned on. Tuned in, tapped in, turned on - Abraham Hicks. I'm on a roll tonight. I'm celebrating wit ya.
  11. God might be testing itself. It puts itself in situations to awaken itself and when the shit hits the fan, if it responds a certain way that is not in alignment with how it planned for itself to awaken, it puts itself in other predicaments. It keeps doing this until it fucking gets the picture and alas, it recognizes the plan. I know cause I remembered what I did. It's all coming back to me now - Celine Dion. Even she remembers. Hehe, I'm so silly.....
  12. I'm channeling, it's my higher self speaking. I'm just doing the typing. Lol
  13. I'm just observant and noticed how you're responding to all the advice given. Even to my constructive criticisms. I'm not judging nor am I looking for any drama. I was just showing you that it isn't wise to constantly be rebutting people who might have your best interest in mind and could probably give you different perspectives than the ones you're used to when you come here desperately looking for advice as per your words in the OP.
  14. Here you go again. Rebutting people's responses. It's best to just thank people for their advice and maybe follow up with questions if you're not sure what their advice means or to expand on what they're trying to say, instead of rebutting. If you knew all the answers you wouldn't be here asking for advice. You even referred to his advice as an opinion. You're asking for help and at the same time, giving yourself advice. YOU CANNOT SOLVE A PROBLEM WITH THE SAME MINDSET THAT CREATED IT.
  15. You come across as being very cocky with your attitude. You come on here looking for help with your situation and asked for advice and this is how you respond. Seems as if you're not really looking for advice, just airing your problems.
  16. I like to keep the recommendations as it keeps the flow of videos I'm interested in. Lots of times I come across videos that i would have not normally searched for but are in the same category of my interests. I can ignore easily the shorts or videos that doesn't interest me so i dont think I need this feature.
  17. This video is very powerful and can actually change your perspectives and expand your awareness to much higher levels of understanding.
  18. @jimwellthanks for your reply. I do understand what you're saying and I see your pov's. Without getting into a long debate about this perfectionism stuff and going back and forth, I just wanted to share something in this video that I came across today. (you can watch the whole thing if you like as it's a very powerful video). I'm not sure how to embed the particular part I would like for you to hear but I'll just say it's between the 5:00 marker (with the most important part starting at the 5:40 mark. I will leave it up to you to finish watching up to whatever part you stop at. When I heard him say that at the 5:40 mark, I immediately thought about the conversations we've had in the past and, I never got this knowledge from him as this is the 1st time watching his videos. A lot of times I may repeat stuff from my head, not knowing where I got the information from and then I'll hear it again from somewhere else as if I was being channeled (no kidding). Shit just comes through me. So when you mention Advaita to me, I only heard the name before but never really knew what the teachings was until I search it or hear someone mentioning the connection with a particular teaching. As far as when I say there's no person there, i'm not even saying "no self" and going into repetitious "no self" ideology. What I meant was the same reason why addictions are so hard to quit is because it's a program running and we are operating from programs and conditionings, And in order to change, most of the time we have to change the program. Anyway, take from this video what you like and discard the rest or not at all. Thought I'd just share it with you.
  19. Why, your name suggests what the topic is about. How ironic.
  20. You know what, idk if this is true or not, but it sure does make a lot of sense when you see what is happening here in society and life, but only to a certain degree. When you see how structured and orderly things are, as in being able to predict the weather, how things seem to be in balance and how nature just flows, how we're able to determine certain things as personality types and behaviors and character traits also how a rose will always be a rose, it seems that this Source seems to have consistency in it's qualities and essence. So, it seems a bit mysterious; but at the same time, consistent in its nature and how it operates.
  21. I am not that specific and structured in my eating habits. I just eat what I want when I want, for the most part. Fortunately, I'm mostly drawn to healthier foods as that is who I am naturally. As far as nuts goes, I don't count how many i eat, I just incorporate them into my diet whenever I'm snacking or making specific dishes that they go well with. Like, the other day I went to a convenient store to purchase some water and I grabbed a bag of pistachios, which I enjoy eating at night when I'm on the internet and have the munchies. I put all kinds of nuts in oatmeal, salads, top yogurt, cereals and pancakes amongst other things.
  22. Somehow I never said that..." I sometimes do the same with tiger nuts" was schizo's quote.